(just some of the famous quotes from the game PRIVATEER)
********************UPDATED 02/10/95....VERSION (1.99999)********************
The "un-official" FAQ for Privateer......from Origin systems @
Created by....Rob "STINGER" Lordier
(only one mans opinion....of course)
This Faq is being done to help with the game from Origin Systems that is part
of the Wing Commanders series. It is a stand-alone game that is very similar
to other flight-sim type games with it own unique characteristics.
Immediate disclaimer: I do not work for Origin Systems...I just like their
games. Any copywrite infringements (real or imagined) are purely coincidental
and if anyone would like to contact me about any legalities....please, feel
free to contact me and I'll "make it right".
These words are my own....no one elses (if I use someone elses ideas or words
and do not already acknowledge that fact..... see above.^
****I would like to thank Hank Leukart for his guideance with this FAQ.*****
Ok, with all that out of the way, lets get to the point. :-) :-)
The most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the game Privateer
Hints, strategies, and cheats.
Game analysis.
News, updates....and general discussions
************ WARNING! ******* MANY SPOILERS DO FOLLOW *************************
Q. What is an FAQ?
A: It is a summary of questions that are mostly unanswered by either the
plot of the game or the manual.
Q. What is the purpose of an FAQ?
A: The whole idea behind an FAQ is to provide a single place where most of
the questions about a game, or whatever, can be restated and answered
in Laymen's terms, to destroy any confusion the can and does results
from playing a game, or whatever.
Q. What is Privateer?
A: It is a stand-alone game that is part of the Wing Commander series of
games created by Origin Systems. It is a type of flight-simulation
computer game with a few wrinkles. The basic idea behind the game is
simple, you are a "Privateer" flying in and around the Gemini system
(futuristic space) with many possible objectives in mine, depending
entirely on the "type" of Privateer YOU choose to be. There is a set
plot to follow, but you are in no way ordered to to make this your one
and only objective.
Q. How do you get Privateer?
A: This game has been out for some time, most "reputable" software distri-
butors either have the game in stock or can order it for you.
Q. Where can I get the FAQ for Privateer?
A: for now, this is it. The creator does not have access to upload to an
ftp site. If you have the ability, feel free....I only ask that the
contents be kept cohesive and the entire file become as one. :-)
Q. I am having trouble getting anywhere in this game, what am I doing wrong?
A: The game itself is designed to be difficult in the beginning. The one
thing this does accomplish is get you used to the controls. :-) This
may sound trival but what you learn early in the game sets you up for
the type of Privateer you are. Patience is a virtue. In the beginning
it is a good idea to check the mission computer for missions that
involve either going to or staying in the same area. For instance,
if the are two "patrol" missions in the Troy system, take them both,
that way you get two for the price of one. I highly suggest upgrading
your ship before you begin to jump around the systems. The Taurus is
not a great ship to run with/defend with/fight with. It does give you
a great feel for what lies ahead. Spend your money wisely, wait until
you can buy the entire Gemini map (not one at a time), join the two
Guilds (mercenary and merchant), upgrade sheilds and engines, get
better guns (lasers are weak), ...it's a jungle out there, prepare your
ship before you venture into the great wide open and don't forget, save
your game often!!!
Q. Is there a cheat for this game?
A: Yes, there are a few, see below under hints/cheats/strategies
Q. I have flown a mission and failed, now I can't seem to get back on the plot
do I have to start over?
A: Maybe. If you have a game saved before your mishap, just go back to
that saved game and press on. If you do not have a saved game you're
going to have to start over. Lesson to be learned here is ALWAYS have
a saved game as a back-up. (i.e. save often!) If you fail on the plot
missions you need to do it until you succeed. If you are flying a
"cargo" mission you must not land at any other base than where the
cargo is destined. You will lose the cargo. If you are flying a
bounty mission, you can make as many "detours" as you like until you
get the opportunity to go for it.
Q. Are some missions harder than others?
A: Oh yea, most definately. The missions at Oxford are extrememly tough.
The Exploratory missions are hard and killing the green drone is a real
hum-dinger as well. Some missions you can make harder on yourself if
you don't use the "right" strategy.
******* NEW The missions at Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Delta Prime are made
considerable easy due to a new and improved strategy involving
a technique of flying through astroids that is incredible and
relatively easy to accomplish (author has done it and is extremely
excited about it.....see below in "hints/cheats/strategies)
Q. I keep getting pummeled by the confeds, What did I do to deserve this?
A: You get the "good guys" mad at you by killing one of there own or one
of the groups they are allied with. It is called "aligning yourself".
The basic premise here is if you go out and kill, say, a merchant. The
Confeds/Merchants/Miltia, now become your enemies because they're are
allies with each other. You can "re-align" yourself by going out and
killing a number of their enemies as a show of good faith. The
Privateer Playtester's Guide says the ratio is something like 5 to 1.
In other words, kill a Merchant/Militia/Confed (even a Hunter I
believe) and you'll have to kill 5 or six Kilrathi/Pirates/Retro's to
make amends. The Kilrathi Capital ship alone is worth 10 to 15 regular
Q. How do I upgrade my ship?
A: RTM! The ship dealer is the place to go, but keep in mind, not all
bases have ship dealers (Pirate bases never have any)
Q. Can I play this game without following the plot?
A: Absolutely. That is what makes this game unique. Although flying the
plot/story is the basic premise...you can venture out on your own and
do whatever you like. You can even take a break from the "grind" of
the plot missions and do your own thing. Just be sure you finish a
plot mission objective (the on-board computer will show dull red when
checking missions while flying) before branching off.
Q. What is the best ship to fly and how should I arm it?
A: This really is entirely up to you. A good thing to keep in mind.. you
get what you pay for. Some guns have a better kill potential than
others but they take much more energy to fire. Different types of
missiles are used for different fight tactics. If you like to keep on
the enemies back then heat-seekers are for you. I you like to run
right at them then either friend or foes (FF) or Photon torpedoes would
fit the bill. If you like to dogfight and fly around a lot in tight
corners, then maybe the Image Recognition (IR) is for you. Whatever
you choose to do is entirely up to you. Some ships carry more cargo
space than others while some much faster than others. My personal
favorite is the CENTURION with all IR's and Tacheyons in front and
back. The Repair Driod is a must for any well equipped ship.
Q. Are there any add-on games for Privateer?
A. Yes. The only add-on (currently) is called Righteous Fire. You fly
in the same Gemini Sector with better up-grade capabilities and a
different plot line. Author's opinion...you liked Privateer?? get
Righteous Fire and get the feeling of immortality!!
---> (if you have the CD-ROM version, you already have the add-on....thanks
for the info...Chae Hon An)
**** See special note below *****
Q. I have the green gun..... now what?
A: The most asked question by a big margin. You obtain the green gun
from the Derelic base in the Delta Prime System from another ship.
when you get the gun, a strange new ship appears (the green drone) as
is quite a formidable adversary. The game does not show you what the
next move is. Once you get the green gun, go back to Rygannon to get
your money. Then proceed to any other mining base outside the Rygannon
system and at the bar you'll met an atache to Admiral Terrel named
Sandra Goodin. She will get you back on the plot.
Q. I'm having problems with my controls, the joystick seems jumpy, can this
be fixed?
A. Well, maybe. If you are running the game on a 386 computer you will
experience jumpyness with a joystick. On a 486 it is much smoother.
Apparently this is due to the requirement/recommendments situation
that is on the box. I have flown the game on both and the difference
is dramatic. I learned to fly on a 386, but when I flew the game on
a 486 it seemed almost unfair to me. I found it extremely easy to
control the ship on the 486 since I learn on the lesser model. The
game is really meant to be run on a 486. If you choose you can
contact the support people at Origin Systems directly and discuss the
control problem with them. They are very patient and friendly. See
below for the phone number and e-mail address.
Q. I've killed the Green Drone.....now what? Is that it?
a. Not really, you can go on playing the game and exploring systems you've
not seen yet. You can go off and hunt down some Kilrathi. As far as
the plot goes.......yes you are done (unless you go buy the add-on
Righteous Fire). You can start the game over using diferent ships to
see how they "feel". You can accumulate more money by running more
missions (real good thing to consider if you're thinking about getting
the add-on game mentioned earlier). The game is never "over"...there's
always another mission to be run. I'm still trying to find that
elusive hollow astroid that the Kilrathi used for their surplus guns...
no luck yet though.
Q. Are there any cheats in this game?
A: Hitting Alt-O will open a screen that allows you to test out the ships
capabilties without much fear of destruction. Unlimited ammo, joystick
calibration, invulnerabilty (GOD MODE) are a few of the options that
are available. Be careful when using this "cheat" though, if you are
either flying a mission (cargo or plot) and you go into this option
screen to save yourself, the mission is considered a failure and if you
are on a plot mission, you are basically screwed. You'll need to go
back to a saved game (hopefully you remembered to save!) and start from
there. Bounty missions are different, apparently they are unaffected
by this option (sometimes getting rid of a mission is good, you can
only "hold" three missions...not including plot missions). You can
get into this mode at any time, even while flying!
Q. What is the best strategy for fighting in the astroids?
A. Don't fight in the 'roids unless you have to! It's a wise privateer
that tries to fight enemies on the outside of any astroid field. One
technique that works well I call "throw out a rope". When you first
enter an astroid field, and enemies are in the area, hit "n" on the
keyboard and give yourself a destination that leads out of the 'roid
field....then go back to the battle. Try to communicate with the
enemies to draw them out of the 'roids for the fight. If you find it
neccessary to fight in the 'roids then go ahead and enter the field.
Try to concentrate on one enemy at a time and use your missiles/photons
to keep others at bay. If the battle is going bad, then just head for
the white crosshair....that's your route out of the field so repairs
can be made! Remember these things, you can fly around 250 clicks
through the field maximum and still have time to manuever around the
incoming rocks. Rotating your ship can be helpful too. firing on the
'roids will eliminate them.
This technique was presented to me by another dedicated Privateer
"fanatic" (I really wished I'd come up with this). The technique
is simple but complex to explain.....sorta. The trick is to fly
through the astroids as fast as you can while constantly moving
the joystick either up and down or side to side. What the basic
idea here is is the astroids move entirely in relation to your
ship and constantly manuevering doesn't allow the field to reset
fast enough to pose any threat of collision. It's as if the only
thing in the area that has gravitational pull is your ship. If
this object is always moving.....then so are the 'roids! I could
not believe it myself, but it really works. Just put the finger
on the tab key (afterburner) and fly like the wind!
**************************SPECIAL THANKS!!!!!********************************
Q. How do I kill the green drone?
A: When you are givin the assignment from Admiral Terrel, if you haven't
figured it out yet, you are to be the bait for the green drone. The
Confeds are going to ambush the drone in hopes of destroying it. Fat
chance, their guns are impervious to it. The only hope is your newly
charged up (by the Steltek you encounter on the way). Once you get to
the ambush site, and after a short formal conversation with the Confeds
the green drone will appear. The Privateer Playtesters guide suggests
the strategy here is to fire a few shot at the oncoming drone then turn
90 degreees to avoid its fire. It says to stay on its rear and avoid
direct encounters. It also says to avoid getting between the Confeds
(Commodore Reissmman and his buddies, a Paradigm and two Broadswords)
and the drone because they will shoot you down (friendly fire). I
think the best strategy is to get away from the Confeds and take the
drone on by yourself. It will follow you, always, so use it to your
advantage. A centurion equiped with level 2 shields can take a few
hits from the drone. If you have level three, even better. Only use
the green gun( the other guns are useless and drain valuable energy).
Line up with the drone and fire until your finger bleeds. Once you see
the drone's shields begins to drop, unload with missiles/photons and
you will destroy him.
Q. How do you get through the missions at Oxford?
A: There are four missions to run at Oxford. The first and the last are
the hardest. The middle two are "relativily" easy. This will discuss
the two hardest. In the first mission you are to escort Toth to Oxford
and protect him from the Retro's. There will be a total of five God of
Man Retro's to fight. Two in the frist wave and three in the second.
Your priority is to kill the Retro(s) that are going after Toth. In
the first wave...the second enemy you target is the one to kill first.
The first one you target is coming after you. Ignore him for now. A
good strategy I found is to RAM them. Your ship (hopefully a Centurion
or even a Galaxy) weighs more than the Retro's Talans so an impact will
destroy them.. not you. In the second wave, there are three Talons to
fight. Once again, don't go after the first ship you can target. It
is coming after you. You want the other two killed first. They are
going after Toth exclusively. Ram them, fire missiles/photons, shoot
at them, whatever you need to do to keep them of Toth. Even though he
is in a Merchant ship, he cannot take too much of a beating. Don't be
too concerned about the Talon that is dogging you. You are here to
protect Toth only. One thing to keep in mind. If you find that you
kill the last Talons just as the Merchant ships blows up....go ahead to
Oxford. You'll be surprized. I think because a Talon blows up faster
than a Merchant the mission is actually successful.
In the forth mission (another escort) you are to protect a Merchant
ship carrying a cargo of book to Oxford. You will encounter five
Talons again. Use missiles/photons to keep the Talons off the Merchant
again. Ram them if you can, if you get close to Oxford and the
Merchant blows up...look for the cargo of books and tractor beam them
on board. There again are two waves and the first ship you target on
is coming after you. Get the ones that are going after the Merchant
[I figured I'd better mention the third mission since I rated it pretty
high. You run into lots of demons. The best strategy is to try and
get off a few shots as they're coming at you. The Playtester's Guide
warns about a frontal assualt....and I concure. Those pesky Demons
have some nasty torpedos that can easily knock out even the best of
shields. Try to pick them off from behind (turret) seems to work well
here. Using missilies does a grand job also. They whole idea is to
not try to concentrate too much on one.....go after one until you do
some real damage then go to the next one! Ramming does help but don't
rely on it too much (these ships weigh more than Retro's and will do
much more damage).]
Q. Is the any money cheat for this game?
A: Yes, it involves using a debug command to get into the program to make
changes. This cheat was originally given to me by Toby Hauzeneder.
Begin a new game and buy some stuff to get a certain amount of
credits (e.g.: 1596 cr) (2000 is too usual)
Now save the game and go into debug and transform the number into
hexidecimal. (e.g. 1596 = 06 3c)
Flip the hex number (e.g.: 06 3c = 3c 06)
Search your savefile for this string (e.g.: 3c 06) and overwrite it
but don't write more than (ff 7f). Just write (ff 50) and it will
be plenty
The commands to use are:
1. debug privateer (debug sav.game)
2. D (to display the hexidecimals)
3. E (to edit)
4. W (to overwrite)
5. Q (to quit)
The following is a listing and my opinion of difficulty level of plot missions:
On a scale from 1 to 10.... 1 being the easiest and 10 being the hardest.
ERNESTO SANDOVAL (1) Get artifact as collateral
TAYLA A (2) Cargo mission
TAYLA B (2 or 3) Militia can be fiesty
TAYLA C (2 or 3) Same as before
TAYLA D (3 or 4) William Riordion can be thorn in the side.
But you get secret compartment. :-)
ROMAN LYNCH A (2) Seelig is by himself....puppy chow!
ROMAN LYNCH B (3) Tougher primarily because of astroids. Salman Kroiz
and his goons can be pests.
ROMAN LYNCH C (2) Afterburners...afterburners I say!
ROMAN LYNCH D (2 or 3) Don't be a sitting duck... move around.
E. MASTERSON A (8 or 9) Real tough mission. Dogfighting skills really
tested. Shoot quick....live hard.
E. MASTERSON B (4 or 5) Kill Black Rhombus fast. Ram the talons
E. MASTERSON C (8) Tough mission because of the Demons
E. MASTERSON D * (10+) Escort mission. Talons all over the place.
LYNN MURPHY A (5 or 6) TEN Demons?
LYNN MURPHY B (7) 3 Demons and 4 Centurions...geez!
LYNN MURPHY C (1) Land...not neccessary to fight.
MONKHOUSE A (3) Avoid astroids and mission is easy.
TARYN CROSS A (4) 12 Talons in all.
TARYN CROSS B (1) Garrovick is easy to kill.
TARYN CROSS C * (7) A silver tongue is essential.
TARYN CROSS D (4) See previous. Invulnerability can be used to get back
to base... remember to get out of it before you land.
SANDRA GOODIN A (1) Land at mining base outside Rygannon and you're on your
way. Use invuln. to get where you're going.
ADMIRAL TERREL (9 or 10) Kill the green drone. Use all your dogfighting
skills here and you'll be successful.
* had a change of heart, due to popular demand, this mission is ranked higher
than orginally posted. The silver tongue refered to getting to the system
without much damage, you'll need all your power to fight the cats!
* After careful consideration and deliberation.....I am convinced that the
4th mission at Oxford is by far the toughest mission in the game. (this
is entirely a selfish opinion, due to the most recent run through the plot
that took 14 1/2 hours to finish....2 1/2 hours spent entirely on this
one bastard of a mission).....If you make it through this mission, call
the family, take a picture, let someone know....you have "graduated" to
become a lean, mean, fighting Privateer!
Any additional questions/comments are welcomed and encouraged.
Origin Systems = e-mail: 76004.2612@compuserve.com
PHONE # (512) 335-0440
FAX # (512) 335-8559 (24 hrs a day)
BBS # (512) 331-4446 (24 hrs a day)
One last additional note: If you like this game, please consider voting for
it in the internet top 100....send e-mail to jojo@hacktic.nl with the word
"vote" in your subject line. This game has been hanging in the top 20 for
quite some time.
** SPECIAL NOTE: I'm currently working on expanding this FAQ to include the
add-on game RIGHTEOUS FIRE. I don't get as much time to play that game as
I'd like so any input is greatly appreciated! I'll give full credit to any
informative input. A chance to see your name in lights, how can you pass that
Yes.....I am still working on the FAQ for Righteous Fire....I plan to, if
not promise to have it done right after the Presidents day weekend....I have
run through the game 6 times and just want to be sure I leave nothing out.
If only you could all see the notes I have stacked up on the terminal about
this game. :-). Oh and BTW, there is a rumor Origin is working on a new
game......PRIVATEER ][ (yes, that means two). I am not about to jam the
foot deep into the mouth, or dangle a carrot out there and give any kind of
estimated release date.....I will say one thing, I have spoken with numerous
people at Origin and the game will be a reality soon. They are working on
it. I for one can not wait!!!!!
Life is a journey, not a destination..Aerosmith| "Taste Righteous Fire!!"
