Хром чит-файл №2

To activate Chrome cheats bring down the console with tilde key [~], type the
following cheats and confirm with [Enter]:
Cheat.GodMode() - God mode
Cheat.FullHealth() - Full health
Cheat.TuneWeapons() - Improves weapons in the inventory
Cheat.TuneImplants() - Improves implants
Cheat.NextMission() - Skip to next mission
Cheat.Give[weapon]() - Gives a weapon or an item; for example:
Cheat.GiveAmmo[ammo]() - Gives a specific ammunition; for example:
Item names: MatsonACC, NoNFrager, C9S, C9A5, MatsonCAFS, TC234Sup, BjornHD,
TC234, Knife, Grenade, Healtex, CloakingDevice...
NOTE: You can find the full items and ammunition list in the file