Новый Человек-паук чит-файл №1

Modern Lizard:
Collect 30 Pages

Vs. Vermin:
Collect 175 Pages
Unlock Costumes:

Unlock Black Costume:
Complete the game with a 100% completion.

Unlock Classic Costume:
Download and start the 'Rhino Challenge' DLC.

Unlock Cross Species Costume:
Complete the game on any difficulty setting.

Unlock Scarlet Spider (2012) Costume:
Find the fountain which is located near the middle of Central Park. Then, go
north until you reach the middle bridge, which is directly at the center of
Central Park. If you look on the right side of the bridge you will see a
Spider-Man emblem.
When you take a picture of the emblem the Scarlet Spider (2012) costume will
become unlocked.
Unlock Big Time Suit:
Search Times Square behind the red bleachers, on the glass.
Unlock Original Suit (No Belt)
When the game begins, you will have this suit. Go to Peter's apartment and
check for alternate costumes. The original suit will be waiting in the closet.
Unlock Sam Raimi Trilogy - Classic Suit
When you register any of the game's DLC (including any pre-order code you may
have received) and you will unlock this suit in Peter's apartment.

Easy XP and Tech Points:
In Chapter 1: Oscorp Is Your Friend when you battle the S-01 you will earn
2,000 XP and 150 Tech Points for each kill. Each kill takes under four minutes
and you can keep defeating the S-01 as many times as you want to quickly level
up and max out your available skills.