The Amazon Trail чит-файл №1

**) Page #1 (**


Sound Effects and Music 2
MS-DOS Installation and Start-up 2
MS Windows Installation and Start-up 3

Getting Help 5
Using Shortcut Keys 5
Things to do in Belem 6
Starting Upriver 7
Canoeing 8
Exploring the Rainforest 10
Visiting Landmarks, and talking/trading with people 12
Fishing 14
Reading the Guidebook 16
Checking your Supplies 17
Working with your Guide 17
Checking the Map 17
Entering the Hall of Shields 18

Saving your Game 19
Loading a Saved Game 19
Turning Sound Effects and Music On and Off 20
Exiting from the Program 20
Changing your Sound Setup 21
Troubleshooting 21

**) Page #2 (**


A successful depends strongly on a player's abillity to read
information and make descisions based on that information. This requires
reading skills at the 5th grade level or above. Children who do not read at
this level can still enjoy playing THE AMAZON TRAIL'tm software program with
the assistance of an accomplished reader.


There are enjoyable sound effects and music throughout the program, and when
you reach a landmark you hear melodies that are based on traditional South
American folk music. The sound effects and music sound much better if your
computer has a sound card and external speakers.

The sound effects and music do not work if you run THE AMAZON TRAIL under
Microsoft Windows.


Follow these instructions if you want to run THE AMAZON TRAIL under
MS-DOS. See page 3 if you want to run THE AMAZON TRAIL under Microsoft


1. Insert Disk 1 into disk drive A(or B, if B is your only 3.5 drive).
2. Type A:\INSTALL(or B:\INSALL) and press Enter.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.


1. Type C: and press Enter.
2. Type CD\MECC\AMAZON and press Enter.

**) Page #3 (**

3. Type AMAZON and press Enter.

The program begins with a dream sequence. After you have played
the game a few times, you may not want to watch it. You can press
the ESC key to stop the dream and go on with the title screen.

4. Click on one of the buttons that appears on the title screen.

"Start a new quest" starts a new game.

"See Hall of Shields" is explained on page 18; "Load a quest" is
explained on page 19.


THE AMAZON TRAIL is not a Windows product, but it does include a .PIF file and
an .ICO file so that you can run it under Windows.


1. If Windows is not running, type WIN to start Windows.
2. Insert Disk 1 of THE AMAZON TRAIL into disk drive A(or B, if B is
your only 3.5" disk drive.)
3. In the program Manager screen, choose [R]un from the [F]ile menu.
You see the Run window.
4. Type A:\INSTALL (or B:\INSTALL) in the [C]ommand line box.
Click on the OK button.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions. When the installation is done,
you return to Windows.


1. Open the Games group. Then, choose [N]ew from the [F]ile menu.
You see the New program object window.
2. Click on program [I]tem. Click on the OK button. You see the
program Item properties window.

**) Page #4 (**

3. Type AMAZON TRAIL in the [D]escription box. Then, press the Tab
key or click on the [C]ommand Line box.
4. Type C:\MECC\AMAZON\AMAZON.EXE in the [C]ommand Line box.
5. Type C:\MECC\AMAZON in the [W]orking diredctory box.
6. Click on [C]hange icon. You see the message "There are no icons
available for the specified file. You can choose an icon from
those available for Program Manager." Click on the OK button.
7. Type C:\MECC\AMAZON\AMAZON.ICO in the [F]ileName box. Click
on the OK button. THE AMAZON TRAIL icon appears in the [C]urrent
Icon box.
8. Click on the OK button. You see the Program Item Properties
window. Click on the OK button again.


1. Double-click on the Games group.
2. Doulbe click on the Amazon Trail icon.

The program begins with a dream sequence. After you have played
the game a few times, you may not want to watch it. Pres the ESC
key to stop the dream and go to the title screen.

3. Click on one of the buttons that appears on the title screen.

"Start a new quest" starts a new game.

"See Hall of Shields" is explained on page 18; "Load a quest" is
explained on page 19.

