******************************************************************************* Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Engineer FAQ, ver. 1.11 Copyright 2003 John Roberts The only places this file should be is GameFAQS, www.gamefaqs.com and DLH.Net, http://dlh.net
For questions, suggestions, alternate strategies, e-mail thesisko17hotmailcom
1. General Info 2. Engineer Experience and Rewards 3. Weapons and Special items 3A. Hotkey 4 - Grenades 3B. Hotkey 5 - Pliers 3C. Hotkey 6 - Dynamite 3D. Hotkey 7 - Landmines 4. Tips for the class 5. Map Strategies: 5a. Seawall 5b. Gold Rush 5c. Radar 5d. Oasis 5e. Railgun 5f. Fuel Dump
Key terms & abbreviations: CQC = Close Quarters Combat CP = Command Post SMG = Sub-Machine Gun (i.e. Thompson and MP40) FO = Field Ops
1. General Info
Engineers have two primary functions; contruction and demolition. Constructable and destroyable objectives vary from map to map, but will always include at least one command post, and one emplaced MG. On the Allied side, the Engineer is the single most important class. The Allies cannot win any map other than Railgun without an Engineer. As an Allied engineer, you should always be moving. Buildable and destroyable objectives should always be your goal. There are certain situations where this is not true, and those will be outlined in the Map Strategies section later.
Axis engineers are less vital, but still very neccasary. If the Allies are doing thier jobs, the Axis wil need engineers to defuse dynamite and destroy Allied buildables. An Axis Covert Op/Engineer team can harras the Allies at a shared command post, which has a great demoralizing effect on the enemy.
2. Engineer Experience and Rewards
Engineers gain experience by building or destroying objectives including vehicles, and by killing with dynamite, landmines, or rifle grenades. Engineers earn: 3 XP for repairing a vehicle or MG. 5 XP for a 50% of Power Bar objective such as destroying a CP. 7.5XP for a 100% Power Bar objective like repairing a tank. 10 XP for destroying an Objective like the Fuel Dump, Anti-Tank guns, etc. 3 XP for a Rifle Grenade kill. 4 XP for a Land Mine or Dynamite kill. 4 XP for defusing an enemy Land Mine. 6 XP for defusing enemy Dynamite.
The rewards for Engineering levels are:
Level 1: Improved use of Explosive Ammunition Loadout includes four extra Rifle Grenade rounds and four extra Hand Grenades.
Level 2: Improved Dexterity Arming and defusing Land Mines and Dynamite takes half the time.
Level 3: Improved Construction and Destruction All Engineer special abilities take 1/3 less power bar.
Engineering Level 4: Issued Flak Jacket The Flak Jacket makes you take 50% damage from explosive ordnance, including Mines, Dynamite, grenades, PanzerFaust, and artillery.
3. Weapons and Special items
Engineers can choose from a limited loadout; Either the standard SMG or a single-shot rifle with grenade launching capabilities. The SMG (Thompson or MP-40) is a straight forward sub-machine gun, both have a 30 round clip, similar rate of fire, and equal damage. The SMG is the weapon of choice for most engineers, as it is The best for CQ combat, which the engineer is very likely to encounter while doing his job. The grenade rifles are a bit tricky to use, but are deadly in the hands of a skilled player. If you choose the grenade rifle, do not attempt to engage SMG users in melee combat. Hang back in the lines, and wait for the opportunity to fire a rifle grenade or to rush the objective. Keep in mind however that the Garand and K43 are the same rifles as the sniper rifles, and do as much damage. This means that if you can develop the skill to use them in close quarters, you will be very deadly. This is not an easy skill to aquire, and not one you should attempt until you are very comfortable in CQC.
SPecial Items
These are the tools of the trade, the items you need to get the job done.
3A. Hotkey 4 - Grenades EVery class has Grenades on hotkey 4, but the engineer has the most, and can put them to the best use. A green engineer will have only 4, still enough to disable a tank. A level 1 engineer will have 8 grenades to use. These can be used to suppress an entrance after planting dynamite, to disable vehicles, and to clear areas packed with enemies. The most important thing about grenades is the ability to "cook" them. When you have grenades selected and press the fire button, a 5-second countdown starts. You can hold the grenade for 4 seconds, then release the button, cuasing the grenade to explode 1 second after release. Timing the release of grenades effectively will increase your proficiency at medium to close range remarkably, but is again not a skill to attempt until very comfortable with CQC.
