Вторая мировая. Битва за Иводзиму чит-файл №1

When playing the game press ' (tilde) key to bring console up and th
enter the cheats below:

god - God Mode ?
fly - Fly Away ?
walk - Stop Flying ?
allweapons - All Weapons ?
ghost - Clipping Mode ?
allammo - Loads of Ammo ?
invisible 1 - Makes you Invisible ?
invisible 0 - Makes you Unvisible ?
killall - Kills Everything ?
loaded - Get Everything! ?
unloaded ?
loadspmap ?
supersquad ?
oldmovie ?
lightperiod ?
lightcone ?
getfirstmission ?
pawnanimextra ?
soundocclusion ?
smiteevil ?
avatar ?
summon ?
blindai 1 ?
blindai 0 ?
deafai 1 ?
deafai 0 ?
blindenemies 1 ?
blindenemies 0 ?
deafenemies 1 ?
deafenemies 0 ?