Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty чит-файл №3

What's New
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty provides new skills and equipment for your
men. Here is a briefing of each.
Knocking Enemies Unconscious
Tiny can knock an enemy soldier unconscious with his fists while Treads uses a
blackjack and Spooky uses chloroform. The soldier will remain unconscious only
for a limited amount of time. When he comes to, he will sound the alarm.
After a soldier has been rendered unconscious by any of the Commandos with this
capability, Tiny and Spooky can use the handcuffs to bind him. The soldier will
then stay put and not make a sound. It is always a good idea to immediately
handcuff an unconscious soldier so he does not come to and call for help.
When an enemy soldier has been knocked unconscious, Spooky can steal his uniform
and use it as a disguise. Spooky can steal more than one type of uniform and the
player can cycle through them.
To control a soldier who has been rendered unconscious and subsequently
handcuffed, use the puppet command. The controlling Commando can then move this
soldier and use him to distract other single soldiers as long as the controlled
soldier stays in the Commando's line of sight and no other soldiers see the
Commando. If the controlled soldier ever leaves the Commando's sight, he will
away and sound the alarm.

Cigarette Pack
Cigarette packs are used to lure a soldier away from his post or usual route. If
you throw a pack on the ground within the short field of view of a soldier and
can leave his post, he will walk over and pick it up. He will then return to his
post. Use cigarettes to lure soldiers away from their posts into positions where
you can kill them or render them unconscious. Your Commandos do not begin with
cigarette packs. However, you can pick them up off dead bodies if the cursor
changes to a pack when it is placed over a body. If an unconscious soldier has
any cigarettes, Tiny will automatically pick them up when he handcuffs the
soldier. You also can pick up cigarette packs on the ground using the pick-up

You can have any of the Commandos throw a stone at a certain location. If the
stone lands near a soldier, he will look in its direction. By throwing several
stones, you can get a soldier to leave his post to investigate. If you hit a
soldier with a stone, he will look toward the thrower. If you pelt him with
stones, he will eventually come after you.

Tread carries a Lee-Enfield rifle. This weapon has a longer range than the
and can kill with a single shot. Its shortcoming is the noise it makes when
fired. The shot can be heard for quite a distance. The rifle also takes a few
seconds between shots. If noise is not a problem, Tread can hide behind cover
carefully pick off enemy soldiers one shot at a time. Be careful to have him
prone after every shot to make it harder for the enemy to locate him.


Mission 1: Dying Light

Mission Summary
· Objective: Blow up the antenna, the lighthouse, and all five of the
antiaircraft gun emplacements. · Team: Green Beret, Sniper, Marine, Sapper

Phase 1: Clear the Dock
To land all your Commandos, you must clear the dock of German soldiers. First,
however, you have to eliminate a sentry who can look down onto the dock. Order
Fins to row a bit to the west so Duke can take out soldier near the antenna with
the sniper rifle. Now row back to the starting position. Have Fins don the
gear and swim over to the dock ladder.

When the soldier heads back up the hill and another soldier begins to walk
towards the crane Fins must throw a stone west of the soldier by the ladder,
climb the ladder, and harpoon the machine gunner. Run after and walking soldier,
then come back and harpoon the one by the ladder. Return to the ladder and couch
down to hide. When a soldier returns to investigate the bodies, harpoon him as
well. The dock is now clear. Fins can put the diving gear back on and swim out
the launch. Row it back down to the dock and get everybody up the ladder and
the dock. Be sure to keep them all crouched low to the ground. Finally, Fins
deflate the launch and put it back in his pack. Tiny, Fins, and Inferno should
all grab cigarettes off the dead soldiers.

Phase 2: The Main Courtyard
Send Tiny crawling up the hill. Place the decoy at the corner of the path below
the AA gun. Hide behind the AA gun and throw cigarettes in the soldier's path to
lure him out. Activate the decoy, follow the soldier, and knife him when out of
other soldiers' sight. Now bring Duke up the hill to shoot the soldier on top of
the round building while others are not looking at him. Order Inferno to place a
trap near the wall southeast of the solider on the steps while Tiny sets the
decoy by the door of the barracks. When both are hidden east of the barracks,
activate the decoy and lure an enemy into the trap.

Bring Fins up the hill and hide him below the soldier on the steps. Have Tiny
throw a stone north of him. Fins must quickly harpoon the distracted soldier.
Order Tiny to quickly grab the body and hide it down stairs. Be very careful in
the courtyard: several soldiers can view different parts of it. Have Tiny crawl
up the stairs and hide behind the crates. When the soldier walks past, send Tiny
crawling after him. Once out of the sight of others, he should run and knock the
soldier unconscious with a punch. Quickly handcuff and carry him behind the AA
gun by the lighthouse. Now have Fins hide behind the crates in the courtyard
while Tiny throws some cigarettes near the AA gun to lure another soldier. When
he goes for the smokes, have Fins crawl up behind him and drop him with the
harpoon as close to the AA gun as possible. Next, bring Duke out into the
courtyard to take out the other soldier on top of the round building with the
sniper rifle.

Fins goes over to the handcuffed soldier and takes control of him. Walk the
prisoner toward the two soldiers by the antenna, with Fins crawling behind him.
Keep the prisoner by the barracks as Fins crawls up the ramp, staying as far
right as possible. Then carefully move left a bit until Fins has a line of sight
just to the left of soldier by the door. Send the prisoner over to distract him.
Wait for the other enemy to walk forward. When his back is turned, run and
harpoon him. Then kill the soldier by the door. Handcuff the prisoner again and
leave him by the door. The final step in this phase is to plant the explosives.
Order Inferno to plant explosives so they will take out all the barracks and all
but the two AA guns in the lower courtyard and the AA gun by the round building.
Some of the explosives will take out barracks as well as the AA guns if
positioned correctly.

Phase 3: Lower Courtyard
Tiny is up to bat again. Send him down the stairs to hide behind the crates near
the barrels in the lower level. Throw some cigarettes between the barrels and
standing soldier. Kill the two soldiers in the lower courtyard before
Phase 4: The Escape
After making sure all of your men are away from the explosives, detonate them
in quick succession. By knocking out the barracks, you do not have to worry
reinforcements. Now gun down all of the remaining enemy soldiers and order Tiny
to destroy the remaining AA guns by using the explosive barrels. Duke must save
at least one bullet for his sniper rifle to take out one of the mines by the
beach in the south so Fins can row all of the Commandos to safety. Use the
on the closest mine to create a gap wide enough for the inflatable launch.

Mission 2: The Asphalt Jungle
Mission Summary
· Objective: Rescue the partisan leader Dragisa Skopje before the firing squad
executes him. · Team: Green Beret, Driver, Spy
Phase 1: A Uniform for Spooky
Your team doesn't have much room in which to maneuver at the start of the
mission. Put Tiny to work right away. Wait until the patrol on the street begins
heading away from him. Then, when the lone soldier reaches the easternmost point
of his route and turns around, run and knock him unconscious with a punch.
Quickly handcuff the soldier and carry him back to the starting position. Spooky
can take his uniform and put it on. Because this is a private's uniform, he
to stay away from officers and sergeants; they will see right through the
disguise. The leader of the patrol is a sergeant, so stay out of the patrol's
Wait for the patrol to come back toward your group, then turn around and walk
away again. Immediately send Spooky down the eastern map edge and over to the
soldier who is standing guard at the door of the barracks. Don't kill him yet.
You must wait for the zoo guard in the blue uniform to come to the door. When he
does and then turns to walk away, give the soldier a lethal injection, then
chloroform the zoo guard, handcuff him, and take his uniform. No Germans will
question Spooky when he's wearing the blue uniform.
Now Spooky can walk over and poison the other two nearby soldiers. While Spooky
is clearing the area around the barracks, Tiny and Tread should make their way
down as well. Wait until the patrol is heading west, then run down and wait by
the door of the barracks. Grab some cigarettes off the bodies and get ready for
the next phase.
Phase 2:Into the Zoo
Send Spooky over to distract the soldier at the zoo gate. Then, while the patrol
is headed east, send Tiny running west along the zoo wall. Have him wait around
the corner from the soldier until he begins heading away. Then order Tiny to run
up behind him and give him the knife. With Tiny past the gate, Spooky can now
make his way through the zoo grounds to the soldier by the Lion Pit. Chloroform
and handcuff him, then carry him over by the small shack, out of sight. Walk out
the northern gate and poison all of the soldiers in the northwest, including the
one on top of the barracks.
Send Tiny climbing over the wall into the Lion Pit. Wait and watch the lions.
is usually on the platform on the left, one in the center, and the third walking
around. Wait until the first two are not looking at Tiny and the third is
away, around the right side of the center island. Quickly run over to the ladder
of your platform, climb down, then run over to the ladder on the opposite side
the pit.
Spooky needs a little help eliminating the last soldier in this phase. Send Tiny
crawling out the north gate and over by the barracks. While Spooky distracts the
soldier northeast of the barracks, have Tiny place the decoy a little south of
the tree inside the gate by the barracks, then crawl back out of sight. Activate
the decoy and order Spooky to end his conversation. The decoy should lure the
soldier away from his usual route and out of the sight of other soldiers. Order
Spooky to follow and poison him. Have Spooky carry the body around to the front
of the barracks and have Tiny retrieve the decoy. Send Tiny back to hide by the
handcuffed soldier.
Phase 3: Rescue the Partisan Leader
It is now time to send Spooky into the garden area. This area contains a lot of
soldiers and a three-man patrol. Poison the two soldiers in the north and the
by the wagon and hide their bodies. Have Tiny use the puppet command to take
control of the captured soldier and send him out to distract the walking soldier
nearby. Tiny has to crawl after him. Be careful not to cross the road or Tiny
be spotted. Now Spooky can walk over to the lone soldier in the west and poison
him when nobody is looking. No one can see the body, so leave it where it lies.
Spooky can now walk out of the garden and over to the soldier near the
one. When no one is looking, poison him, then poison his buddy. Lead the
soldier back behind the shack and handcuff him again.
Tiny must now place the decoy near the wooden barracks south of the garden, then
hide behind the wall, outside the gate. Activate the decoy and a soldier will
come to investigate. Once he is out of sight of the other soldiers, Spooky can
poison him and carry the body out the gate to hide it. While Tiny retrieves his
decoy, send Spooky over to the other gate guard. When the patrol is walking away
and no one is looking, poison the guard and leave the body. Walk over and do the
same to the soldier by the wagon being careful not to be seen. Now walk over to
the soldier by the cages. Kill him and all the others in the northeast without
being seen. If you do it right, you can leave the bodies where they fall.
Now Spooky must kill the two walking soldiers in the garden, then distract the
patrol while Tiny hides the bodies. Then send Tiny to rescue Skopje, who is
waiting to be shot by the firing squad. Because all the soldiers are aiming at
Skopje, Tiny can quietly knife each of them. Send Skopje to the northern gate to
wait by the western barracks while the Commandos prepare an escape. Tiny must
clear out all of the bodies near the cages now.
The Escape
Send Tiny down behind the machine gunner while Spooky distracts the patrol by
gate. Hide the body where you hid the rest. Now order Tiny to crawl into the pen
with the dead elephant. Position the decoy near the wall, across from the
soldier. Then walk over by the elephant. Activate the decoy, then quickly hide
the elephant. When the soldier walks past the carcass toward the decoy, jump out
and run to knife him. Leave the body and then sneak up behind the soldier by the
gate, kill him and hide the body.
Wait for the street patrol to make another round, then, as it heads east again,
get Tread through the main gate and over to the truck with Tiny, with both of
them on the ground. Do not get into the truck yet. Wait until the patrols are
looking, then get in and drive the truck out the northern gate, picking up the
partisan leader and Spooky before exiting the map.

Mission 3: Dropped Out of the Sky
Mission Summary
· Objective: Recover the navigation system of the HS 293 bomb and exit the
camp. · Team: Green Beret, Sniper, Driver
Phase 1: To the River
The village is full of German soldiers. Your team must break out of the church
and clear the village before proceeding further with the mission. Begin with
Tiny. Wait until the patrol walks past heading west and the nearby soldier heads
east. Jump out the door, run over and knife him. Carry the body up to the
northeastern corner of the map, behind the church. Wait for the patrol to make
its rounds and head west again. Then rush south. As the next soldier begins to
head east, throw a stone past him so he looks west. Quickly run and give him the
blade. Then hide his body along with the first.
With Tiny hiding by the bodies, it is Duke's turn. Wait for the patrol to pass
the doors of the church, heading east. Then step out and bring up the sniper
rifle. Shoot all three soldiers in the patrol, beginning with the rear soldier,
as quickly as possible. If you fire quickly, they won't be able to get off an
alarm. Duke can then return to the safety of the church while Tiny hides the
bodies. Bring Tiny out to eliminate the rest of the soldiers in the area using
the decoy and cigarettes to lure them into ambushes.
It is now time to clear the northern riverbank. Tiny can use the decoy to lure
soldiers up the ladder to where he can kill them. When you have lured as many up
the ladder as possible, climb down the ladder and wait behind the soldier. When
you're sure no one is looking in your direction, knife him, then climb down to
the ground level and kill the remaining two soldiers using cigarettes to lure
them away from their posts.
Phase 2: The Lower Camp
Send Tiny crawling across the ford in the river. Once he gets to the other side,
have him stay in the shallows and head east. Use the decoy and cigarettes to
the three soldiers to their deaths and hide the bodies near the eastern end of
the river. Then take care of the two a little further up the river by the tents.
Head down toward the soldier waling in the ruins. Place the decoy on the other
side of the blocks to the east of him. Activate the decoy. As he approaches,
crawl around the block so he can't see you. When he stops to look at the decoy,
move in and drop him with cold steel. Place the body where the soldier near the
bomb can see it. When he comes to check it out, knife him and carry both bodies
to the field.
While Tiny is doing all the killing, bring Duke across the river. Position him
near the rock by the river bank near the tents. From here he can target the
soldier atop the ruins. Duke can then hide in one of the tents to rest up. Tiny
is back up to bat. Kill all of the soldiers on the lower camp except for the
patrol and the soldier by the stairs.
Phase 3: The Upper Camp
It is now time to send Tiny climbing up the cliff to the east of the ruins. Kill
all of the soldiers up here except for the machine gunner. Then kill the
on the steps leading to the lower camp. Now bring Duke back into action. Bring
him to the upper camp along with Tiny. Send him crawling north until he has a
shot at the soldier across the river in the north. Drop him, then return to the
tent. All that remains in your way are the two soldiers guarding the bridge.
can walk over behind them, wait until one looks away from the other, knife his
friend, then quickly do the same to the first. The road is now clear. While Tiny
returns to get the navigation system, Tread can finally leave the church and
drive the truck across the bridge. Get Duke and Tiny aboard with the system and
head northwest up the road to safety.