3B. Hotkey 5 - Pliers These are used to construct objectives, and to arm/defuse explosives, including mines. Thier operation is straight forward, when the appropriate icon is on the screen, pressing and holding the attack button will cause you to build or arm/defuse the objective/explosive you are looking at. As you learn the maps, you will begin to recognise good places to put mines, and places the enemy likes to put them. One of the most important (and most often overlooked) skills of the engineer is the ablilty to defuse landmines. When you are moving into an area that is likely to have mines, move in short bursts. if you hear the tell-tale hissing of a mine, STOP! and get out the pliers. Mines will not explode until you move off them, so as long as you dont move, you can defuse the mne, live, and get 4 XP in the bargain. This skill should be practised from day one.
3C. Hotkey 6 - Dynamite There are usually several places in each map where dynamite can be used. Generally these open new areas to the Allies, or are the final map objectives. Secondary objectives such as the Foot Bridge on Fuel Dump, the Assualt Ramp on Seawall Battery, and Command Posts can be dynamited, but should instead be destroyed by a Covert Ops satchel charge. Setting dynamite can be tricky to new players, but its very easy. Press 6 to select the dynamite, fire to throw it down. Now WAIT! just a second, and you will switch to the pliers automatically, press and hold fire to arm. At level 3 and above, you can easily set 2 dynamites in a row, and always should.
3D. Hotkey 7 - Landmines Mines. WHere to start? These are very useful, but can be very bad if used incorrectly. Setting them is the same as dynamite. They can only be set outside on non-paved ground, i.e. most of the map. Far more important is the placement of the mines. Your teammates can see them, but will frequently trigger them anyway. I believe this is partly becuase some players just dont care, some dont know that the flags will kill them, and sometimes the engineer just puts hem in a bad place. Actually, I think its the engineer's fault most of the time. There are places in each map that are well traveled by both teams. As enticing as it seems, you must avoid these places. Your teammates will not appreciate having to navigate around your mines, and if a firefight breaks out, you will have hindered your team greatly. There are also places that are well travelled by one side but not the other. These are the places you must go for selectively, and are documented by map in the Map Strategies section below. Then there are the places where it is expected that you will lay mines. Keep these places in mind, and restock the mines should they be triggered. Always be aware of how many mines are laid and where. Use the command map, and keep in mind that a maximum of 10 mines can be laid at once.
4. Tips for the class
4a. Misc Tips At level 3 and above, always set 2 dynamites on an objective. Use grenades to disable vehicles. Do not rush to the front when assaulting an objective. If entrance is gained to an enemy base, make immediatly for the primary objective. Do NOT destroy any secondary objectives along the way.
5. Map Strategies: These strategies are broken down into Axis and Allied Engineer strategies. They assume you are playing from the start of the match. They are based on my personal experience playing an Engineer, and assume you have a basic knowledge of the map locations and objectives.
5A. Seawall Battery As Allies, your first objective is the Beach MG. After that, it is the Assault Ramp. There is really nowhere else an Allied engineer should be at the start, except possibly building the Command Post. If you do build the post, you should then immediatly go for the ramp. You WILL die alot doing this, but you must persist. Eventually the ramp wil be built. If the Axis have a good Covert Ops, it will likely be destroyed very quickly after it is built. Counter this by having your Field Ops throw an airstrike onto the upper beach a bit before the ramp is built, and by having teammates keep suppressive fire at the top of the ramp. The beach MG is great for this. The question of smoke is more complicated here than elsewhere. while smoke will certainly make the ramp easier to build, it makes it equally easy for the Axis Covert to blow the ramp. Now assuming your team helps out, you get the ramp built. As an engineer, you should fight the temptation to take the west Bunker, and instead make straight for the Gun Controls. If your teammates take the bunker, thats fine. If they dont, thats even better. The Axis will usually assume tht all the Allies who got in went for the Bunker, so they wont be looking for you. Run as short a route as you can, and plant on the gun controls. I then start throwing grenades up onto the upper level on the right side, as it is the most likey place the Axis will initially come from. This startegy holds true for the rest of the map. If you get the bunker, always go for the gun controls. If you lose it, go for the ramp again. With that in mind, you should also be ready if a Covert Ops get an Axis uniform. When a Covert gets a uni, do not immediatly run for the back. Instead, set yourself to spawn near the back, and die or kill yourslef. Once you respawn out of Axis view, Go to the back door, and try to get there BEFORE the Covert does. WHen she/he opens the door, make for the Gun Controls. DO NOT plant on the generator, this will only alert the Axis to your presence, and let them know exactly where you are. If your Covert is good, he will wait for the plant on the Gun COntrols, and then satchel the Generator, letting support in from the back. Last and most important, if there is no Covert with a Uniform, there is NO REASON to be at the back door, with the possible exception of an Axis going out the back. Dont count on this to happen, and certainly dont sit there and wait for it.
Allied mine spots: This map doesnt lend itself well to mines, but you can get a few kills by placing a few near the back door, but pretty much anywhere you would want to put one, your team will be there, so use them with caution. DO NOT cover the whole path to the back door, or anywhere on the front beach
As Axis, set yourself to spawn in the base. Run first to the corridor MG, biuld it. Take the ladder up to the MG overlooking the beach. Build it. If everything is OK at this point, run to the back door and build the MG. At this point, you can choose to guard the back door or the Gun Controls. You should not go to the beach, as an Engineer is not useful there. While the Assault Ramp can be destroyed by dynamite, the 30-second timer makes it inadvisable. The life of an Axis engineer gets very boring here, as you will be gaurding objectives that may never be attacked. The Axis still need an engineer in back to rebuild the Generator should it be destroyed, and one at or near the Gun Controls should the Allies get a succseful plant. You must be a dedicated team player to play Engineer on this map, as you will be helping the team, but getting little XP.
Axis mine spots: none. There is nowhere on the map I would put an Axis mine. The path to the back door is tempting, but I will not open the back door under any circumstances, and neither should anyone else.
5b. Gold Rush As Allies, your first objective is the Tank. Take the door, rush in with pliers ready, and get as much fixed as you can. Next spawn, do the same thing. It will usually take three to four runs against a competent Axis team, but the Tank will move very early in the map, a huge advantage for your team. This does not hold true if your team is hiding, however. The entire Allied team must be set on moving the Tank, thier support fire is the only way you are getting through. IF you have many engineers, and they all take the rush tactic, you can get it on the first run. Now that you have the tank and the second spawn, you have 2 objectives: keeping the tank moving and destroying the tank barriers. Do not even think about the truck barriers yet. If the tank is moving, go try to plant on the barrier. If the tank stops, fix it, then try to plant on the barrier. Now, when the tank gets to a barrier, it will most likely be disabled. DO NOT fix the tank yet. Get the dynamite planted, and well into its 30-second timer before fixing the tank. Ideally, you want the tank to be fixed right as the barrier goes down. this practically guarantees the tank will make it past the point of no return for that barrier. Repeatedly fixing the tank at a barrier is just giving the Axis some Field Ops XP. This strategy holds for both barriers. Keep tha tank moving, and destroy the second just like the first. Move the tank into the courtyard, and open the bank.***DO NOT*** ever fix the tank after this point. It will be used by the Axis, and they can easily kill any Ally that gets on it. Now, while the rest of the team goes for the gold, you go and destroy the truck barriers. This should be relatively easy at this point. Any Axis who comes to rebuild them can be dealt with easily becuase hes likely to be alone since most Axis are guarding the bank. If the truck barriers are down and it doesnt look like the Axis are coming to rebuild them, Go for the gold. Once the gold is gotten, just keep the truck moving and barriers down. On this map, Axis Coverts will be blowing up your CP alot. It is important to not be overly distracted by this. Build the post if its damaged when you spawn, but do not run back to it if its destroyed while your doing something else. Most important for an Engineer, dont gaurd the CP. You are far more useful to your team accomplishing primary objectives rather than protecting secondary objectives. The same holds true for the truck barriers. They are not important until you have the gold on the truck, so do not be distracted by them.
Allied Mine Spots: Many players will break off from the main group at the start, and lay mines around the exit from the second Axis spawn, second tank barrier, and even the first tank barrier if the Axis arent watching it. I advise this only if you KNOW that your team has at least one competent Engineer going for the tank. Even then, I still reccomend you get the tank first. After getting the tank, truck barrier 2 is a good place for a mine or two, but truck barrier 1 is too heavily travelled by the Allies to mine it. Selective placement of mines around the big door/command post area will discourage Axis Coverts looking to satchel your CP.
As Axis, first build the Command Post. Then lay mines from the door to the Tank, but not in such a way that CQC fighting teammates are likely to hit them. Once you have mines laid, make for the first tank barrier. Build it. If you live through all that, make for the second tank barrier. You are fairly likely to encounter some Allies here, at least one Engineer planting mines. Be ready, take him out and defuse any he has laid, build the barrier. If you die any time after building the post and laying the tank mines, respawn at the second Axis spawn so you are closer to the second tank barrier, and you can surprise the Ally laying the mines. Once both tank barriers are built, take stock. If the Axis still have the tank, make for the truck barriers and build them. If not, make for the tank to disable it, and to protect the barriers. Do your best to prevent dynamite from being planted at the tank barriers, and be ready to defuse it should it get planted. Disable the tank when its fixed. Using hotkeys to change weapons and tools is a must to be an effective Axis engineer in this situation. Once (and if) both barriers are down and the bank is open, you can choose to either guard the bank as a different class, or make sure the truck barriers stay up. I usually mix it up depending on the game. If you hit the truck barriers repeatedly, you can sometimes distract the Allies into fighting for them, instead of going for the objective. Assuming the Allies have taken the gold, you should use grenades and mines to keep the truck down, or moving very slow, and also keep the truck barriers up. Many players seem to think that once the gold is on the truck the map is won, but this is not the case. A dedicated team of Engineers and Field Ops can lock down the truck easily for minutes at a time.
***Alternate Strategy from Ryandar of the GameFAQS message boards:
First of all i think that the first thing an engie should do isn't build the cp, but lay down some mines between the main door and the tank. After mines have been placed at all the entrances, then you should build the first tank barrier. building the other barriers, specially the truck barriers before the tank has been stolen is a waste of time, and i consider it to be xp whoring, especially since the first allied spawn is so close to the second truck barrier. it is much more important to keep the mines by the tank up than it is to build the truck barriers, and even the second tank barrier, which is so close to the axis second spawn that it will be built no matter what.
**Editorial Note: I feel that if you wait on the second Tank Barrier, You give tha Allies much more of a chance to mine, airstrike, etc, The Barrier kit. If your team is keeping the Allies off the tank, it is not XP whoring to build the truck barriers; you are simply getting your defense in place.
Axis Mine Spots: Any time the tank or truck stop, put mines around them. Judge where you think the allies will approach the vehicle from, and mine that path. You can also mine the path that the vehicle will take, allowing you to disable the vehicle almost as soon as its fixed. The truck itself should always have mines around it, you never know when an XP hungry Ally will decide to fix it. Finally, Tank Barrier 2 can be mined without putting teammates in harms way to discourage dynamite before the tank actually gets there.
5c. Radar As Allies, choose which entrance you want to take. Leave the Forward Bunker to the soldiers, and make your way to your entrance of choice. Relentlessly assault this entrance until it goes down. Either way you get a nice bonus; blowing the main entrance will make the forward bunker a permamnent Allied spawn, and blowing the side will allow you to build the CP, which is also an Allied spawn point. I personally reccomend the side entrance, as it is less likely to be heavily guarded, and it allows clandestine access to the Radar parts. Once either or both entrances are blown, the strategy is simple; go for the parts. Mix up your path, move with groups. Try to defuse the mines that are going to be around the parts. If you cant defuse or you get seen, try to trigger as many mines as possible before going down. Once you have stolen some parts, you will have to use your own best judgement as to how to tget them to the truck. If you think you can make the sprint straight to the truck, go for it. If you havnt been seen, and are alone, going the long way might be a better choice. With the West parts, it is almost always preferable to try for the main entrance, especially if you have teammates nearby. Which brings us to the next big thing to watch for on this map; if a teammate steals the parts and then dies, he will drop the parts. You can pick them up and complete the objective. This seems obvious to many, but I cannot count the number of times I have dropped the parts with teammates very nearby who did not pick them up, so I mention it here.
Allied Mine Spots: After you have blown the main entrance, put mines outside the doors of the bunker that are not being used. Strategically place mines along the path from side entrance to truck, so that teammates can easily see and avoid them, but persuing Axis may not. If you are part of a group that steals the parts, and there are no enemies in immediate sight, hang back and plant your own mines around the radars. This will seriously piss off some Axis Engineers when they try to restock thier mines.
As Axis, set yourself up to spawn at the back, run to the CP and build it. then climb up the ladder, use the Axis door to go out on the ledge, drop down and start laying mines. Hopefully you have a FO putting artillery out ahead of you, so have time to lay down a good spread of mines. I put six mines here. now kill yourself. When you respawn go out to plant mines around the East parts, one at each side. Then run over and do the same at the West, one mine on each side, covering the steps. Now run over the bridge and build the MG. Usually, your team has held the main entrance till this point, and your mines have held the side. Now you must choose an entrance to guard. EIther way, you will have to have a decent mix of teammates to do your job effectively. Your job is to defuse dynamite and fight off attackers at the entrance of your choice. Again, I usually go to the side. Set more mines, and keep them up. You can get a lot of Light Weapons XP here, hosing down guys who are trying to defuse mines. Eventually the Allies will blow one or more entrances. Now you must split your focus between guarding the entrance of your choice, and keeping up mines at Radars, as well as being ready in case the parts are stolen. If you are at the side entrance and the parts are stolen, do not rush out to confront the Ally who may ot may not be coming through the side. Instead get on the leadge above the door, and wait. If he comes running through there, he is any easy target for your SMG, and very easy target for a rifle grenade. Use your judgement ot adjust mine position and number as the game calls for.
Axis Mine Spots: The Axis live or die by thier landmines on this map. You must always try to have mines planted at the side entrance, and around the Radar parts. This is also one of the best maps for Axis Engineers to get XP for the same reasons. Theres not alot of room to play, but if you see a particular path the Allies like to take, go ahead and mine it. Just make sure to tell your team you did. Mines are hard to see in the grass.
5d. Oasis As Allies, first run forward and build the Oasis Water Pump. This will allow access to the Old City via underground tunnels. Do not wait for the caves to drain, instead run up to build the CP. This is the first place you are likely to encounter resistance. Once the CP is built, make for the Old City by using the walled path to the left. Go along the path until you are above the Old City spawn. If your teammates are fighting for it, ignore it and make for the Old City Wall to plant dynamite. If your team has not tried to take the spawn yet, drop down and start the chaos. You will likely die here, so use the same path once you spawn and evaluate the sitation. The second time through, planting dynamite should be the prioity, even if the Axis still control the Old City. Planting Dynamite will likely embolden your team, who will come out to help guard the dyno till its ready. Eventually, you will breach the wall, and take the Old City. Now clear out any Axis that are still hanging around, and build the Old City Water Pump. Your objective now is to get to the Anti-Tank guns and destroy them. Mix up the path you take between the tunnels, and the main path. Always try to move with a group of teammates. Most important, dont be afraid to rush the guns, you will get through more often than you think. When you get in nd plant on the gun, Try to jump on top of the gun, this makes it harder for the Axis to defuse. Crouch in the back corner nearest the door, and wait. You will likely be killed, but hopefully buy enough time for the dynamite to go off.
Allied Mine Spots: none really. If no one is using the tunnels to the South gun, go ahead and mine it. MecPhisto notes that you should not do this if your team is using the tunnels. You might place a few around the Old City and the CP, just to discourage Coverts, but its hardly neccasarry.
**** Allied Mine strategy from Mecphisto of the GameFAQS message boards: Place mines on the path that leads to the doors upstairs that have windows looking on the water pump. Many field ops that wanted to do spawn artillery/airstrike have met their death stepping on well placed landmines... also, one at the entrance of the corridor on the opposing side, to prevent Axis soldiers hiding in there and the taking allies from behind unawares...
