Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory FAQ/Strategy Guide v0.9
This FAQ is Copyright 2003 Chan Le You, and cannot be used in your website or any non-private manner without my permission.
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=== Introduction === This FAQ is an overall FAQ/Strategy Guide for RtcW: ET. Enemy Territory is a free-stand alone game that stresses teamwork, strategy and skill. It may be downloaded at:
Basically, there are 3 spawns in Siwa Oasis, the Allies Initial one is opposite of the Axis final one. The middle spawn, Old City starts off controlled by the Axis side. Following which, the Allies have to capture the Old City AND destroy the Old City Wall, and by doing so, cause the Old City spawn to be FIXED as Allies spawn.
Both sides have their own Command Post, and whereas the Allies have no doors, Axis has two doors around the Old City Wall, allowing them to access the Old City spawn regardless of whether the Old City Wall has been dynamited or not.
Allies aren't so lucky. Only a disguised Covert Ops can enter the Axis side of the map before the Old City Wall has been dynamited. And the map is put such that only Axis suiciders will leave their corpses intact for an Allied Covert Ops to salvage.
Seawall Battery Allies Objective: Dynamite the Gun Controls. Axis Objective: Defend the Gun Controls.
This map has 4 spawns, 2 under Allied permanent control, 1 starting under Axis control, but may be claimed by the Allies, though not permanently. The Gun Controls is the main objective for the Allies, but there is another object that can be dynamited: The Door Controls. It's destruction opens 2 doors, providing Allies 2 alternate entrances to Axis Territory.
There is only ONE command post in this map. It is generally closer to Allies, but a good Axis side can easily take it as well. There are a few scattered Axis doors around the map, providing Axis easy shortcuts to important points.
The Assault Bunker starts under Axis Control, and is an easily defendable position, with 2 MG Nests which look directly onto the Assault Ramp, a bridge which leads to the Assault Bunker. Only when intact can the Allies access the Bunker, but Axis can easily go down at will, but not back up of course.
The Assault Ramp can be destroyed by Satchel Charges, but once the Assault Bunker is under Allies Control, the Assault Ramp is of no more importance.
This map is rather tricky to explain... Allied Objective is to assault a tank into Axis territory and destroy the Bank doors, opening a path for the Allies to steal the 2 Gold Crates and secure them onto a truck, which then must be escorted back into Allied Territory.
This map has 3 spawns, but the important one is the middle spawn. This spawn is held by Axis UNTIL the Allies bring the Tank into the courtyard, following which, the Axis lose permanent control of this spawn, relinquishing it into Allied hands.
The Tank and the Truck can both be destroyed by Air Strikes, Artillery Strikes, Dynamite, Panzerfausts and Grenades. When destroyed, they can be repaired to full health by Allied Engineers.
There is ONE command post in this map, which starts under Axis control, like the middle spawn, but is passed over to Allies control once the Tank enters the Courtyard.
There are no Axis Doors on this map. There are 4 destructables, 2 Tank barriers and 2 Truck Barriers, which prevent the movement of the Tank and Truck. These can be destroyed by Dynamite only.
Urgh, I hate the Southern Europe Maps. Hard to explain. Ok, basically, Allies have to take two Radar Parts and secure them onto this NON-DESTRUCTABLE Truck, and the Axis can reclaim the Radar Parts by killing the player which stole them, but once the Parts are in the Truck, they are as good as gone.
This map has 4 Spawns, 3 Start under Axis Control, but one can be taken over By the Allies. There is a main door which must be destroyed before the Allies can enter the area in which the 2 Radar Parts are held, though Allied Covert Ops can enter through 2 Axis doors. Allies can win without destroying the Main Door, but not easily of course.
There is a side door, which leads to the ONLY Command Post in this map. This Side Door must be dynamited before Allies can build their command post, and so, The Command Post starts under Axis control.
The 2 Axis spawns are on opposite sides of each other, one closer to the West Radar Parts, one closer to the East.
Rail Gun Allies Objective: Prevent Axis from Firing Dora, Colossal Rail Gun. Axis Objective: Transport Ammo to Dora and Fire her.
Urgh. 1 destructable, the Rail Gun Firing Controls, which must be repaired before Axis can complete their objective. This is the only map Axis lose when timer runs out.
The Axis have to bring Ammo to Dora through the use of two Tugs, which once any Axis player enters will cause the Tugs to move forward. When an Allied Player enters the Tugs will move BACKWARDs, leading back to where the Tug started, slowing down Axis entry.
There is One Command Post, which both Axis and Allies can take, whichever gets to it first gets it, but it can be destroyed for the other sides taking of course. No Axis Doors.
