Crysis 2 чит-файл №1

Suit module upgrades:

Suit module upgrades=-

The following is a list of all suit modules and their upgrades:

Air Stomp: Velocity based attack; more speed deals more damage. Requires
beyond a Power Jump.
Minimum Velocity Damage: 40 damage out to 2 meters
Maximum Velocity Damage: 220 damage out to 7 meters
Upgrade II: No damage from falling
Upgrade III: 0.5x recovery time after Air Stomp
Proximity Alarm: Sense enemy in a 30 meter horizontal radius (not vertical);
updates every two seconds
Upgrade II: Sensor updates every second
Upgrade III: Sensor updates every half-second
Armor Enhance 0.5x energy consumption
Upgrade II: +25% movement speed in Armor mode
Upgrade III: Immune to Nanosuit Jammer Bonus
Threat Tracer: Highlight bullet path within 6 meters
Upgrade II: Highlight grenades within a 15 meter radius
Upgrade III: Highlights explosives within 15 meter radius
Nano Recharge: 2x health regeneration
Upgrade II: 2x suit recharge (60 per second)
Upgrade III: 0.5x delay before health regeneration
Detonation Delay: +2 seconds to grenade fuse when in blast radius
Upgrade II: +2 seconds to C4 fuse when in blast radius
Upgrade III: Fires Chaff against enemy JAW missiles
Energy Transfer: Restores 20% energy with a kill
Upgrade II: Restores 30% energy with a kill
Upgrade III: Restores 50% energy with a kill


Side Pack: +1 primary magazine
Upgrade II: +1 grenade/explosive
Upgrade III: +1 attachment ammo
Weapon Pro: 0.6x reload time
Upgrade II: 0.5x aim down sight time
Upgrade III: 0.4x weapon swap time
Aim Enhance: Reduced recoil (unique to weapon)
Upgrade II: 0.4x view shake from explosions
Upgrade III: 1.6x movement speed when aiming down sights
(compared to whatever negative speed it offers)
Loadout Pro: Two primary weapons
Upgrade II: No mobility loss from attachments
Upgrade III: 1.5x speed while carrying HMG (compared to its 0.6x speed scale)
Rapid Fire: Higher rate of fire on primary weapons (unique to weapon)
Upgrade II: Higher rate of fire on secondary weapons (unique to weapon)
Upgrade III: Higher rate of fire on mounted weapons
Point Fire Enhance: Reduces spread of primary weapons (unique to weapon)
Upgrade II: Reduces spread of secondary weapons (unique to weapon)
Upgrade III: Reduces spread of mounted weapons
Mobility Enhance: 0.5x sprint and jump energy cost
Upgrade II: 0.5x ledge grab climb time
Upgrade III: 0.25x fire after sprint time
Retriever: Automatically collect Dogtags
Upgrade II: One less Dogtag required for support bonuses
Upgrade III: 1.2x support bonus time


Stealth Enhance: Transition time to/from stealth is halved
Upgrade II: No shadow cast in Stealth mode
Upgrade III: 0.5x energy drain rate in Stealth mode
Covert Ops: No player footstep sound
Upgrade II: Invisible to Ceph Airstrike
Upgrade III: 2x enemy footstep sound
Cloak Tracker: Displays particles on Cloaked enemy within 20 meters
Upgrade II: Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 7 seconds in radius
Upgrade III: Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 5 seconds in radius
Jammer: Scrambles the radar of enemies within a 10 meter range
Upgrade II: Provides protection against enemy Radar Jammer attacks
Upgrade III: Scrambles the radar of enemies within an increased range
Blind Spot: Invisible to Maximum Radar
Upgrade II: Immune to Visor Tagging
Upgrade III: Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision
Tracker: Track enemy footsteps within 25 meters; updates every 0.6 seconds
Upgrade II: Footstep direction tracks
Upgrade III: Doubled track updates (every 0.3 seconds)
Visor Enhance: Automatically tag enemies when zoomed in
Upgrade II: Enemy Flashbang grenade effect lasts 0.1x as long
Upgrade III: Nano Vision energy drain 0.5x