Mission 4: Thor's Hammer
Mission Summary
· Objective: Destroy the rail gun and the armored train. · Team: Green Beret,
Sniper, Sapper
Phase 1: Just Getting Started
To begin with, Tiny must kill the three soldiers to the east of the start
position. Use the decoy and cigarettes to lure them into ambushes.
Phase 2: Soldiers Galore
Get Tiny on the ground and crawl east toward the soldier in the corner of the
brick walls. Stop and hide to the left of the two cable rolls. When the patrol
walks past and heads north, send Tiny right over by the break in the brick wall.
Throw some cigarettes into the soldier's line of sight. Let him retrieve them,
then, when he turns around, run and knife him. Pick up the body and carry it out
to the west and hide it behind the cable rolls. After the patrol walks past
again, sneak back in and place a decoy near the center of the walled are, along
the map edge. Then throw some cigarettes to attract a soldier from the east.
for one of them to pick up the cigarettes, then activate the decoy. Hide by the
eastern wall and knife him as he comes around. Turn off the decoy and hide the
body and repeat the step to get the other soldier.
Phase 3: The Armored Train
This next step is very tricky. You must crawl over by the soldier in the gap of
the brick wall, but stay out of the sight of the soldiers by the train. The best
way to time this is to hide in the small house to the west and come out after
patrol walks past. Crawl to the limit of soldier by the train's view, then, when
he turns around to walk away, crawl right up next to soldier by the wall. Wait
until everyone looks away, then quickly throw some cigarettes behind the other
soldier by the wall and drop prone. As soon as the first soldier goes for them,
crawl up behind and knife him, followed by the other soldier. You have to act
quick or you will be caught. Pick up the bodies and carry them east when nobody
is not looking and hide them behind the pile of debris.
Place the decoy to the southeast of the bodies use cigarettes to lure the two
soldiers behind the wall to their death, one at a time. Now wait until the
makes its rounds and then heads away. Send Tiny to hide behind the rail cars off
the tracks east of the armored train. When the lone soldier begins to walk away,
run and knife him. Carry the body back and hide it with the others. With the
clear, bring Duke and Inferno crawling up past the patrols.
Now you must eliminate the patrol. Wait until it makes its rounds and begins to
walk away. Then send Duke to drop all three of the soldiers with the sniper
rifle, beginning with the rearmost one and working up the line. You must shoot
quickly before any of them can raise an alarm. With the area clear, it's time to
plant the explosives. Inferno needs to place one inside the car with the open
door and another alongside the other car. Then have Tiny place one barrel near
the open door and two near the second explosive. Do not detonate the explosives
Phase 4: Destroy the Rail Gun
The soldier patrolling to the north is your next target. Observe the areas he
see along his route. Then have Inferno place some cigarettes at the edge of his
close vision and place the trap just in front of them. Return Inferno to hiding.
When the soldier goes after the smokes, he will walk right into the trap and be
killed. Tiny's job is to move the body out of sight.
Next, bring Duke forward to take out the sentry on top of the barracks. Make
no one is looking at him when Duke makes his move. Now you must time the
movements of the patrols and the soldiers just right so you can get all three
Commandos over to the shack north of the barracks without raising the alarm.
can hide inside; however, keep Duke and Inferno on the ground to the east of the
shack. When the soldier by the wall begins to walk away, send Inferno to place
some cigarettes at the edge of the map along the same line as his path. Then
him place the trap just in front of the cigarettes and crawl back to the hiding
spot. Take control of Duke and wait for soldier 20 to walk into the trap. As
as he does, Duke must crawl out to the west until he can shoot the sniper rifle
at the soldier on top of the train station. Take him out so others cannot see
With the northeast clear, send Tiny crawling along the wall and have him knife
the machine gunner from behind. Carry the body back out of sight. Kill all of
soldiers in front of the train station. Return to wait by the locomotive. Duke
can join Tiny while Inferno crawls along the platform between the two
and plants the explosives on the platforms at the front and back of the rail
While doing this, watch out for the soldiers on the rooftops. Wait until they're
not looking to plant the explosives. When Inferno has completed this task, he
move to where the others are waiting. Now comes the fireworks display. As
Inferno, detonate all the explosives in succession by quickly pressing [A] four
times. While the enemy is recovering from the blast, get all of your team into
the remaining locomotive, which will take them to safety. If necessary, use
Inferno's two grenades to take out any soldiers still in the area.

Mission 5: Guess Who's Coming Tonight
Mission Summary
· Objective: Capture the German Colonel and release Spooky. · Team: Green Beret,
Sniper, Driver
Phase 1: Clear Out the Town
For this first phase, you will only need Tiny. Use the decoy and cigarettes to
kill all nine individual soldiers in the southwest near Tiny's position. Then
head over to where Tread is hiding. Kill the two individual soldiers and the
machine gunner while watching out for the patrol.
Phase 2: Entering the Compound
Now Tiny must sneak past the patrol while crawling along the southern edge of
map. Kill the soldier by the field and hide the body. Now bring Duke over into
the field as well. Duke must crawl toward the eastern edge of the map and shoot
the soldier on the platform when no one is looking. Then return him to the
northernmost corner of the field.
Tiny must sneak over to this platform by crawling along the eastern map edge.
Once he's below the platform, have Duke throw a rock inside the wall, to the
of the four gate guards. When they turn to look, Tiny must scale the wall to the
platform, then drop prone. Have Duke throw another rock so Tiny can climb down
inside the base and then crawl to the ladder to the east. Have Tiny climb up to
the roof and kill the soldier when no one is watching, then get back down to the
ground. While watching out for the patrol, he should sneak past the gate guards
and over to the crates. When the coast is clear, he can go up the ladder of the
next building to kill the soldier on the western part of the roof and hide the
body out of sight. You have to time this just right. Now he should climb back
down and hide in the shack to the west. Duke can head back to hide at his
starting position.
Phase 3: Getting the Rest Inside
Have Tiny kill all of the individual soldiers around the two concrete bunkers
along the forest paths. There are 11 altogether. Then hide Tiny behind the
woodpile by the west gate. Now Duke must wait for the patrol to walk past him,
then crawl out into the street toward the gate until he has a shot at all three
of the gate guards. Quickly shoot all three, then return to hiding. Tiny must
quickly hide the bodies body before the patrol sees them. After the patrol walks
past, order Duke and the Driver into the compound.
Phase 4: Rescue Spooky
While watching out for the patrol in the northwest, Tiny must take care of the
eight soldiers near the prison and hide their bodies. Be sure to just knock one
of them out and handcuff him. Release Spooky from his cell and assemble all four
Commandos at the shack by the prison. Send Spooky over to the prisoner to take
his uniform. This is only a private's uniform, so he must stay away from
sergeants and officers because they will not be fooled by the disguise.
Phase 5: Capturing the Colonel
Duke must head over to the east and shoot the soldier by the front door of the
mansion. Now head back through the woods to the point just south of the machine
gunner. While out of his sight, shoot the soldier on the platform on the roof
the other nearby soldier as he is walking toward the first. Immediately, drop
prone. Crawl around to the west and shoot the soldier on the southwestern corner
of the roof. Return to the shack.
Now send Spooky to kill all the soldiers on the roof with poison. Walk past the
three soldiers on the front lawn after killing the soldier at the western end of
the yard. Put on the officer's uniform that's on the clothesline. Climb back
to the ground and take out the soldiers south of the mansion, except for those
the Colonel.
Tiny then must place the decoy north of the Colonel and crawl around to the
Send Spooky to distract the Colonel and keep him looking west. Have Tiny
the decoy and throw a rock past the southern soldier and then run up and knife
him while he is looking away. Then kill the next soldier, knock out and throw
handcuffs on the Colonel. Finally, knife the machine gunner.
Phase 6: The Escape
Assemble all the Commandos at the position where the Colonel is located. Send
Spooky to poison the soldiers near the tank and hide the bodies. Then have
to keep the patrol in the southwestern part of their route and looking away from
the tank. Now move Duke into position so he can shoot the soldier on the roof
Spooky could not get. Tiny must carry the Colonel. Send Tiny, Tread, and Duke
into the tank. Quickly get Spooky inside and then switch to control of Tread.
down any enemy in your way as you drive out the east gate and down the road to

