The Legacy: Realm of Terror чит-файл №1

Initially I had a hard time finding my attributes because they aren't defined
in numbers within the game, but I began to look around in the directories that
the install program created. In a the sub-dir TEXT, there is another directory
called CHARGEN, it contains the initial information used when creating the
characters at the start of the game in an ASCII text file called CHARDATA. It
seems to be of this general configuration:

START Mr. Charles Weiss It was announced yesterday that an heir to the
Winthrop estate has been found. Mr. Charles Weiss of Bangor, Maine, who...
(blah, blah, blah)

2 3 2 2 5
1 1 1 1
0 0 3 0
1 1 0 0
2 5
8 2
-1 -1
Lucy Weston

All I'm concerned with at the moment are the lines below STATS. The first line
is your major characteristics, in the order of DEXTERITY, KNOWLEDGE, STAMINA,
STRENGTH, and WILLPOWER. So in this example, DEX = 2; KNOW = 3;STA = 2;STR =
2;WILL = 5. It's good to set those to at least 200, that will give you a large
amount of magic as well as health.
The next three lines are the individual attributes that are under the
MEDICINE, etc.) Generally if you set these to something above 10 (15 works
quite nice) you won't ever fail at the things that you try.

The next two lines represent the spells that you start with. They are
represented in the form of:
I think those are pretty much self explanitory. One thing though, you can only
have two spells at the start, so make it good ones (Wind of Destruction or
Shards of Annihilation are good attack spells), and make sure to use Elixir of
Health) I've included the list of spells in the game along with this file.

If you don't want any spells... use -1 -1, -1 -1, -1 -1 through the three
lines You don't really need a powerful attack spell in the game after you hike
your stats up, I was pretty much able to kill about anything with one hit from
my briefcase, although Sword of the Shadow kills alot quicker for the nastier

If you're already in the middle of a game and don't want to start over then
get out your hex editor (Norton's DE, PCTOOLS, or the like) for this next
part. A list of the hex offsets for the character's attributes follows:

STAMINA - 5,286
STRENGTH - 5,288
all breakdowns of those attributes are in even numbered hex locations 5,294 -

When your character gets low on health or magic(and he/she will!) the hex
addresses for your health are here MAXIMUM PRESENT

Health 5,262 - 5,263 5,264 - 5,265
Magic 5,266 - 5,267 5,268 - 5,269

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, flames... etc. Mail them to
me at: