John Romero's Daikatana чит-файл №1


The old man's plan almost worked. Almost. Now, instead of successfully making
it into the Mishima fortress by way of the bone collector's wagon, you find
yourself stuck outside in the rain. With Mikiko Ebihara's life in the balance,
Hiro must not waste time.

Walk ahead and pick up the Ion Blaster. With it as your weapon wade
cautiously through the stream to your right. A couple of Froginators and
Roboskeets will attack as you make your way to the pond ahead. This is a good
place to practice luring enemies into your sights one at a time. Keep them at
bay with the Ion Blaster, but if they get in close be sure and switch to the
Glove. Once free of attackers and able to enter the open area, head to the
waterfall on the right . Behind the cascading water, against the rock is a
ladder . Climb this ladder and proceed down the path to the door on the left.
Enter the small room to pick up the Goldensoul. You found your first secret.

Leave the secret room and proceed back to the ladder. Leave the fruit where
it is in case you need it later. Descend the ladder and cross the pond to the
Ion Blaster ammo. Grab the ammo and head up the stone steps near the Mishima
Industries sign. Take a left at the top and grab the Save Gem and berries from
on top of the rocks . Head out the way you came and continue straight ahead to
the other cave. Shoot the Froginator that approaches with your Ion Blaster and
walk towards the puddle on your right. Dive in and swim to the bottom to grab
the red Attack Boost. Quickly swim to the surface and continue on your path.

As you approach the ledge two Roboskeets and several Froginators will attack.
Shoot down the `Skeets and then pick off the Froginators one by one as they try
to climb up the slippery rocks. Grab some fruit from the tree behind you and
then drop down into the water. Make your way across this larger pond towards
stepped waterfalls on your right. Leap onto the lower ledge of the waterfalls
and take a close look behind the water. Similar to the earlier secret, climb the
ladders behind the water to the top of the falls and enter the alcove. Grab the
Chromatic Armor and descend back to the pond. Continue on through the cave to
the left of the falls.

Here you will encounter your first Rockgat. Approach the far wall slowly and
begin to shoot at the control box with the red light to the right. If you get
too close and get detected, simply run backwards while weaving to avoid the
Rockgat's impressive firepower. Once he retreats to the rocks, continue your
assault on the power box. Once the coast has been cleared, grab the health
and continue on to the left.

As you approach the large body of water ahead, be sure and destroy all of the
Froginators and Robocrox from a safe distance. Once in the water, switch to
Disruptor Glove and head for the two berry bushes. Head to the right just beyond
the trees and shoot down the incoming Roboskeets. Continue on slowly and
the Rockgat as it comes into view. Before heading off to the right, go left
around the stone arch and grab the Save Gem. Destroy the Froginator beyond the
Rockgat and head for the water on the right. Blow up the Robocrox from the
and make a dash across the water towards the sign ahead. Make your way up the
path to the large boulder at the bend in the cave. Jump up onto the rocks and
push against the boulder. Proceed down the path hidden by the boulder to the
next Secret. After grabbing the goodies, return to the cave and continue ahead
towards the red light.

To your right, as you exit the cave is a red-lettered ``Private" sign. Blow
apart the sign and step onto the rock ledge beyond it . Hug the rock wall and
proceed across the ledge to the hidden Mana Skull near the platform. Double back
to the cave exit and walk out onto the platform and collect the health. Run
across the bridge before it explodes and draw your Ion Blaster. With your back
to the wall, aim to the sky. A squad of Roboskeets led by a solitary
Thunderskeet will attack. After taking out your winged foes, try and pick off
the Robocrox and Froginators in the water below before jumping in. Pick up the
ammo in the corner and, if necessary, climb the ladder to get the remaining
health boxes. Wade through the water to the cave exit and follow the path to
next map area.

Ahead, to the right of the pipes, is a berry bush and another Save Gem. Make
your way onto the lower pipes and destroy the Froginators swimming below. To
left of where you entered is a locked door. To unlock the door , turn your back
to it and walk up the lower pipe on the right. Cross over to the other pipe via
the connection and turn around back towards the door. Make a running leap to
other pipe and then up onto the top platform over the door. Take out the two
Froginators standing watch and then destroy the red-lit control box for the door
below. Jump back down to the lower platform and enter through the door. Turn
left to grab the ammo and then battle the many Roboskeets on your way to the
Control Center.