Mission 6: Eagle's Nest
Mission Summary
· Objective: Infiltrate the German airfield and destroy all the prototypes. ·
Team: Green Beret, Sniper, Sapper
Phase 1: The Farmhouse
The first phase of this mission is quite simple. Kill the five soldiers near the
farmhouse. The last soldier up on the cliff is the toughest. Send Tiny to plant
the decoy just below the tall tree to the right of the soldier. Then crawl over
to the left and wait under the other trees. When the soldier is at the southern
end of his route, activate the decoy. Tiny must climb the cliff as quickly as
possible, then knife the soldier before he loses interest in the decoy. Hide his
body as far west as possible along the cliff side, near the trees. Climb back
down and retrieve the decoy.
Phase 2: Capture a Pilot
It's time to secure a way out of here. Bring Duke forward into the yard of the
farmhouse. From there, have him shoot the soldier by the ladder up the cliff.
Then shoot the soldier on the wall so his body is behind the nearby house. Now
it's Tiny's turn. Send him to take out the soldiers out side of the compound.
Tiny can use his pick to climb over the wall to near where the dead soldier
Place the decoy near the wall, west of the northern soldier. Activate it, then
hide in the building. When the soldier comes to take a look, sneak up behind him
and give him the cold steel blade. Hide the body by the door. The next step must
be performed carefully. Wait until the pilot walks southeast. Then run and hide
in the barn in the northern part of the compound. When the pilot returns, then
turns around again, Tiny must run and hide in the little alcove north of the
barracks. Wait for the pilot to return and then when he looks away, have Tiny
up and knock him unconscious with his fists. Quickly handcuff him and hide him
near the barn.
It's time for Duke to take another shot, this time at the soldier on the balcony
of the barracks. To set up this shot, Duke must crawl along the southern map
edge, then north until the soldier is in his sights. Wait until the soldier to
the east is walking away, then drop the target. Duke can return and hide by the
ladder up the cliff. Now all Tiny must do is sneak up behind the last soldier
inside and knife him. Then send Tiny outside to take care of the soldier to the
Phase 3: Onto the Airfield
While the others wait below, Tiny must carefully climb the ladder leading to the
airfield. He must kill the three soldiers on or near the building, then the four
near the fighters and bomber. Leave the soldier on the wing of the bomber for
now. Be sure to hide all the bodies.
Phase 4: Plant the Explosives
Tiny can now kill the two soldiers to the north along the western map edge.
Duke up to hide behind the rock on the other side of the landing strip with
When the patrol is headed south, Duke can crawl around the rock and shoot the
middle soldier on the roof to the east. Send Duke back to hide again while Tiny
crawls over to the ladder and climbs up to the top and drops prone. Knife both
soldiers when no one is looking at them, dropping prone after each kill. Then
hide their bodies in the southern corner. Place the decoy in the northern corner
and activate it when the soldier to the north is walking away. Tiny must hide
with the bodies. A soldier will come around and climb up the ladder to take a
look. Sneak up behind him with the knife and take him down. Hide the body with
the others and then lure the northern soldier up for the same purpose.
Now that the roof is littered with dead soldiers, recover the decoy. After the
patrol passes by, climb down and place the decoy in the corner of the building.
Activate it and hide in the door to the left. Use it, along with cigarettes, to
lure as many soldiers as possible to your ambush. Finally, kill the soldier by
the AA gun after Duke shoots the soldier on the wing of the bomber.
Now Tiny must get behind the fuel trailer and push it toward the first Me 262.
Don't push it all the way. Instead, leave it in front of the ladder. Next, send
all the Commandos south. Tiny must push the southern fuel trailer between the
Me 262s. Then have Inferno place an explosive near the fuel trailer, then head
north to plant one between the other Me 262. Tiny and Duke should hide in the
building by the ladder. Send Inferno down the ladder and around the walled
compound. He must crawl along the eastern map edge so he is not seen by the
machine gunner.
Phase 5: Airfield in Flames
Position Inferno in the southeastern corner below the barracks. Press [F3] to
split the screen in two. Set the view on the left screen to show the northern
bomb while the right screen shows Inferno. Wait until the patrol approaches the
fuel trailer, then press [A] once to detonate the southern bomb. After you see
the first two soldiers of a new patrol head out of the barracks in the left
screen, press [A] again to detonate the northern bomb, which takes out the first
patrol as well as those just coming out of the barracks. Now look at the right
screen and bring up a grenade by pressing [E]. When another patrol comes out of
the barracks, wait until it is near the machine gun and then throw the grenade
between the machine gunner and the other guard. Lob a second grenade at the
barracks as a second patrol begins to come out of the barracks. Stay put until
some other soldiers come to investigate. Throw stones near them to keep them
walking away. When no new soldiers are coming to look, take out those in range
with a third grenade. Because both barracks in the airfield have been destroyed,
you don't have to worry about any reinforcements. Just don't make any noise