As Axis, set yourself to spawn at the back, and immediatly build the CP. Put one mine at each entrance to the courtyard, then get back to the Old City. Re-set your spawn at this point so you are spawning at the Old City. Put mines along the Old City Wall, and around the Water Pump. You should now guard the Old City. It may be a bit boring if the Allies arent attacking, but you need to be there if they get dynamite planted. Once the Old city is lost, you must pick a Gun and guard it. Keep planting mines at the entrances closest to each gun, and one at the bottom of the stairs leading to the north gun and upstairs corridors. Stay close to the Guns, dont go out on the offensive. Now, the MG that overlooks the courtyard is a bad idea. An Axis using it is subject to instant knife death, and an Ally on it for 5 seconds can wreak havoc on your defense. This gun can hit anyone trying to get to either Anti-tank gun, including guys in the antechamber to the North Gun. Do not build it. If an Ally destroys the CP, wait for him to come out; if you rush in, you are at a disadvantage. When they manage to plant on the gun, be calm above all, get to the gun. If the dynamite is on top of the gun, remain calm, and jump up there. You do not need to sprint, just a nice run forward-jump will do it. crouch and defuse. If its on the floor, just crouch and defuse. If your teammates are crowding the dynamite, and they are not engineers, dont rush in there and try to force your way in. back up, tell everyone in team chat that your an engineer (V, 6) and to Move! (V, 3, 3) Hopefully they will heed you and get the hell outta the way. Keep the 30-second timer in mind. You will need to know if you can get there in time. For example, if your at the North gun and the South gets planted, and then you die on the way to the South gun, you will likely not respawn in time to save the South Gun. You should instead head right back to the North, to hold off the inevitable assault on the North gun.
Axis Mine Spots: The entrances to the courtyard and associated paths to Guns, The Old City wall, and The Old City Water pump. Sometimes a few mines at the exit from the Old City tunnels can be effective, but teammates are likely to be active in this area, so be judicious when placing mines here.
5e. Railgun As Allies, your main objective is to prevent the Axis from moving the tug. You can go after the CP if you want, but dont make it a priority. Like wise, the Depot Yard is only needed when the tug gets there. IF and when the Axis move the tug to the Depot Yard, keeping the Yard is your main objective. Guard against both assaults from the side, and those from the front, trying to sneak out with the tug. WHen the tug is at the Yard, put mines around it, especially at both doors to the cab. If your team is doing well stopping the tug/holding the deopot yard, head out to blow the Gun firing Controls. Then plant some mines around the ladder and the rail gun itself. Then get back to the Tug/Yard. You can make periodic runs for the CP, but again dont make it a priority. WHen and If the Axis move tug out of the Yard and past the track switch, use your judgement to decide whether you should try to stop the tug. If you have some teammates nearby, go for it. However, if it looks like the Axis are going to get it back to the Crane, you should make for the Railgun. Make sure the controls are destroyed and mines are laid. Lay down in the ittle room behind the firing controls, and camp. Kill only those who actually get to the gun, dont even shoot at anyone else. Do your best to hold out. If you Die, make for the Railgun again to help defend.
Allied Mine Spots: The Track Switch! Always, always, always have at least 3 mines around the track switch. This single tactic can make the game for you, if the Axis are not moving as a team, which is fairly likely (unfortunatley). Many Engineers will focus thier mines on the Railgun, a tactic I think is only good when the Axis are very close to loading the Railgun, or have loaded the Railgun. If you go off to claim the Depot Yard, first you should lay some mines on the path from the Axis spawn. When you are holding the tug at the Depot Yard, mine all around the tug. Tell your team you are doing this.
As Axis, honestly, just move the tug. Mines are worthless here, the CP is in no way needed, the MGs are ok to build for XP, but grenade them afterwords. You dont even need to be an Engineer on this map. In fact, thats my strategy for this map as Axis: CHange to Soldier and rock a flamethrower. Its your best friend on this map. Others will likely disagree, and I will be happy to update with any alternate Axis Engineer strategies people send.
Axis mine spots: None.