The worker you see to your right is actually standing over a secret hatch.
Take him out and then enter the hatch to find the Mega Shield and Power Boost .
Back on the surface, cautiously walk around the right of the Control Center and
destroy the Rockgat hiding in the rocks. With the Rockgat demolished, destroy
control box in the upper right corner of the Control Center. Head back around
front to the now open door. Shoot down the Roboskeet and Froginators and enter.

Head immediately to the large Mishima computer terminal and use the keyboard
to open the hatch to the sewer system. With a way out of the marsh, step onto
the lift and ascend to the upper level of the room. Ride the lift at the end of
the catwalk to the marsh below. Step out into the water, kill the Roboskeets
head towards the waterfall ahead. Jump down and head to the right. Grab the
berries in the corner and climb the ladder to the helipad . Leap over the rocks
in the right hand corner, kill the Froginators and continue ahead to the secret
Goldensoul. Double-back to the ladder down off of the helipad and re-enter the

Before exiting the area, let the stream carry you past the sewer entrance.
Swim down below the fallen column of rock at the end of the stream. As you swim
towards the secret area, be sure and grab the Save Gem. Don't be tempted to
shoot the Thunderskeet just yet. Climb up the stone steps ahead of you to the
right and walk to the top of the rock ledge and jump down to the illuminated
staircase. Run up the stairs to grab the C4 Vizatergo. Turn around and run
ahead to grab the C4 explosives. Now, return to the top of the ledge from where
you jumped and launch some C4 towards the dozens of Protopods ahead. Leap
to the platform, grab the Save Gem, and destroy the Thunderskeet. Return to
the yellow-lit staircase and ascend. Before pulling the lever on the left, drop
down into the water and swim under the platform to grab the Shockwave ammo and
ascend the ladder. Now ride the lift to the helipad. Drop back into the stream
and head for the sewer.


With the help of Usagi's spirit, Hiro is granted access into the sewer system.
Head directly up the staircase and ride the lift up. Open the door to the mixing
chamber with the keypad on your right. Shoot down the two Roboskeets from the
opening and then enter the mixing room. Dive down in between the paddles to grab
the hidden Vitality Boost. Wait for the opening and then swim to the surface and
enter the tunnel marked #1.

Blast the Froginator and proceed to the top of the stairs. Before heading
down the staircase in the next room, leap over the railing to the landing below.
Make quick work of the Sludge Minion and grab the Chromatic Armor and health.
From the ledge, shoot the Robocrox and Froginator and then jump in. Crawl
the small opening across the room. Head immediately to your left and jump out
onto the metal walkway. In the next room climb the staircase to the computer,
blast the Froginator and then use the keyboard to open the gates to tunnel #2.
Step back from the computer and shoot out the grating to your left. Blast away
the metal pistons and flip the lever inside this small area. Now, descend the
stairs in the middle of the room to the sewer water below. Wade to the corner to
grab the Save Gem and then crawl into the opening directly behind it. Climb the
ladder and step out onto the pipe high above the room. Crawl along the pipe to
the Goldensoul.

Descend back to the metal walkway and follow it through the small corridor to
t he edge of the water you climbed out of earlier. Use the button to summon the
lift and ride it back to the next room. Climb the stairs and the ramp back to
mixing chamber. Use the C4 Vizatergo to destroy the Sludge Minion in tunnel #2
before entering. With the path cleared, proceed into the next tunnel and make
your way to the Hosportal and computer on the right. Shoot the grated floor in
front of the Hosportal to reveal a secret area. Descend the ladder to find the
next Save Gem.

From the Hosportal, begin down the tunnel, destroying several Froginators and
two Sludge Minions as you go. Beyond the door on your left are more Froginators
and a Sludge Minion so have your weapon drawn. Proceed down the ramp to the left
of the spillway and take out all the Roboskeets from a distance. Cross behind
drain to the Mishima computer and use the keyboard to open the door out of the
room. Run back across the walkway and up the ramp to exit the room before the
door re-closes. Destroy the Sludge Minion on the other side of the door and head
towards the next tunnel.