of the fence line or patrols will come pouring out of the barracks in the walled
Duke can leave the building to shoot the soldier on the roof of the hanger with
his final bullet, then return to the building. Send Tiny to push the fuel
in the north toward the remaining Me 262, then the eastern fuel trailer toward
the Me 163. Inferno must plant explosives near each. Tiny must return to the
walled compound and carry the bound pilot to the airfield. After Inferno
detonates the last two bombs, get Duke and Inferno into the He 162 on the
Then Tiny can carry the pilot and send him into the jet before getting in
himself. Once all are aboard, the pilot will fly your team to safety.
Mission 7: The Great Escape
Mission Summary
· Objective: Release the Green Beret and Driver, as well as the rest of the
Allied troops being held prisoner. · Team: Green Beret, Marine, Sapper, Driver
Phase 1: Crossing the Stream
This phase is all up to Fins. He must make his way east and take out all the
guards along the way. Once he takes out the first five soldiers, drop down to
ground and have him crawl across the bridge and over behind the rocks. Take out
the soldier to the west without being seen by the other soldiers. Crawl along
stream until you reach a bank where you can crawl down into the water and don
diving gear.
Phase 2: The Prison Headquarters
Swim over to the pipe, then click on the well inside the prison as a destination
and Fins will swim inside. Swim over to the steps and wait for the nearby
to walk north, then west. As he passes by the door of the building, pop up out
the water and harpoon him. You must do it right there or other guards may see
body and sound the alarm. Crawl out of the well and over to a point just east of
the soldier by the barracks. When the nearby soldier begins to walk harpoon the
soldier by the barracks. Then drop back down and crawl after the other soldier,
who also must be harpooned. Crawl back over by the barracks and throw some
cigarettes out in the line of sight of the other soldier outside the gates, then
hide in the building. When he comes over to get the cigarettes, he will see the
bodies and come to take a look. When he is not looking at the door, pop out and
harpoon him before he can cry out. Now Fins must crawl down to the stream and
kill the soldier covering the bridge.
With the bridge clear, Inferno can cross the stream. Order him to place the
explosive right at the southern corner of the barracks. Then send both Commandos
to hide west of the rock. Detonate the explosive and you'll take out the
guardhouse, which is also a barracks. A sergeant will walk out of the bombed
building and head south. As long as he does not see you, he'll keep going all
way off the map. However, two other soldiers, will come to see what happened.
Once they are in range, Inferno can lob a grenade at them. The prison
headquarters area is now clear.
Phase 3: Break Tiny and Tread out of Prison
Inferno can stay behind by the rock while Fins begins crawling north. Follow the
tree line kill all the soldiers in the northern part of the map. Now send Fins
west to take out the soldier patrolling between the fences in the northwest.
Inferno can now crawl over and cut through the fence near the corner, west of
group of soldiers. He should stay out of sight and crawl behind the barrels.
out a grenade and throw it as far to the right as possible. It will take out all
the nearby guards and bring all the rest over to investigate. Wait until the
of the guards are all near the bodies of the first group, then throw a second
grenade. In two blasts, Inferno has wiped out all the guards in the prison yard.
With the yard clear, walk over to the barracks that the group was guarding and
open the door to release Tiny and Tread. Send these two crawling toward the
sawmill. Their packs are located north of this structure. Keep Tread there for
now, and send the other three Commandos to wait near Inferno's cuts in the
Tread has some killing to do with the rifle. Crawl around to the front of the
sawmill and shoot the machine gunner up in the guard tower. Immediately drop
prone and shoot the other soldier between the fences. Crawl over toward the
tower and drop the soldier by the northern gate while the patrol is headed away.
With this task completed, send Tread inside the prison to take out the northern
patrol by picking them off one at a time.
Phase 4: Release the Rest of the Prisoners
Send Tiny back inside the prison yard along with Fins to wait in the western
corner. Tread and Inferno can then crawl into the prison headquarters area.
Inferno stays back a bit, Tread must make his way to the eastern fence and shoot
the soldier who is patrolling between the inner and outer fences. Drop prone and
crawl into a position where Tread can take out the soldier in the guard tower.
Bring Inferno up to cut a hole in the eastern fence so the two can head east
along the trees. While the patrol is headed north near the barracks, Tread must
shoot both individual soldiers. Inferno can now approach the barracks. Wait
the patrol walks right next to the barracks, then throw the last grenade to take
it out along with the barracks. Tread can again come forward and use the rifle
shoot the soldier in the other guard tower. Finally, crawl along the eastern
fence until Tread can shoot the final soldier in the northeast.
With the escape route clear, Tiny and Fins can head over to the northern gate
open it. Once the gate is open, all the prisoners will come running out of their
barracks and head north to safety. Get your Commandos aboard the truck in the
east and have Tread drive them southeast down the road to safety.