**) Page #5 (**


The object of the game is to get some cinchona- a medical plant that cures
malaria- and deliver it to the Inca King in the hidden city of Valcabamba. If
you get the cinchona, the King will also ask you to bring some other items.

It is a very good idea to save your game frequently. See page 19 for


There are three kinda of help:

Х The on-screen help provides basic operating instructions, but is does
not reveal any secrets of success. To use the on-screen help, click
on the Controls button(the one with the computer disk on it), then
click on the Help! button.

Х The "Playing Game" section of this manual(the one you are reading
now) provides both basic operating instructions and a few
tips for success.

Х The "Troubleshooting" section of this manual, beginning on page 21,
provides help with technical difficulties such as installing the
program or getting your mouse to work.

If none of these sources helps, please call MECC Technical Support. See
page 29 for instructions.

Alt-G Save your game
Alt-M Turn music on and off
Alt-S Turn sound on and pff
Alt-X Quit the program

Esc From the dream sequence: Go to the title screen
Any other time: Go to the Control Panel

**) Page #6 (**


NOTE: The keys are listed from left to write. They are numbered because the
graphical pictures could not be displayed. i.e. the leftmost icon will
be number 1, 2nd number 2, and so on.

Icon #1 (Left Arrow): Start upriver. See page 7.
Icon #2 (Stick Man): Talk to your guide. See page 17.
Icon #3 (Belt): Check your supplies. See page 17.
Icon #4 (Map): Check the Map. See page 17.
Icon #5 (Open Book): Read the Guidebook. See page 16.
(EAR) - Hear how guidebook entry is pronounced.
See page 16.
Icon #6 (2 stick men): Talk to people. See page 12.
Icon #7 (Disk): Get help (see page 5);save your game (see page 19);
exit (see page 20).

**) Page #7 (**


Icon #1 (Palm Tree): Explore the rain forest. See page 10.
Icon #2 (Stick man): Talk to your guide. See page 17.
Icon #3 (Belt): Check your supplies.
1. Look at photo album. 2. See what you have
See page 17. collected for the King.
See page 17.
Icon #4 (Map): Check the map. See page 17.
Icon #5 (Open Book): Read the guidebook. See page 16.
Icon #6 (Fish): Go fishing. See page 14.
Icon #7 (Disk): Get help.

**) Page #8 (**


The health meter is at top of your screen.


You'll never run aground. If you get too close to the shore, your guide
steers you away. If you want to go into the rainforest, click on the
Explore button.


Point the camera to the left, center, or right, according to where you want
to go. If you see a hut or an animal, click on it.

The little disturbances in the water are either whirlpools or sunken logs.
Steer clear of them.

**) Page #9 (**


Х You cannot always see both shores. At some points, the Amazon is
more than 30 miles across!

Х There are more islands and tributaries than appear in the program.
The Amazon has ten tributaries that are at least 1,000 miles long.
One tributary, the Madeira River, is itself the fourth longest river
on the world.

Х There is alot of boat traffic. Canoes are a common form of
transportation, but they are used for short distances. Motorized
boats are used for long distances.

Х There are four basic types of rivers in the Amazonia. Each has its
own distinctive color. White-water rivers appear in the slopes of
the Andes Mountains. They are clear and pure. As theses rivers drop
into the Amazon basin, they slowly gather sediment(dirt) and become
brown-water rivers. The Amazon River itself is brown. On the south
side of the Amazon River, most of the tributaries are blue-water
rivers. These flow very slowly, and so the sediments in them tend to
float at the bottom of wide spots in the rivers. On the north side of
the Amazon River, most of the tributaries are black-water rivers.
Rotting vegetation turns the water into a color that looks like dark
tea. The vegetation itself tends to settle out in swampy areas before
it reaches the main rivers.

Х There are two seasons in the Amazonia: the dry season and the rainy
season. Each lasts about six months. During the dry season, skies
are clear for up to ten hours per day and rain showers are brief.
During the rainy season, skies are usually cloudy and heavy showers
are common. Water comes not only from rainfall but also from snowmelt
from the Andes Mountains. The elevation of the rivers can rise
40 feet ormore in the rainy season. Vast areas of the rainforest are
flooded, and navigation becomes more difficult.

Х The Amazon basin is about the same size as the United States(not
counting Alaska) or Europe.

Х Twenty percent of all fresh water on Earth- one gallon out of every
five- is in the Amazon River.

**) Page #10 (**


Click on an arrow located on the sides and top/bottom of your screen to move
in that direction.

Watch carefully! Sometimes a tiny movement will betray the presence of an
animal. When you see something, move the camera on top of it and click. If
you "get" it, you'll see a full blown picture of it.

There are a number of plants to be identified, too. Click on the vegetation
when you see something that looks promising.

When you identify an animal or plant, a picture of it goes into your photo
album. The photo album is in your supply basket. If you reach Vilcabamba,
the Inca King gives you credit for each animal or plant that you identify.
To identify something, you have to click on the Identify it button and
make the correct choice. If you find the same animal or plant a second time,
you don't have to identify it again.

**) Page #11 (**


Х Along the banks of the rivers, where there is plenty of sunshine, the
vegetation is very dense. That's why, in THE AMAZON TRAIL, you need
a machete to go exploring. You might think that the whole rainforest
is like that, but it isn't. At high noon inside the rainforest, only
1% of the sunlight reaches the forest floor. The rest of blocked out
by the trees. As as result, there is alot of open space on the

Х It's very difficult to see animals, especially ones that live in the
upper canopy. Only recently have scientists begun to use scaffold-and
rope systems to observe the plants and animals there. As many as half
of all species on earth may live in the world's rainforest canopies.

Х The Amazon is more a place of sounds that sights. You are much
more likely to hear an animal than to see one.

Х Considering how much vegetation there is, you would think that
rainforest soil would be very rich. But it's not. Almost all the
nutrients are tied up in the living plants. Leaf litter on the
tropical rainforest floor is typically one inch deep, and topsoil is
two inches. in temperate forests, leaf litter can be a foot deep, and
topsoil seven feet.

Х No one knows for sure, but there may be as many as 80,000 species of
plants in the Amazon, about 16% of the world's total. There are
usually between 40 and 100 species of trees in each two and a half
acres of rainforest. By contrast, most North American forests have no
more than 20 species in a comparable area. It can be very unusual to
see two trees of the same species in one area.

Х The entomologist (insect scientist) Edward O. Wilson once found
43 species of ants in a single tree. Entomologists are continually
discovering new species of insects in Amazonia.

Х It is very rare to see a snake, and even more rare to be bitten by 1.

Х Only 25% of the water in Amazonia ever leaves the basin;the rest is
returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. The moisture that is
returned to the atmosphere falls again as rain. If this cycle is
disrupted by cutting down too much of the rainforest, the rainforest
will never be able to regenerate itself.

**) Page #12 (**


At each landmark, there are two people you can talk to. Click on the talk
button (one with people on it). Some people provide valuable clues for a
successful journey.

One reason to trade is to get something you need, like a machete or some food.
Another reason is to get items that the Inca King wants. Here's how to trade:

Step 1: When you are at a landmark, click on the Talk button. Click on "Do you
want to trade?" If you see something you like, click on its name.

Aside from Cinchona, you never know what the Inca King might want.
It changes from game to game. So you might think that you should try
to get whatever you can. But there are plenly of things that the Inca
King doesn't want. By trading for an unwanted item, you wind up
trading something valuable for something worthless.

Step 2: Use the left and right arrows to scroll through your possessions. Click
on the item that you are willing to trade. Click on the item repeatedly
to increase the quantity.

Step 3: Click on "Is it a deal?" If the person accepts, click in "It is a deal."

The items that you get by trading are stored in one of the two places.
If it's something that the Inca King wants, it appears in the basket
inside the Supplies button. (Click on supplies button, then click on
Trade items button.) If the item is something the Inca King does not
want, it appears in the scrolling list of things that you can trade.