3 Spawns, Axis Spawn, Allied Spawn, One additional Depot Spawn which starts under Axis control but is of relatively little use to Allies when captured. Look at the map itself for more information.
Fuel Dump: Allies Objective: Dynamite the Fuel Dump. Axis Objective: Defend the Fuel Dump.
Urgh. 1 Command Post, which starts closer to Axis Territory but once Allies capture the Middle Spawn, can use it at will. There are 3 spawns, 1 Tank and 3 Destructables, not counting Command Post.
Damn Map... Ok, Allies have to escort this Tank into the Fuel Dump area and use it to destroy the door which leads to the Fuel Dump. Along the way the Tank also destroys other doors, which basically opens up some other routes to the Fuel Dump. One of these doors is an important one: Once destroyed, Allies gain permanent control of the middle spawn.
Along the Way, Allies have to repair a bridge, defend the tank, and other typical nonsense. Fuel Dump is very similiar to Siwa Oasis when it comes to spawns, similiar to Gold Rush when it comes to objective. Just play it.
=== 2.Classes/Skills ===
Battle Sense: Battle Sense is a skill all classes get. Experience for battle sense is gained by inflicting damage AND/OR receiving damage. Battle Sense EXP is given every 30 seconds. Basically Battle Sense skills are USEFUL, but not NECCESARY. They come without much effort anyway, just doing damage and staying alive.
2 Exp: Inflicting Damage, but not Receiving Damage. 5 Exp: Inflicting Damage and Receiving Damage. 8 Exp: Killing AND Receiving Damage.
Battle Sense Level 1: Issued Binoculars You gain a Pair of Binoculars. Useless for Field Ops since they start with one anyway. For Engineers pressing 7 alternates between your Landmines and the Binoculars. Binoculars are rather useful, their like a scope without a weapon attached. Field Ops use them for Artillery Strikes of course.
Battle Sense Level 2: Improved Physical Fitness Your Stamina Bar recovers faster. You use Stamina when you hold-down Shift when moving, causing you to run. You also use Stamina when Jumping.
Battle Sense Level 3: Improved Health Max HP+15. Useful, but not very.
Battle Sense Level 4: Trap Awareness You can now sense Land Mines, but not reveal them for your allies. Covert Ops can though.
Light Weapons: All Classes get Light Weapons. Experience for Light Weapons is given through the use of any Non-Solder Weapon besides the Thompson/MP40, which Soldiers get BUT is considered a Light Weapon. Again, these skills are USEFUL, but not NECCESARY. Just kill to get EXP.
3 Exp Per kill 5 Exp Per kill with a Headshot
Level 1 Light Weapons: Improved use of Light Weapon Ammunition When you respawn you start out with an additional clip. VERY useful for medics.
Level 2 Light Weapons: Faster Reload You reload faster. Especially useful since you cannot switch weapons while reloading, screwing you up when you run out of ammo in a firefight.
Level 3 Light Weapons: Improved Light Weapon Handling Sub-Machine Gun Spread is reduced, whereas Pistol recoil is halved.
Level 4 Light Weapons: Dual-Wield Pistols You can now dual-wield pistols, which is around as strong as a sub-machine gun. VERY useful for Covert Ops, since you can dual-wield Silenced Pistols.
Soldier: (Unique Skill: Heavy Weapons) Solders get to choose from the MP40/Thompson, Mobile MG42, Mortar, Panzerfaust and Flamethrower. These Weapons are explained under the Weapons category.
Note: Panzerfaust and Mortar take up the Power Bar. Note: Emplaced MG42's Count under Heavy Weapons as well. Non-Soldiers can level up in this skill due to this.
Heavy Weapons: Soldier only-Skill, Exp gained through usage of Heavy Weapons. (Mobile MG42, Mortar, Panzerfaust, Flamethrower) Vital for a Soldier.
3 Exp per Kill
Heavy Weapons Level 1: Improved Projectile Resources Panzerfausts and Mortar use less of your Power Bar.
Heavy Weapons Level 2: Heavy Weapon Proficiency Overheating MG42's cool twice as fast. Both Emplaced and Mobile MG's. Useful if you use them, not if you don't.
Heavy Weapons Level 3: Improved Dexterity All Heavy Weapons penalize your speed. Less so now. I usually switch to another weapon when moving, but for the Panzerfaust and Flamethrower, this is useful.
Heavy Weapons Level 4: Improved Weapon Handling Your pistol is now replaced with a MP40/Thompson. Very useful, since you can still hold your own in a firefight.
Note: Due to the amount of weapons a Soldier can choose from, Soldier Play tips are highlighted in the section of the respective weapon.
Medic: (Unique Skill: First Aid) Medics heal and revive teammates. Simple enough. They only get to use the MP40 or Thompson. Medics also regenerate health, and their initial maximum health is 140, up from the other's 120, and the Engineers 100.