Mission 8: Dangerous Friendships
Mission Summary
· Objective: Contact Natasha and have her get the secret documents from the
German general at the nightclub. · Team: Green Beret, Sniper, Marine
Phase 1: Clearing the South
First off, get all your Commandos on the ground and in the southern corner of
their area, behind the fence. Then send Tiny to place the decoy on the road,
northeast of the bridge. Have him return and hide by the fence. When Tiny
activates the decoy, a soldier will come across the bridge for a look. Knife him
and hide the body behind the fence. Recover the decoy, then crawl across the
bridge. Place the decoy east of the barracks so no other soldiers can see it,
then hide behind the door up the stairs. When the decoy is activated, another
soldier will come over. Once he walks past, Tiny can slip out of the building
run after him with the knife. After killing him, hide the body at the top of the
Now send Tiny crawling west along the southern map edge. Position the decoy near
the edge, behind the hay bales. Tiny should hide behind the bales as well, but
must be ready to crawl if necessary. Activate the decoy and the soldier will
over. Tiny may have to move to one side of the bales to stay out of sight.
However, once the decoy mesmerizes the enemy, Tiny can sneak up and give him the
blade. Duke is needed for the next kill. Bring him across the bridge and order
him to shoot soldier up on the windmill. Afterward, hide the Sniper in a
Tiny must use the decoy and cigarettes to kill the rest of the soldiers near the
windmill and to the west. Stay away from the bridge guarded by the machine
across the canal. The house in the southwest makes a great spot for an ambush.
Phase 2: Get the Diving Tanks
The first step in this phase is very tricky. Timing is everything. First,
position Fins, standing up, behind the tall weeds, just out of the sight of the
soldier by the waterwheel. Then move Duke between the two groups of buildings to
the south, so he has a clear shot at the other soldier. Wait until he begins to
walk southwest and the first soldier looks away from Fins. Then immediately send
Fins running out on the wooden landing to harpoon the first soldier as soon as
is in range. Quickly take control of Duke and shoot the second soldier before he
can turn around and see the body of the first.
Now Fins can get out the inflatable launch and row across the canal. Deflate the
launch and return it to Fins' backpack. Have Fins crawl along the building and
wait for the patrolling soldier to head east. Crawl after him and harpoon him
after he is behind the tall weeds. Now move around and harpoon the soldier in
east when he is looking away. Go over and grab the diving tanks before crawling
back toward the boat landing. Once Fins is behind the final soldier, have him
throw a stone northeast of him so he turns and sees a body. When he goes to take
a closer look, crawl after him and harpoon him. When all is clear, Fins can
over to the landing and don the diving tanks. Tiny must now finish off the last
soldier in the southern area. Crawl behind him and position the decoy on the
southeast of the soldier. Activate the decoy, and it will lure him to a spot
where Tiny can knife him without being spotted by soldiers across the canal.
Finally, send Tiny to hide in his ambush spot behind the house on the southern
Phase 3: To the Southwest
Send Fins swimming west to the landing near the houseboat in the southwest. Wait
until the patrol heads away from the guard and the other soldier walks past him,
heading north. Pop up out of the water when he looks away, then run up and
harpoon both soldiers. Tiny can now crawl west so he is just outside of the
machine gunner close view. Wait for the patrol to make another round, then as it
walks away, Fins can crawl out and shoot the soldier on the windmill, followed
the machine gunner. Send Tiny running to grab the latter's body and hide it
behind the hay wagon. Order Fins to hide behind the wagon as well. Kill the
remaining single soldiers in this area, then hide in the northern house.
Phase 4: Contact Natasha
Order Fins to swim over to the dock in the northwest by the escape boat. Kill
of the soldiers in this area. There are six. With the northwest clear, crawl
by the soldier next to the lever without being seen. Harpoon him, then take out
the other nearby soldier as he walks away from you. Leave the bodies and use the
lever to lower the drawbridge. Quickly get Tiny and Duke across the bridge and
out of enemy sight.
Send Tiny up to the building along the northern map edge. Use the decoy and
cigarettes to lure the two soldiers to the east to their deaths. Duke must now
use the sniper rifle to take out the soldier on the walkway overlooking the
streets. Make sure no one is watching either Duke or the target when the shot is
fired. Send Fins to crawl up behind the soldier by the wagon. When the other
soldier turns away, knife the first, then run and harpoon the second. Finally,
Fins must walk into the apartment building and make contact with Natasha.
Phase 5: Get the Secret Documents
This phase is quite simple. Send all of your Commandos to wait in the escape
while Natasha completes the mission. Natasha must walk along the garden wall in
the north as she heads east. Keep Natasha out of the close vision of Gestapo
agent or he will identify her as a Resistance member and order the nearby
soldiers to kill her. Have her continue down the eastern edge and walk into the
Dubois nightclub. Make sure Gestapo goon does not see Natasha. The General will
soon join Natasha. After their meeting, Natasha will have possession of the
secret documents. Walk her back along the same route to the escape boat, which
will take her and the Commando team to safety.