As you head down this next sewer pipe a mini earthquake ruptures the pi pe.
Walk around to the left of the broken tunnel, kill the Froginator and grab the
health packs as well as the Gas Hands attachment for your Glove. Dive into the
water and swim through the corridor using your Gas Hands to destroy any lurking
Froginators. Climb out of the water and use the keypad to extract the steps of
the ladder. Climb the ladder to the pipe above, kill the Froginator, and
on to the next map change.

Drop into the next pipe and immediately destroy the two Froginators that
attack. Jump out of the break in the pipe ahead and cross the room to your
Kill the Protopods and Roboskeets that lie in between the pipes and grab the
health and ammo before taking on the Sludge Minion. Use your Ion Blaster from
across the room to destroy the Sludge Minion and Froginator in the distance and
then jump down into the current below. Equip yourself with the Gas Hands and
through the door into the water below. Quickly swim to the next room, going over
the large paddles in the center. Swim into the glass room beyond the paddles,
grab the health, and press the button on the wall to lower the water. Without
stopping for even a breath of air you must swim back over the paddles towards
tunnel on your left.

Arm yourself with the C4 Vizatergo and pass through the circular hatch. In
mixing chamber ahead are three Sludge Minions. Fire plenty of C4 at them and
retreat to the other side of the room. When they are down climb the ladder to
ledge high above. You will step off the ladder directly onto a Protopod so be
ready with either your Ion Blaster or Disruptor Glove. Make your way around the
ledge past the locked sewer gate and onto the I-beams. . Climb the ladder ahead
onto the ledge and go to your right to get the Save Gem and health that await
you. Walk the ledge to the other side of the room and duck into the small
Take out the worker and the Roboskeet and then turn the wheel to open the large
gate. With the gate open, jump down to the ledge on the right and then run
through the gate before it closes. Just watch out for the Sludge Minion in the
next tunnel.

Where the ramp levels off is a hole in the floor. Dive into the hole, grab
health and proceed to the filtering tank ahead. At the base of the tank is a
Power Boost. Grab the skill boost and switch to your C4. On the platform above,
in the center of the tank is the Shotcycler 6. Before walking into this ambush
however, pinpoint the three Sludge Minions on the far ledge. Jump up, fire some
shots and dive back into the water for safety. With the Shotcycler in hand swim
back the way you came and continue up the tunnel.

At the turn in the tunnel is an army of Sludge Minions and Roboskeets. If low
on ammo but high on health, switch to your Gas Hands and ambush them. The Gas
Hands are capable of ripping through the Sludge Minions like a warm knife
butter. Before making the turn at the intersection, go straight for the ammo and
then make your way up the ramp past even more Sludge Minions.

Before entering the door at the top of the steps, grab the Ion Blaster ammo
from under the steps. Switch to your Shotcycler, open the door and obliterate
Sludge Minion from point-blank range. Switch back to your Ion Blaster and finish
off the other Sludge Minion and Roboskeets before taking the lift to the Control
Room above.

Once in the Control Room, take out the guards across from the lift. Grab the
armor and ammo on the right and then proceed to the Hosportal and main computer
on the left. Use the keypad to learn more about Mishima's Fortress and to exit
the area.


As Hiro left the sewer system he began thinking that he wasn't about to enter
normal prison. He was right. The most excruciating, sadistic torture devices
designed lie behind the doors here. He must get to Mikiko before she pays the
price for rebelling against Mishima.

As you step off of the lift, cross the room and use the green keyboard on
your left to open the door. Pass into the next corridor and head straight ahead.
Crawl under the staircase to find a secret Plasteel Armor. When out from under
the stairs head back down the hall to the computer bank on the left. Press the
blue button in the far right corner to unlock some doors in the next sector.
back to where you began the mission, using the keyboard to open the door.

Now leave this first room down the steps in the far right corner. Grab the C4
and the Ion Blaster ammo and cross the computer room on your left. Take out the
guards and head up the stairs into Cell Block 1. Use the C4 to take out the two
Inmaters around the corner. Run past the cells and turn to the left at the end
the corridor. Crawl, yet again, under the steps to grab the health. Turn to your
right and to blow up the motor for the generator behind the screen . This turns
off the force field for the cells in Cell Block 1. On the platform above you, an
Inmater is released to take care of the offending party. Arm yourself with the
Vizatergo, crawl out from under the stairs and fire a couple of quick shots to
take him out. Head past the escaping prisoners to the last cell on your right
grab the Ion Blaster ammo from the bunk. Then, return to the far end of the