**) Page #13 (**


Х The pictures of the landmarks in THE AMAZON TRAIL do nto always
show how those landmarks look today;they convey a sense of how
the landmarks may have looked during the historical period in
which you visit. The pictures are computerized versions of photos
that were taken in the Leticia-to-Iquitos area of the river in 1992.

Х People speak many different languages. The official language of
Brazil is Protuguese, and the official language of Peru is Spanish.
There are dozen of Indian dialects;most are based on one of five
main languages.

Х Trading is a way of life, especially for the caboclos- the people who
lobe along the river. They commonly get things they need by trading
fish or items that they collect in the rainforest.

Х The Amazon's first human inhabitants- commonly referred to as
Indians- migrated from the north and reached the Amazon basin
about 10,000 years ago. The size of the population when Europeans
arrived in the 16th century was somewhere between two million and
15 million. Today only about 200,000 remain. The rest died as a
result of slavery, diseases, amd other disruptions to their
societies. More than 90 Amazonian tribes have died out in the
20th century.

Х Most destruction of the Amazon rainforest has occured as the result
of people trying to convert the Amazon's natural resources into
monetary wealth. A few people, such as executives of big banks and
corporations, do large-scale-projects- and most of the destruction.
Most people who move into the Amazonia, however, are very poor. They
move away from desperate poverty in other parts of Brazil and try to
carve out a living from the rainforest. In most cases, their
condition only worsens.

**) Page #14 (**


What should you do with a fish?

1. Keep it if you want to eat it.
2. Look it up if you're not sure what to do.
3. Release it if you think it might hurt you.

You can go fishing whenever you are on the river. Just click on the
fishing button.

Be patient and persistant. When you see a fish moving, follow it for
a moment or two with your harpoon. Try to position the top of the
middle prong of the harpoon on top of the fish. Then click.

You can return to the river at any time. Click on the arrow button.

You can change the length of time allowed for fishing. Click on the
Controls button at any time (you don't have to be fishing), then click on
your choice of times.

**) Page #15 (**


Х There are at least 2,000 species of fish in the Rivers Amazon. Many,
including some that you encounter in the program, are commonly
caught food. Many others are caught for the tropical fish market.
The best place to see fish markets in the river towns.

Х Different species f fish live in different habitats and water depths.
In THE AMAZON TRAIL, all the fish are mixed together.

Х Local people use a variety of methods to catch fish. Yes, harpoons
amd spears are used. So are nets and traps. Some Indians use bows
and arrows. Some Indians make a potion that paralyzes fish.

**) Page #16 (**


Х Click on the upper right corner or left corner of the book to turn

Х Click on the contents button to go to the Table of Contents.

Х Click on the Listen button to hear the name of the topic. The words
are from several different languages, including Spanish, English, and
Portuguese. They are pronounced by a Brazilian woman who is fluent
in Portuguese and English.

Х Click on the arrow button when you are done.

Х You can read about plants, animals, people, places, trade items,
diseases- everything that you encounter on THE AMAZON TRAIL.
Sometimes the guidebook contains valuable clues.

**) Page #17 (**


Supply Icon: Click on the supplies button to check on your supplies. It's
especially important to keep an eye on how much food you
have. If you're running low, you can trade at a landmark or
go fishing. The supplies screen contains two other buttons.

Trade Icon: Click on the Trade Items button to see what you have collected
for the Inca King.

Photo Album Ic: Click on the photo album button to see the plants and animals
that you have identified. In the Photo Album, click on the
upper left and right corners to turn pages.


Guide Icon: Click on the guide button to check in with your guide. The
guide can change your pace or rations, help you rest, and tell
you how you are doing.

Increasing your pace will help you get to Vilcamba faster, but
the stress of the fast paddling makes you more likely to get
sick or injured. Increasing your rations helps keep you healthy
but uses up your food supply more quickly. Resting helps you
recover from illness or injury.

Adios Icon: Click on the Adios button when you're done.


Map Icon: Click on the map icon to see where you are. You can also
move the pointer around the map to learn the location of the
different cities and rivers. If it turns out that you are
on a dead-end tributary, you can turn around.