Note: Medics start with a full clip but no additional ammo Note: Pressing space when killed prevents you from being revived by a medic
First Aid: Medic-only Skill, Exp gained through Dispensing Medpacks and Reviving people.
1 Exp: Medpack picked up by Teammate 4 Exp: Reviving Player with Syringe
First Aid Level 1: Medic Ammo VERY useful. Medics start with low ammo, and are forced to rely solely on their skills until they get this.
First Aid Level 2: Improved Resources 2 Extra Syringe Max Ammo, Medpacks only require 15% Power Bar, allowing you to use 7 Medpacks, up from 4.
First Aid Level 3: Full Revive Syringes now return fallen team-mates to full health. They won't die again so fast now.
First Aid Level 4: Adrenalin Self Pressing 5 again after holding the Syringe will turn to the Adrenalin Shot. When used, the Medic gains extra Health and Stamina, as well as less damage for 10 seconds, and your Stamina doesn't drop even when running. Useful, VERY.
Medic Play Tips: 1. Don't rush into Combat until you get First Aid Level 1. If you don't kill within 30 Bullets, your screwed. 2. Medics make very good killers. They regenerate and can heal themselves at will. 3. If you have this near-dead ally but no Power Bar left to heal him, you can TeamKill him, THEN Revive him. More EXP than healing him, less hassle. Some might report you for TKing though. 4. Keep yourself alive. Dead medic no revive people.
Engineer: (Unique Skill: Engineering) Engineers Plant/Disarm Dynamite and Landmines, Repair Vehicles/MG Nests, build Command Posts/Other Constructables, and such. You CANNOT Win without a good Engineer in most maps. They also have an alternate weapon, the K43/M1 Garand Rifle. This is highlighted in a later section.
Note: Engineers have a initial max of 100 hp, 20 less than others, 40 less than Medic.
Engineering: You gain Exp by doing Engineer stuff. Simple 'nuff.
3 Exp: Rifle Grenade Kill. 3 Exp: Repair Vehicle/MG. 4 Exp: Landmine/Dynamite Kill. 4 Exp: Defuse Landmine. 5 Exp: 50% Power Bar Objective. 6 Exp: Defuse Dynamite. 7.5 Exp: 100% Power Bar Objective.
Engineering Level 1: Improved use of Explosive Ammunition Inventory includes four extra Rifle Grenade rounds and four extra Hand Grenades. More Boom!
Engineering Level 2: Improved Dexterity You now Plant and Disarm Dynamites and Landmines in half the time.
Engineering Level 3: Improved Construction and Destruction Power Bar use is generally lowered by 1/3. Saves Power Bar for later usage.
Engineering Level 4: Issued Flak Jacket You now take 50% less damage from explosive weapons, which include Grenades, Panzerfausts, Dynamites, Landmines, Mortars, and MAYBE Air/Artillery Strikes.
Engineer Play Tips: 1. Your an Engineer, not a killer. Your less HP is not going to help you win Firefights. 2. If you notice the "Landmines been reported" Sign, face down, and change to your pliers. If you hear the gas sound of a landmine, DEFUSE! 3. Rifle Grenades explode upon Impact, not Timer like normal Grenades.
Field Ops: (Unique Skill: Signals) Field Ops utilize Air/Artillery Strikes and their Ammo Packs, and mainly play the role of Support. Though not as needed as a Medic, a well-placed Air or Artillery Strike can wreak havoc upon enemy lines. Air Strikes are called upon by the Signal Flare (5), and Binoculars are used to call Artillery Strikes.
Signals: You gain Exp by dispensing Ammo packs and killing with Air/Artillery Strikes.
1 Exp: Giving ally an Ammo Pack. 3 Exp: Air Strike Kill 4 Exp: Artillery Strike Kill 5 Exp: Destroying Objective with Air/Artillery
Signals Level 1: Improved Resources Your Ammo Packs contain an extra clip and now take less of your energy bar. Previously you could only use 4 Ammo packs, now you can use 7 before running out.
Signals Level 2: Improved Signals Air/Artillery Strikes now take 1/3 less of your power bar. Before, you could call an Air Strike and be totally out, but now you can call an Air Strike can still have Power for 2 Ammo Packs.
Signals Level 3: Improved Air and Ground Support Air Strike radius is increased, so is Artillery Strike length.
Signals Level 4: Enemy Recognition You can now idenntify enemy disguised Covert Ops and reveal their location to your team.