Definition of enough money? Just a little more!| ddm1196@dcsc.dla.mil Rob
Eagerly awaiting the new game coming out | aka = "The Stinger" OWNER of
(drum roll please) Privateer II (YYEEEESSSS!)| PRIVATEER FAQ stardate 0210.95
(just some of the famous quotes from the game PRIVATEER)
********************UPDATED 02/10/95....VERSION (1.99999)********************
The "un-official" FAQ for Privateer......from Origin systems @
Created by....Rob "STINGER" Lordier
(only one mans opinion....of course)
This Faq is being done to help with the game from Origin Systems that is part
of the Wing Commanders series. It is a stand-alone game that is very similar
to other flight-sim type games with it own unique characteristics.
Immediate disclaimer: I do not work for Origin Systems...I just like their
games. Any copywrite infringements (real or imagined) are purely coincidental
and if anyone would like to contact me about any legalities....please, feel
free to contact me and I'll "make it right".
These words are my own....no one elses (if I use someone elses ideas or words
and do not already acknowledge that fact..... see above.^
****I would like to thank Hank Leukart for his guideance with this FAQ.*****
Ok, with all that out of the way, lets get to the point. :-) :-)
The most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the game Privateer
Hints, strategies, and cheats.
Game analysis.
News, updates....and general discussions
************ WARNING! ******* MANY SPOILERS DO FOLLOW *************************
Q. What is an FAQ?
A: It is a summary of questions that are mostly unanswered by either the
plot of the game or the manual.
Q. What is the purpose of an FAQ?
A: The whole idea behind an FAQ is to provide a single place where most of
the questions about a game, or whatever, can be restated and answered
in Laymen's terms, to destroy any confusion the can and does results
from playing a game, or whatever.
Q. What is Privateer?
A: It is a stand-alone game that is part of the Wing Commander series of
games created by Origin Systems. It is a type of flight-simulation
computer game with a few wrinkles. The basic idea behind the game is
simple, you are a "Privateer" flying in and around the Gemini system
(futuristic space) with many possible objectives in mine, depending
entirely on the "type" of Privateer YOU choose to be. There is a set
plot to follow, but you are in no way ordered to to make this your one
and only objective.
Q. How do you get Privateer?
A: This game has been out for some time, most "reputable" software distri-
butors either have the game in stock or can order it for you.
Q. Where can I get the FAQ for Privateer?
A: for now, this is it. The creator does not have access to upload to an
ftp site. If you have the ability, feel free....I only ask that the
contents be kept cohesive and the entire file become as one. :-)
Q. I am having trouble getting anywhere in this game, what am I doing wrong?
A: The game itself is designed to be difficult in the beginning. The one
thing this does accomplish is get you used to the controls. :-) This
may sound trival but what you learn early in the game sets you up for
the type of Privateer you are. Patience is a virtue. In the beginning
it is a good idea to check the mission computer for missions that
involve either going to or staying in the same area. For instance,
if the are two "patrol" missions in the Troy system, take them both,
that way you get two for the price of one. I highly suggest upgrading
your ship before you begin to jump around the systems. The Taurus is
not a great ship to run with/defend with/fight with. It does give you
a great feel for what lies ahead. Spend your money wisely, wait until
you can buy the entire Gemini map (not one at a time), join the two
Guilds (mercenary and merchant), upgrade sheilds and engines, get
better guns (lasers are weak), ...it's a jungle out there, prepare your
ship before you venture into the great wide open and don't forget, save
your game often!!!
Q. Is there a cheat for this game?
A: Yes, there are a few, see below under hints/cheats/strategies
Q. I have flown a mission and failed, now I can't seem to get back on the plot
do I have to start over?
A: Maybe. If you have a game saved before your mishap, just go back to
that saved game and press on. If you do not have a saved game you're
going to have to start over. Lesson to be learned here is ALWAYS have
a saved game as a back-up. (i.e. save often!) If you fail on the plot
missions you need to do it until you succeed. If you are flying a
"cargo" mission you must not land at any other base than where the
cargo is destined. You will lose the cargo. If you are flying a
bounty mission, you can make as many "detours" as you like until you
get the opportunity to go for it.
Q. Are some missions harder than others?
A: Oh yea, most definately. The missions at Oxford are extrememly tough.
The Exploratory missions are hard and killing the green drone is a real
hum-dinger as well. Some missions you can make harder on yourself if
you don't use the "right" strategy.
******* NEW The missions at Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Delta Prime are made
considerable easy due to a new and improved strategy involving
a technique of flying through astroids that is incredible and
relatively easy to accomplish (author has done it and is extremely
excited about it.....see below in "hints/cheats/strategies)
Q. I keep getting pummeled by the confeds, What did I do to deserve this?
A: You get the "good guys" mad at you by killing one of there own or one
of the groups they are allied with. It is called "aligning yourself".
The basic premise here is if you go out and kill, say, a merchant. The
Confeds/Merchants/Miltia, now become your enemies because they're are
allies with each other. You can "re-align" yourself by going out and
killing a number of their enemies as a show of good faith. The
Privateer Playtester's Guide says the ratio is something like 5 to 1.
In other words, kill a Merchant/Militia/Confed (even a Hunter I
believe) and you'll have to kill 5 or six Kilrathi/Pirates/Retro's to
make amends. The Kilrathi Capital ship alone is worth 10 to 15 regular
Q. How do I upgrade my ship?
A: RTM! The ship dealer is the place to go, but keep in mind, not all
bases have ship dealers (Pirate bases never have any)
Q. Can I play this game without following the plot?
A: Absolutely. That is what makes this game unique. Although flying the
plot/story is the basic premise...you can venture out on your own and
do whatever you like. You can even take a break from the "grind" of
the plot missions and do your own thing. Just be sure you finish a
plot mission objective (the on-board computer will show dull red when
checking missions while flying) before branching off.
Q. What is the best ship to fly and how should I arm it?
A: This really is entirely up to you. A good thing to keep in mind.. you
get what you pay for. Some guns have a better kill potential than
others but they take much more energy to fire. Different types of
missiles are used for different fight tactics. If you like to keep on
the enemies back then heat-seekers are for you. I you like to run
right at them then either friend or foes (FF) or Photon torpedoes would
fit the bill. If you like to dogfight and fly around a lot in tight
corners, then maybe the Image Recognition (IR) is for you. Whatever
you choose to do is entirely up to you. Some ships carry more cargo
space than others while some much faster than others. My personal
favorite is the CENTURION with all IR's and Tacheyons in front and
back. The Repair Driod is a must for any well equipped ship.
Q. Are there any add-on games for Privateer?
A. Yes. The only add-on (currently) is called Righteous Fire. You fly
in the same Gemini Sector with better up-grade capabilities and a
different plot line. Author's opinion...you liked Privateer?? get
Righteous Fire and get the feeling of immortality!!
---> (if you have the CD-ROM version, you already have the add-on....thanks
for the info...Chae Hon An)
**** See special note below *****
Q. I have the green gun..... now what?
A: The most asked question by a big margin. You obtain the green gun
from the Derelic base in the Delta Prime System from another ship.
when you get the gun, a strange new ship appears (the green drone) as
is quite a formidable adversary. The game does not show you what the
next move is. Once you get the green gun, go back to Rygannon to get
your money. Then proceed to any other mining base outside the Rygannon
system and at the bar you'll met an atache to Admiral Terrel named
Sandra Goodin. She will get you back on the plot.
Q. I'm having problems with my controls, the joystick seems jumpy, can this
be fixed?
A. Well, maybe. If you are running the game on a 386 computer you will
experience jumpyness with a joystick. On a 486 it is much smoother.
Apparently this is due to the requirement/recommendments situation
that is on the box. I have flown the game on both and the difference
is dramatic. I learned to fly on a 386, but when I flew the game on
a 486 it seemed almost unfair to me. I found it extremely easy to
control the ship on the 486 since I learn on the lesser model. The
game is really meant to be run on a 486. If you choose you can
contact the support people at Origin Systems directly and discuss the
control problem with them. They are very patient and friendly. See
below for the phone number and e-mail address.
Q. I've killed the Green Drone.....now what? Is that it?
a. Not really, you can go on playing the game and exploring systems you've
not seen yet. You can go off and hunt down some Kilrathi. As far as
the plot goes.......yes you are done (unless you go buy the add-on
Righteous Fire). You can start the game over using diferent ships to
see how they "feel". You can accumulate more money by running more
missions (real good thing to consider if you're thinking about getting
the add-on game mentioned earlier). The game is never "over"...there's
always another mission to be run. I'm still trying to find that
elusive hollow astroid that the Kilrathi used for their surplus guns...
no luck yet though.
Q. Are there any cheats in this game?
A: Hitting Alt-O will open a screen that allows you to test out the ships
capabilties without much fear of destruction. Unlimited ammo, joystick
calibration, invulnerabilty (GOD MODE) are a few of the options that
are available. Be careful when using this "cheat" though, if you are
either flying a mission (cargo or plot) and you go into this option
screen to save yourself, the mission is considered a failure and if you
are on a plot mission, you are basically screwed. You'll need to go
back to a saved game (hopefully you remembered to save!) and start from
there. Bounty missions are different, apparently they are unaffected
by this option (sometimes getting rid of a mission is good, you can
only "hold" three missions...not including plot missions). You can
get into this mode at any time, even while flying!
Q. What is the best strategy for fighting in the astroids?
A. Don't fight in the 'roids unless you have to! It's a wise privateer
that tries to fight enemies on the outside of any astroid field. One
technique that works well I call "throw out a rope". When you first
enter an astroid field, and enemies are in the area, hit "n" on the
keyboard and give yourself a destination that leads out of the 'roid
field....then go back to the battle. Try to communicate with the
enemies to draw them out of the 'roids for the fight. If you find it
neccessary to fight in the 'roids then go ahead and enter the field.
Try to concentrate on one enemy at a time and use your missiles/photons
to keep others at bay. If the battle is going bad, then just head for
the white crosshair....that's your route out of the field so repairs
can be made! Remember these things, you can fly around 250 clicks
through the field maximum and still have time to manuever around the
incoming rocks. Rotating your ship can be helpful too. firing on the
'roids will eliminate them.
This technique was presented to me by another dedicated Privateer
"fanatic" (I really wished I'd come up with this). The technique
is simple but complex to explain.....sorta. The trick is to fly
through the astroids as fast as you can while constantly moving
the joystick either up and down or side to side. What the basic
idea here is is the astroids move entirely in relation to your
ship and constantly manuevering doesn't allow the field to reset
fast enough to pose any threat of collision. It's as if the only
thing in the area that has gravitational pull is your ship. If
this object is always moving.....then so are the 'roids! I could
not believe it myself, but it really works. Just put the finger
on the tab key (afterburner) and fly like the wind!
**************************SPECIAL THANKS!!!!!********************************
Q. How do I kill the green drone?
A: When you are givin the assignment from Admiral Terrel, if you haven't
figured it out yet, you are to be the bait for the green drone. The
Confeds are going to ambush the drone in hopes of destroying it. Fat
chance, their guns are impervious to it. The only hope is your newly
charged up (by the Steltek you encounter on the way). Once you get to
the ambush site, and after a short formal conversation with the Confeds
the green drone will appear. The Privateer Playtesters guide suggests
the strategy here is to fire a few shot at the oncoming drone then turn
90 degreees to avoid its fire. It says to stay on its rear and avoid
direct encounters. It also says to avoid getting between the Confeds
(Commodore Reissmman and his buddies, a Paradigm and two Broadswords)
and the drone because they will shoot you down (friendly fire). I
think the best strategy is to get away from the Confeds and take the
drone on by yourself. It will follow you, always, so use it to your
advantage. A centurion equiped with level 2 shields can take a few
hits from the drone. If you have level three, even better. Only use
the green gun( the other guns are useless and drain valuable energy).
Line up with the drone and fire until your finger bleeds. Once you see
the drone's shields begins to drop, unload with missiles/photons and
you will destroy him.
Q. How do you get through the missions at Oxford?
A: There are four missions to run at Oxford. The first and the last are
the hardest. The middle two are "relativily" easy. This will discuss
the two hardest. In the first mission you are to escort Toth to Oxford
and protect him from the Retro's. There will be a total of five God of
Man Retro's to fight. Two in the frist wave and three in the second.
Your priority is to kill the Retro(s) that are going after Toth. In
the first wave...the second enemy you target is the one to kill first.
The first one you target is coming after you. Ignore him for now. A
good strategy I found is to RAM them. Your ship (hopefully a Centurion
or even a Galaxy) weighs more than the Retro's Talans so an impact will
destroy them.. not you. In the second wave, there are three Talons to
fight. Once again, don't go after the first ship you can target. It
is coming after you. You want the other two killed first. They are
going after Toth exclusively. Ram them, fire missiles/photons, shoot
at them, whatever you need to do to keep them of Toth. Even though he
is in a Merchant ship, he cannot take too much of a beating. Don't be
too concerned about the Talon that is dogging you. You are here to
protect Toth only. One thing to keep in mind. If you find that you
kill the last Talons just as the Merchant ships blows up....go ahead to
Oxford. You'll be surprized. I think because a Talon blows up faster
than a Merchant the mission is actually successful.
In the forth mission (another escort) you are to protect a Merchant
ship carrying a cargo of book to Oxford. You will encounter five
Talons again. Use missiles/photons to keep the Talons off the Merchant
again. Ram them if you can, if you get close to Oxford and the
Merchant blows up...look for the cargo of books and tractor beam them
on board. There again are two waves and the first ship you target on
is coming after you. Get the ones that are going after the Merchant
[I figured I'd better mention the third mission since I rated it pretty
high. You run into lots of demons. The best strategy is to try and
get off a few shots as they're coming at you. The Playtester's Guide
warns about a frontal assualt....and I concure. Those pesky Demons
have some nasty torpedos that can easily knock out even the best of
shields. Try to pick them off from behind (turret) seems to work well
here. Using missilies does a grand job also. They whole idea is to
not try to concentrate too much on one.....go after one until you do
some real damage then go to the next one! Ramming does help but don't
rely on it too much (these ships weigh more than Retro's and will do
much more damage).]
Q. Is the any money cheat for this game?
A: Yes, it involves using a debug command to get into the program to make
changes. This cheat was originally given to me by Toby Hauzeneder.
Begin a new game and buy some stuff to get a certain amount of
credits (e.g.: 1596 cr) (2000 is too usual)
Now save the game and go into debug and transform the number into
hexidecimal. (e.g. 1596 = 06 3c)
Flip the hex number (e.g.: 06 3c = 3c 06)
Search your savefile for this string (e.g.: 3c 06) and overwrite it
but don't write more than (ff 7f). Just write (ff 50) and it will
be plenty
The commands to use are:
1. debug privateer (debug sav.game)
2. D (to display the hexidecimals)
3. E (to edit)
4. W (to overwrite)
5. Q (to quit)
The following is a listing and my opinion of difficulty level of plot missions:
On a scale from 1 to 10.... 1 being the easiest and 10 being the hardest.
ERNESTO SANDOVAL (1) Get artifact as collateral
TAYLA A (2) Cargo mission
TAYLA B (2 or 3) Militia can be fiesty
TAYLA C (2 or 3) Same as before
TAYLA D (3 or 4) William Riordion can be thorn in the side.
But you get secret compartment. :-)
ROMAN LYNCH A (2) Seelig is by himself....puppy chow!
ROMAN LYNCH B (3) Tougher primarily because of astroids. Salman Kroiz
and his goons can be pests.
ROMAN LYNCH C (2) Afterburners...afterburners I say!
ROMAN LYNCH D (2 or 3) Don't be a sitting duck... move around.
E. MASTERSON A (8 or 9) Real tough mission. Dogfighting skills really
tested. Shoot quick....live hard.
E. MASTERSON B (4 or 5) Kill Black Rhombus fast. Ram the talons
E. MASTERSON C (8) Tough mission because of the Demons
E. MASTERSON D * (10+) Escort mission. Talons all over the place.
LYNN MURPHY A (5 or 6) TEN Demons?
LYNN MURPHY B (7) 3 Demons and 4 Centurions...geez!
LYNN MURPHY C (1) Land...not neccessary to fight.
MONKHOUSE A (3) Avoid astroids and mission is easy.
TARYN CROSS A (4) 12 Talons in all.
TARYN CROSS B (1) Garrovick is easy to kill.
TARYN CROSS C * (7) A silver tongue is essential.
TARYN CROSS D (4) See previous. Invulnerability can be used to get back
to base... remember to get out of it before you land.
SANDRA GOODIN A (1) Land at mining base outside Rygannon and you're on your
way. Use invuln. to get where you're going.
ADMIRAL TERREL (9 or 10) Kill the green drone. Use all your dogfighting
skills here and you'll be successful.
* had a change of heart, due to popular demand, this mission is ranked higher
than orginally posted. The silver tongue refered to getting to the system
without much damage, you'll need all your power to fight the cats!
* After careful consideration and deliberation.....I am convinced that the
4th mission at Oxford is by far the toughest mission in the game. (this
is entirely a selfish opinion, due to the most recent run through the plot
that took 14 1/2 hours to finish....2 1/2 hours spent entirely on this
one bastard of a mission).....If you make it through this mission, call
the family, take a picture, let someone know....you have "graduated" to
become a lean, mean, fighting Privateer!
Any additional questions/comments are welcomed and encouraged.
Origin Systems = e-mail: 76004.2612@compuserve.com
PHONE # (512) 335-0440
FAX # (512) 335-8559 (24 hrs a day)
BBS # (512) 331-4446 (24 hrs a day)
One last additional note: If you like this game, please consider voting for
it in the internet top 100....send e-mail to jojo@hacktic.nl with the word
"vote" in your subject line. This game has been hanging in the top 20 for
quite some time.
** SPECIAL NOTE: I'm currently working on expanding this FAQ to include the
add-on game RIGHTEOUS FIRE. I don't get as much time to play that game as
I'd like so any input is greatly appreciated! I'll give full credit to any
informative input. A chance to see your name in lights, how can you pass that
Yes.....I am still working on the FAQ for Righteous Fire....I plan to, if
not promise to have it done right after the Presidents day weekend....I have
run through the game 6 times and just want to be sure I leave nothing out.
If only you could all see the notes I have stacked up on the terminal about
this game. :-). Oh and BTW, there is a rumor Origin is working on a new
game......PRIVATEER ][ (yes, that means two). I am not about to jam the
foot deep into the mouth, or dangle a carrot out there and give any kind of
estimated release date.....I will say one thing, I have spoken with numerous
people at Origin and the game will be a reality soon. They are working on
it. I for one can not wait!!!!!
Life is a journey, not a destination..Aerosmith| "Taste Righteous Fire!!"
Definition of enough money? Just a little more!| ddm1196@dcsc.dla.mil Rob
Eagerly awaiting the new game coming out | aka = "The Stinger" OWNER of
(drum roll please) Privateer II (YYEEEESSSS!)| PRIVATEER FAQ stardate 0210.95