Grab the Sidewinder Rockets from the right and then head up the small
staircase to the door. Open the door and take out the Mishima Guard and Inmater
in the next room. Enter the yellow-lit corridor on the far side. Make your way
past the Inmater and Guard to the end of the corridor. Press the button near the
observation window and take advantage of the Hosportal behind you. Make your way
back to the large blue room, grabbing any necessary health and ammo along the

Board the lift in the center of the room and press the button on the column
ride it up. Take out the two Guards and then enter the room ahead of you. Make
your way through the next room past the Inmater being sure to grab the
Shotcycler ammo. Take out the Guard on the floor and the two in the rafters and
head towards the mal-functioning door to Cell Block 2 (you thought that noise
an approaching Inmater, didn't you?). Put the Worker out of his misery and then
fix the door for him by blasting the short-circuiting wires overhead. Crawl
through the jammed door.

Take out the guard in the next room and grab the health in the corner. The
main door to Cell Block 2 is locked so you must find an alternative route. Walk
towards the green Mishima sign in the corner. A hidden door is located just to
the right of that sign. Open the door and shoot the barrel of explosives just
inside. This will blow a hole in the wall. Step to where the barrel was and shut
the door behind you. With the door shut, shoot at the crack in the far wall.
Crawl into the opening you make and grab the hidden Goldensoul. Return to where
the barrel was and crawl into the red-lit room ahead. Make your way around all
the pipes to the ladder in the rear. Climb the ladder onto the upper pipe and
make your way back around. Jump down to grab the Acro Boost and then leap back
onto the pipe and from there, onto the platform above through the opening ahead.
Crawl back along the platform, staying low to avoid the fans. Grab the health if
you need it and then jump over the lowest pipe. Jump into the pipe ahead to
Cell Block 2.

From where you exit the pipe, take out the Guards and head straight ahead to
the first Save Gem. Descend the lift to the torture room below. Use the C4 to
take out the two Inmaters standing guard and hell, blow up the sick pups at the
operating table in the corner too. Proceed to the far end of the hall, past the
cells. Enter the room in the corner and use the Hosportal to rejuvenate. Press
the keys on the computer to open the next area and extend the platform. As you
head back to the lift, use the keypads on the right wall to deactivate the force
fields for the cells and grab the Plasteel Armor. Ride the lift back up and head
to the door you opened down the hall to the left.

Cross the platform over the torture chamber and enter through the door. Have
the Shotcycler ready to take down the Guards at the top of the stairs. Use the
blue button to enter the next room. Clear the room of Mishima forces and then
shoot at the large Green Mishima panel on the wall. Blast it apart to grab the
Goldensoul hidden behind it. Use the keyboard opposite the secret to unlock the
gates to Cell Block 3. Board the lift left of the computer and follow the
around to the blue room. Blast the Guards and descend the staircase to the next
map area.

Descend the second set of steps to the room below. Kill the Guards and
approach the computer near the steps. Fire at the screened panel and then at the
machinery to reveal a secret . Crawl in and work your past the hot pipes to the
Wraith Orb and ammo that lies beyond. Crawl out and use the keypad on the
computer to unlock the next door. While invisible, enter the hallway and blow
apart the Inmater in the distance. Next focus your fire on the red power box in
the top right corner to turn off the laser detectors. Jump inside the hatch that
opened and follow the corridor to the health and ammo. Use the button on the
to exit the secret area. Return to where the lasers were and proceed.

After passing the laser trap you will find yourself in a large blue room with
a tower in the center. Destroy the Inmater by the Mishima panel and then follow
the ledge to where he just stood. Shoot at the green panel to reveal a hidden
Save Gem and ammo. Use the Save Gem here in case you fall to your death. Stand
the ledge, facing the open door across the gap. Walk off the ledge and plummet
through the air to a small walkway below. Still facing the tower, walk the ledge
around to your left and enter the tower. Grab the ammo and climb the ladder to
the armor above. Continue up the ladder into the control room. Kill the Guards
and grab the health, ammo and Save Gem.

