Назад в будущее: Эпизод 2 - Достать Таннена! чит-файл №1

A Minimum of Panic (Bronze)
Objective: Rescue Arthur with minimal fuss.

Art Lover (Bronze)
Objective: Track down a missing accountant.

Tuned Out (Bronze)
Objective: Enjoy a full set from Hill Valley's leading songstress.

Door Prize (Bronze)
Objective: Break the password code without cheating.

Chucklehead (Bronze)
Objective: Find 'Chuckles Lenart'.

Demystifier (Bronze)
Objective: Get a full explanation of your situation.

Escape Artist (Silver)
Objective: Find a hidden passageway.

Police Blotter (Silver)
Objective: Dry a cop out.

Moll Mender (Silver)
Objective: Get a gangster's girl to do the right thing.

Tannen Tamer (Silver)
Objective: Defeat the Tannen Brothers in six jumps.

Kid Restraint (Gold)
Objective: Defeat Kid Tannen.