**) Page #18 (**


Click on the interpret button to have the Inca King tell you about your
shield. Click on the mouse button when you're done.

If you make it to Vilcabamba, the Inca King will honor you with a shield.
You get a gold shield if you bring cinchona;otherwise you get a bronze
shield. The shields contain jewels that represent the number of animals
and plants you identified, the number of items you collected for the King,
and the number of people you met. The more jewels you get, the more valuable
is your shield.

Gold shields are eligable to be placed in the Hall of Shields. The
best eight are displayed there. Click on any one of the shields to have
the Inca King tell you about it.

After you have played THE AMAZON TRAIL a few times, you may decide to
remove the shields and start over. First, click on the Controls button.
Next, click on the clear Hall of Shields button.

**) Page #19 (**


1. Press Alt-G, or

Click on the Controls button (the one with the computer disk on
it), then click on the Save Quest button.

2. Type a name and press Enter.

If you type a name that is already being used, you will replace
the older game with the one that you are now saving. Click on
the up- and down-arrows to see a complete list of your saved games.

There are at least three good reasons to save your game frequently. First,
you protect yourself against an unexpected computer breakdown. Second, you
may not be able to finsih a game at one sitting. If you save your game, you can
restart it later at the point where you left off. Third, you never know when
you might drown or succumb to yellow fever or get captured by headhunters or
conquistadors. If you have saved your game, you can restart at the point
before disaster struck, change your strategy, and perhaps prevent the disaster.

Here's a good way to use the Save command: Save a game whenever you reach
a landmark, and type a new name for each saved game. For example, when you
reach the Xingu River, you can save your game under the name "Xingu." Later,
you can load a saved game to return to a landmark to talk and trade with
the people who are there.

You can also use the Save Quest feature to delete a saved game. First, click
on the game that you want to delete. Next, click on the Delete button.


You load a saved game from the program's title screen. Here's how:

1. If you are in the middle of a game, click on the Controls button and
then click on the Restart quest button. Save your current game if
you want to. You see the title screen.

**) Page #20 (**

2. Click on the load quest button.

3. Click on the name of the game you want to load, and then click
on the Load button or press Enter.

You may need to click on the up- and down-arrow keys to see a
complete list of your saved games.

If you decide not to load a game, click on the cancel button.

You can also use the Load Quest feature to delete a saved game. First, click
on the game you want to delete. Next, click on the Delete button.


After you have started the program, you can turn sound effects and music on
and off. There are two ways to do it:

Х Use the shortcut keys: Alt-S (for sound) and Alt-M (for Music). Hold
down the Alt key, then press the S key or the M key.

Х Click on the Controls button, then click on the boxes labeled Sound
On and Music On. An X in the box indicates that the feature is turned

If the boxes are colored gray, it means you have used the Setup
program to turn off the sound effects and music. See "Changing Your
Sound Setup" on page 21.


There are two ways to exit. Either way, you will get a chance to save your
game before you quit.

Х Click on the Controls button (the one with the computer disk on it),
then click on the Quit Amazon Trail button.

Х Use the shortcut key (Alt-X).

**) Page #21 (**


The program is originally set up to use your computer's built-in speaker.
During the installation procedure, you had a chance to change this setup. If
you want to change your setup after you install THE AMAZON TRAIL, you will
need to run the Setup program. Here's how:

1. At the DOS C:> prompt, type C: and press Enter.

2. Type CD\MECC\AMAZON and press Enter.

3. Type SETUP and press Enter.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you choose the No Sound option or the No Music option, sound effects or
music are turned off, period. You cannot turn them on while the program is


The installation Bad Disk Make a diskcopy of the program
program won't disks.
start. I get a "bad Х At the DOS C:> prompt, enter
disk" error mes- DISKCOPY A: B: (Where A: is
sage. for the original disk and B: is for
Х If the disk will not copy, then it is
damaged and will need to be
replaced. Call MECC Technical
I'm having trouble Harddisk problem You are having trouble transferring
installing. I get an data to your hard disk. Contact
"unknown error" your computer dealer for assistance.