Field Op Play Tips 1. If your not skilled at using Air/Artillery Strikes, dispensing ammo is a far more reliable method of gaining experience. Drop a few in a direct path from your spawn to the battle, and most people will just walk over it. 2. Artillery Strikes might not cover as much area as Air Strikes, but they last longer. 3. If to choose between giving ammo to a medic or a mortar-user, choose the medic.
Covert Ops: (Unique Skill: Covert Operations) Covert Ops gain Exp by killing with their scoped weapons, spotting land mines, disguising themselves with enemy uniforms, killing with satchel charges or using Satchel Charges to destroy an objective.
Covert Operations: Covert Ops gain Exp by doing Covert Ops stuff.
3 Exp: Killing with Scoped Weapon (Scoped) 3 Exp: Spotting Land Mine with Binoculars 5 Exp: Killing with Headshot from Scoped Weapon (Scoped) 5 Exp: Disguising Self with Enemy Uniform 5 Exp: Killing with Satchel Charge 7 Exp: Destroying Command Post/Objective with Satchel Charge
Covert Operations Level 1: Improved Use of Scoped Weapon Ammunition Each Ammo Pack you get from a Field Ops or Ammo Cabinet includes one extra clip of ammunition for your Scoped Weapon.
Covert Operations Level 2: Improved use of Sabotage and Misdirection You use less Power Bar when using Satchel Charges or Smoke Grenades.
Covert Operations Level 3: Breath Control Your Scoped Weapon Recoil and Sway are lowered.
Covert Operations Level 4: Assassin Instant Kill with Backstab.
Covert Op Play Tips: 1. When disguised, using your weapon when seen by the enemy will reveal you. 2. Drop Satchel Charges on Enemy Constructible Areas, then go around a corner. When you hear the Building Sound, fire and boom! Dead Engineer. 3. In Seawall Battery, only Knives can work underwater. Exploit this. 4. Smoke Grenades are used as cover.
=== 3. Weapons/Aiming ===
MP40 / Thompson These are the standard weapons of the Field Ops and Medic. Both Soldiers and Engineers can choose to use the MP40 / Thompson. 30 per clip. MP40 is what Axis get, Thompson is Allies. Their basically identical, except for looks of course. These weapons are highly accurate, with unnoticable recoil, and can be used in long-distance combat, as well as firefights.
M1 Garand / K43 These weapons can be used by Engineers and Covert Ops, but their uses differ. When used by an Engineer, they can be used to hold grenades by pressing right click, and using left-click to release the grenade, causing it to be shot much further than usual. When used by a Covert Ops, they have a scope and a silencer. 10 per clip. Basically, these weapons are non-automatic and whereas they do more damage than the MP40 / Thompson, they have a much lower rate of fire.
.45 AP / Luger These pistols are the standard sidearms for Axis and Allies. Non-automatic. Soldiers with level 4 Heavy Weapons replace these with the MP40 / Thompson. They can kill, but will most likely lose to any other weapon. Players with level 4 light weapons can dual-wield these, causing them to be much more effective. Covert Ops have silencers attached to these.
Knife The Knife. Close-range weapon. If the target is facing away from you, the stab sign will appear, and you will deal much more damage to him. Covert Ops with level 4 Covert Operations instant kill with backstabs.
Sten This is a Covert Ops only weapon. 32 per clip. It's silenced and automatic, and is basically a variation of the MP40 / Thompson. Firing in Short bursts is the best way to use this weapon, as it overheats.
FG42 This is a Covert Ops only weapon. 20 per clip. It has a scope and is automatic when non-scoped. The FG42 loses out against other weapons at close range, due to its lower total clip ammo and slightly lower rate of fire. You are forced to reload more.
Panzerfaust Upon clicking, the Panzerfaust will charge and then fire a rocket which does splash damage and instantly kills all affected. It takes up the entire Power Bar normally, and due to its splash, it can be fired into a house and those inside have a good chance of dying. Soldier only.
Emplaced / Mobile MG42 The difference between Emplaced and Mobile ones is that Emplaced ones can be used by any class, but have fixed locations. Mobile MG 42s when used when the player is non-prone, will result in VERY high recoil. When prone, this recoil is lowered to the recoil of an Emplaced MG42. Both variations overheat, at slightly differing rates. Mobile MG42's can only be used by Soldiers.
Mortar Hard to explain. Basically, after each shot press L and wait a while to see where your shot landed. From there, progress. The higher, the closer, the lower the further. Soldier only. It does splash damage and has a nice abilit to kill what it hits instantly.
Flamethrower This is a Flamethrower. It is best to release in short spurts, causing whoever that gets hit to be slowly burned. Anybody struck by a Flamethrower receives extra burning damage over a while. Soldier only. You move damn slow when your using it, so be prepared to switch to a pistol.
=== Credits === My mother, me and CJayC for obvious reasons.