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Игры как
Baseball Mogul
Baseball Mogul 2006
Baseball Mogul '99
Cricket Captain 2017
Baseball Mogul 2009
Premier Manager '98
Championship Manager Season 01/02
Global Soccer Manager 2018
Baseball Mogul 2008
Baseball Mogul 2004
UEFA Manager 2000
Football Manager 2007
The Goalkeeper
Kevin Sheedy's AFL Coach 2002
Out of the Park Baseball 14
Out of the Park Baseball 12
Sven-Göran Eriksson's World Manager
Football Manager 2016
Футбол: Менеджер чемпионов
Shingen the Ruler
Breach 2
Redemption: Eternal Quest
Lords of the Realm 2
Shadows of Forbidden Gods
16 Bit Arena
FritzChess 15
Nono's magic general shop
Railroad Tycoon 2: The Second Century
Rock Tour Tycoon
Big Biz Tycoon!
Premier Manager: Ninety Nine
Pizza Express
The Political Machine
Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons
МЧС: Безумие стихий
Galactic Conquerors
World at War: D-Day - America Invades!
Championship Manager 17
Airship Asunder
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