Use the keyboard in the control room to open the vault that is Cell Block 4.
Follow the walkway to the left, taking out any Guards that get in your way.
the ladder to the small platform on your left and pull the lever next to the
computer. This short-circuits the wires and causes a small explosion . Jump into
the wreckage and turn the wheel to manually open the door below. Grab the ammo
from the other ledge and then kneel down by the door and shoot the Guards before
you crawl under the door. Take care of the Inmater and continue on into the
hallway. Before boarding the lift, turn and perform a Shotcycler jump over the
yellow railing to acquire the ammo and Mega Shield. This jump is performed by
simultaneously jumping and firing a high-recoil weapon at the ground. Practice
this technique as you will do it again in the other time periods with different

Summon the lift with the blue button and ride it up to the next area. While
the lift, get in a crouch and draw your Shotcycler to make quick work of the
Inmater and Guards th at wait for you at the top. Switch to the C4 and blast the
Inmater directly ahead and the two in the hall on the left. Proceed to the end
the corridor to meet your new friend, Superfly. To free Superfly from his
entanglement, follow the power supply from the Mishima panel to the power box in
the top right corner of that wall. Blast the box and return to the panel to grab
the Keycard. Bring the Keycard to Superfly to let him down.

With your new sidekick being unarmed, he is more of a liability than an asset
at this point in the game. Have him stay in Cell Block 4 while you head through
the open doors on the left to Cell Block Death. Clear a path for Superfly
the many Inmaters and Guards that lurk here. Return to Superfly and have him
follow you to the exit.


With a brief moment to talk, you learn a bit about Superfly's horrid past.
You sense his determination and decide that not only is he trustworthy, but he
may provide some much needed firepower. Hiro and Superfly enter the Crematorium,
with just one question on their mind: Why does Mishima need a crematorium in his
fortress? Unfortunately, the answer is somewhat unsettling.

From where you begin, run up the ramp and enter the lobby of the crematorium.
Have Superfly grab the Ion Blaster while you collect the ammo. Put down the
Ragemaster and proceed to the waiting room on the left. Take out the Lasergat on
the wall and cross the room to grab the Save Gem. Turn and shoot the top off the
coffee table in the center. Climb down the ladder to the Power Boost. Return to
the main lobby and enter through the door on the far side of the room.

Battle through the Guards and Ragemasters towards the loading area ahead.
Before heading to the truck however, be sure and jump over the railing to
the ammo and berries near the tree. With Superfly in tow, travel across the
parking area towards the chain link fence on the far side. Collect the health
Ion Blaster ammo and turn to the left to find a secret Hosportal behind two
Guards. From the Hosportal, head directly ahead towards the gate. Crawl under it
and take out the Lasergat high above. Follow the path to the right and over the
catwalk to the control room ahead. Kill the Roboskeets and Guards and enter the
room. Use the keyboard on the left to open the bay doors to the loading dock.
other two keyboards are of no real use to you. Leave the room.

Before heading to the loading dock take a leap off of the walkway into the
swamp below. Smack down the Froginator with your glove and swim under the arch
and around to your right. Grab the Plasteel Armor from behind the column and
back around to the ladder hanging down from above. Climb the ladder and shoot
through the barbed-wire fencing to regain the walkway. Meet back up with
and head across the lot to the loading dock entrance.

Destroy the Ragemaster and Guards on the loading dock entrance ramp. Use the
keypad on the right to open the door and enter the bee's nest in the next room.
Avoid hitting Superfly while you battle the Ragemaster, Lasergat, and Guards
simultaneously. Enter the small control room on the right, kill the Guard, and
collect the Sidewinder and any ammo that you need. Use the keyboard to witness
how the loading mechanism works. Pay close attention to the leak in the pipe
the ladder. Leave the room and descend the ladder into the pit below. Shoot out
the grate behind the ladder and have Superfly grab the Armor. Climb the ladder
and, from near the conveyor, shoot a missile right at the leaky pipe. Once the
automated door has been blown open, board the lift with Superfly and get ready
for a firefight.

Descend the incline conveyor to the floor, firing the Sidewinder nonstop.
the room secure, grab the ammo from the right hand wall and head to the lift
the racking of coffins. Superfly volunteers to wait while you ride the lift to
the second level of racking. Grab the Save Gem and then climb the ladder on the
beam to reach the vent in the wall. Drop down into the ductwork. Take out the
Lasergat at the turn and drop down again. You emerge under the walkway on which
Superfly is standing. He may greet you with a WAZZZZUPPP as you crawl by but pay
him no mind. Grab the health on the left and then make your way around the two
fans to the far corner of the crawlspace. Drop down to the lower level and
immediately begin firing at the Lasergat ahead. Beyond the Lasergat is a large
pit with only a small angled beam to jump from. Save the game here before
attempting the leap over the pit.

After leaping the pit, turn to the right and crawl through the opening. Two
Mishima Guards await you around the bend. Take them out and crawl into the next
section of ductwork. A Lasergat is positioned immediately after the first turn
be ready with your Sidewinder. Climb the ladder ahead and carefully approach the
opening. A couple of shots of C4 through the opening into the room below will do
more than clear the room for your entrance. Just be aware of the edges of the
vent. One misguided shot of that stuff and you'll be sent head over heels
backwards down the ladder.

Jump down to the room below and shoot out the control box in the ceiling to
open the door to your left. Enter the loading room to rejoin Superfly. At the
end of the room, a previously locked closet has been opened. Enter the room and
shoot out the gate below the bottom shelf. Crawl in to acquire the Shockwave
weapon. Leave the closet and head to the door on the far side. Enter the
control room ahead. Destroy the Ragemaster and Guards and grab the Save Gem.

From the computer room, enter the next hallway and destroy the Ragemaster and
Guard. Continue on through the corridor till you come to a door on your left.
Attempt to lure the Ragemaster from this next room into the corridor so as to
eliminate him in relative safety. The hallway beyond the door contains several
Guards, a Ragemaster, and a Lasergat in each corner. Proceed with caution
the next hallway to the door at the end.

Enter through the door and blast the Ragemaster and Lasergat with the
Sidewinder. The door straight ahead is locked so enter the door to the left
first. Work your way to the coffin closet at the end of the hall and blow apart
the grating from below the lower shelf. Follow the ductwork past the Lasergats
and up the ladder. Climb out of the vent and grab the ammo from under the pipes
to your left. Take out the Guards below, use the Hosportal to get some health
back, and let Superfly grab the health pack. Pass by the rivers of blood
cascading down on your right and enter the next room.

Follow the walkway around to the left and enter the office area of the
crematorium. Go through the door to the hallway, take out the forces there and
proceed up the ramp to the door. At the Mishima Crematorium sign, grab the Save
Gem from the left and then head back around to the door on the right side of the
hallway. Take out the Guard and the Cambot and then leap into the water below.
Grab the Plasteel Armor for Hiro and let Superfly get the Chromatic Armor. Use
the ramp in the corner to regain the walkway. Follow the walkway around to the
door on the left. Take out the Ragemaster and the Guard and continue on to the
viewing room. Have Superfly stand back while you fire the Shockwave into the
room. Grab the health from the rear of the room and continue on to the next

After extinguishing the room of the Mishima Guards shoot out the grate near
the ceiling. Carefully jump from desk to sign to bookcase to access the vent.
Crawl along the ductwork and drop down into the incinerator room. Kill the
attacking Guards and crawl under the incinerator. Before exiting the room to the
left, crawl around to the right to grab the health boxes and Chromatic Armor.
leave the room to the left.

Blast your way past the Mishima Guard and the worker and board the lift to
right. Once off the lift enter the door marked Authorized Personnel Only to
complete the mission.


Hiro and Superfly notice on their way out of the Crematorium that the coffins
were never actually incinerated, and neither were their contents. Filled with
disgust, as well as fear for what they may encounter, the two proceed into the
Processing area of the fortress.

Enter the area through the door ahead. Grab the ammo and health in the room
and proceed through the door on the left. Go up the stairs to meet your first
Venomvermin and Deathsphere. Continue down the hall, mindful of the Lasergats
Cambots lurking about. Along the back section of the hallway, shoot the blue
light near the floor just prior to crossing the grate. The grate opens, reveling
a hidden Megashield. Climb out of the hole and shoot out the glass window and
jump into the swamp below.

Grab the Save Gem ahead, and swim to the far left to gather some more
Head back to where you grabbed the Save Gem and climb out of the water onto the
rock ledge. Rock-hop to the drainpipe on the left and enter the tank behind it.
Grab the ammo and health and climb the ladder to the vent ahead. Make your way
past the space-age rats to the grating. Quickly bust out of the vent and open
door ahead to let Superfly in. Together, you will be able to destroy the
Deathsphere, Lasergat, and Guard in the room. Take a break from the action to
witness the disturbing sights and sounds on the other side of the glass.
Meatloaf anyone?