5f. Fuel Dump As Allies, Your first objective is the bridge. Sprint immediatly to it, and build as much as you can be fore dieing, which you will. When yuo respawn, immediately sprint back and build as much as you can again before you die. Repeat this until the bridge is built and reinforced. This will take acouple of minutes if youre the only one doing it. By the time you get the bridge done, then tank should be at the bridge. Timing is paramount here. The tank is likely damaged by artillery, and the Axis are rushing to dynamite the bridge. You must get the tank fixed and moving over the bridge before this happens. If you cannot, then you must try to defuse the dynamite. If you are the only engineer, or the only one ding thier job, the tank and bridge must be your priority. Now, if you do have another good engineer on the team, you should co-ordinate with him/her to have one of you go for the tank and bridge, and one go for the footbridge. If you can get the footbridge built, and get some troops across it, you can break up the Axis defense, making the tank/bridge job easier. This is one situation where you do want to plant dynamite on the CP. A covert may rememmber it, but my experience is they wont. And the message of "Dynamite planted at the CP" shakes up the Axis, distracting them from spamming the bridge. Once you get the tank across the bridge, you enter a crucial phase of the map. You must get the tank to move far enough to blow the doors, and you are right below the Axis spawn. The persistant rushing tactic from before will not work, you are too exposed coming across the bridge. If the tank gets damaged and you die, start going to the footbridge. This will distract the Axis, allowing your team to gain control of the tank area, it will not distractthem, and you will be behind ther lines. You can certainly take steps to distract them then. The point is that you want your team to gain control of the area around the tank, so that you can fix it. Once the doors are blown, just escort the tank throught the tunnels. You may have to fight off some Axis, and maybe fix the tank. When you get out in the open in front of the Dump, you will likely die and have to fix the tank many times, but will eventually get it to open the Dump doors. At any point during this, you can build the CP, its very close to the Fuel Dump. Escort the tank around back, fixing it when needed. Once you have blasted the side open, forget the tank. Make a few suicide runs on the Dump, to get an idea of where the defenders are. Now you must move together with your team, and assault the Dump from both doors. I do not reccomend planting dynamite at the Base Fortifications, it will almost certainly get defused, and will give away your presence to the Axis. If you get into the Base unseen, Get inside and hide in the garage. tell your team you are there, and need a Covert to open the door. If you get in with a Covert, and he/she blows the base fortifications, immediate;y run in and plant on the dump. Then Climb the ladder to the top of the Dump, and plant another. Also in this map, as in the Seawall Battery, always be ready if a Covert Ops gets an Axis uniform. If so, get to the tunnel grate, and make your way to the door of the Dump. Keep the Covert updated on your progress, so you can coordinate your arrivals at the door. Do not engage any enemies unles they engage you first. Get the door, get inside, and plant on the Dump.
Allied Mine Spots: The door to the CP garage. Close both garage doors, build the post, and lay a few mines outside. Only do this before you have blown the doors. Once you are at the Dump, leave the Garage doors open. There are some opportunities that arise when assaulting the footbridge area, use your judgement for those.
As Axis, set your self to spawn at the Fuel Dump. Run out and build both Base Fortifications. put four mines inside the rear Dump area. Pu tone mine at the doors to the base. Reset your spawn, and kill yourself. When you respawn at the for ward bunker, run out and build the command post. If the Allies have not moved the tank very far, cross the river near the Fottbridge and lay some mines around the kit. Then got in position to dynamite the bridge should you need to. The Allies will eventually get the tank across, at which time you should Help keep the tank damaged and the bridge down. Keeping the bridge down After the tank has crossed it may seem pointless, but it takes away the Allies most direct route to the tank. When and if the Allies manage to blow the doors, start laying mines at the Fuel Dump, behind the main door and side wall. Keep these mines stocked, keep your head down, and guard the Dump. If you want to be extra cautious, camp inside the Dump itself. If and when they do plant, stay calm while looking for the dynamite. It will be planted on top most of the time, so go there first.
Axis Mine Spots: Around either bridge kit. At the Fuel Dump during the second half of the map, inside both entrances, and inside the Dump itself.
Special thanks go out to MecPhisto, Ryandar, and all at the GameFAQS ET messageboards.