**) Page #22 (***

I can't complete Lack of available Make sure you have 10 mb free
the installation. I memory on the memory on your hard disk.
get a message that hard disk. Х At the C:> prompt, enter DIR.
says I don't have The last line on the csreen tells
suffcient hard the number of bytes free. It should
disk space. be at least 10,000,000.
Х If it's smaller, remove some
unneeded files from your hard
disk, then try installing again.
I installed the Improper Install the program exactly as
program, but it Installation directed in the manual. (See page 2
doesn't run. for MS-DOS instructions or page 3
for Windows instructions.)
I was running the Not enough Make sure you have 560 K free
program, but it memory. random access memory (RAM).
stopped with an Х At the C:> prompt, enter
"Out of Memory" MEM /C. Check the largest
error. executable program size. The
number in parentheses should be
560 K or greater.
Х If it less, check to see if you
have "memory-resident"
programs loaded. If you do, quit
them and then start THE AMAZON
TRAIL again.
Х If the MEM command doesn't work,
you don't have MS-DOS version 5.0
or later. You need to get a new
version of MS-DOS.
Х If you turn off sound effects and
music, you can run on 520 K.
I was trying to run Improper Menu Exit the menu system. Try to start
the program from system the program from MS-DOS. If this
my menu sytem, installation. works, the program is not installed
but I got an "Out in your menu system correctly.
or Memory" error.

**) Page #23 (**

I'm still getting an Not enough Re-boot your computer with a
out-of-memory memory. system disk.
message. Х Create a system disk. (See your
MS-DOS manual.) Start your
system with this disk. (Keep the
disk in the drive, then re-boot.)
works, there is a conflict with
something in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or
CONFIG.SYS file. You can either
track down the problem or reboot
with this system disk when you
want to play THE AMAZON TRAIL.
My mouse is hard Incorrect mouse Х Make sure that your mouse driver
to control or not driver. is loaded. Exit THE AMAZON TRAIL.
working at all. At the DOS C:> prompt, enter
MOUSE. Then, start the program
A Mouse driver can be loaded
when you start your computer in
either of two ways:
1) As a device driver in the
2) As a COM file in the
Х Make sure that you have the latest
version of your mouse driver.
(Contact your dealer.)
Х Have you bought a new mouse
recently? Your new mouse may be
using your old mouse's driver.

**) Page #24 (**

I'm running the Sound effects & Exit Windows and restart the
program from music don't work program under MS-DOS.
Windows, but I when you run THE
don't hear any AMAZON TRAIL in
sound. Windows.

I'm running the Sound effects & Х Check to make sure that sound
program from music are turned and music are selected in the
DOS, but I don't off. Control Panel. Click on the
hear any sound. Controls button (the one with the
picture of a disk on it), and make
sure that the Sound and Music
boxes are checked.
Х If you still don't hear anything, or
if the Sound and Music boxes are
colored gray, you need to run the
Setup program. See page 21 for
I'm trying to run Х Improper Х Make sure that:
the program from Windows - Windows is installed with the
Microsoft Installation. required system RAM and
Windows, but it's Х Out-dated .PIF Video Driver;
not working file. - the mouse is installed and
correctly. active at the DOS level; and
- the "Working Directory" in
Windows is set for the program
Х If you changed the default
subdirectory for THE AMAZON
TRAIL when you installed the
program, you need to enter that
name in the Amazon .PIF file. Use
the Windows PIF editor to check
the directory.

**) Page #25 (**

I put in a new Out-dated setup Run the Setup program. At the DOS
sound board, and C:> prompt, enter
now I don't hear CD\MECC\AMAZON, then enter
any sound. SETUP. Follow the instructions and
choose the driver for your new
sound board.
I'm playing music Lack of sound- Unfortunately, you can't adjust the
and sound effects board. volume of your PC speaker. We
through my PC recommend that you purchase a
speaker. How can sound board and external speakers.
I adjust the Run the Setup program to see a list
volume. of the sound boards that work with
THE AMAZON TRAIL. (See page 21 for