Head through the door on the far end, use the Hosportal if you need to and
continue down the hall. Shoot at the Mishima Worker and control box while
by, It may not be necessary, but try having the fan cut him in half. Now that's
entertainment! Keep moving down the hallway to the next map area, taking out any
Deathspheres along the way.

Open the door marked ``Authorized Personnel Only" and put down the Guard on
the steps. At the bend in the walkway fire the Shockwave at the laser-toting
`bots down the hall and flee back to the entrance to the room. Forge ahead
through the door to the stairway and descend past the Guards to the room below.
Equip yourself with the Sidewinder to take down the Deathspheres that float
above. Face the pipes, to the right of the entrance. Descend the small ladder
crawl out onto the pipes beneath the floor to grab the Save Gem .
Ascend back up the ladder and head to the Hosportal. Walk out onto the thin
ledge next to the aid station and follow it around to the Chromatic Armor. Cross
the room and go through the door.

Shoot down the Deathspheres while trying to dodge the Venomvermin's missiles.
In fact, this may be a good time to try the Shockwave, just make sure you and
Superfly exit the room before it detonates. With the enemies extinguished, cross
the room to the steps ahead. Crawl under the staircase to grab the Goldensoul.
Use the Hosportal if necessary and then head to the downstairs door, opposite
steps. Tell Superfly to wait for you while you go on ahead to the oven room.
Pick up the items in the corner and use the computer to check out the freezer.
Enter the next room. This is where Mishima is undoubtedly having it his way as
you can see the human meat being pressed into quarter-pounders. Use the large
computer terminal to unlock the door to the freezer. Grab the Ion Blaster ammo
and then head to the wall near the pressing machine. On the right side of the
machine in the corner is a blue button. Press this button to lift the steps out
of the way to reveal a secret passage. Blast through the grating and crawl into
the vent. Grab the Attack Boost and use the button to exit the vent. Head back
Superfly and proceed through the now unlocked door to the freezer.

Take out the Venomvermin and Deathspheres in the Freezer and grab the ammo,
health and Shockwave from the floor. Jump from the steps to the upper level of
shelving on the right. Crawl over and around the boxes to grab the Power Boost.
Pass into the next hall and enter the door to your right. Eliminate the Guards
and Deathspheres here and continue on through the door at the top of the steps.
Extinguish the bad guys and head to the computer terminal on the left. The
monitor shows the next room and the location of a hidden Plasteel Armor. Climb
the steps to the upper platform and enter the next room. Immediately jump over
the railing to your left to grab the armor. Turn and climb up the ladder and
proceed to the exit. Is it me or is it getting cold in here?

Ice Lab

The Icelab is where the game begins to up the difficulty. The majority of the
mission is spent on walkways suspended over deadly nitrogel baths. As if that
wasn't enough, a legion of Deathspheres and Lasergats await you at every bend.

Walk ahead to the ``T' and turn left. Tell Superfly to wait while you go
ahead. Open the door by using the control panel on the right and fire the
Shockwave into the crowd on the other side. When the blast has gone by continue
down the hall and fire the Shockwave again. Bring Superfly back and together
the health and proceed to the left corner of the room to grab the Blue Keycard.
Open the large door to the right and enter the next room. Beware the noxious
gases from the Cryotechs as you engage them. Grab the Save Gem and descend the
ladder. Take out the three Cryotechs before leaping the pit. Walk ahead and turn
the large valve to lower the level of nitrogel. Facing the valve, squeeze
it and the wall to the right and drop to the ledge below. Crawl into the vent on
the right and ascend the ladder. Grab the Vitality Boost and C4 ammo and climb
the next ladder. Drop through the opening onto the pipe and collect the
Goldensoul in the alcove behind you. Take out the Deathspheres and return to the
control room to get Superfly.

Go back through the corridor to the lift. Use the keyboard at the computer
the upstairs room to briefly open the door and pass through to the next room.
Take out the Guards and open the heavily barred door to enter the next area.
to the end of the path and turn left at the wall. Proceed all the way to the
room on the right. Kill the Guards and grab the ammo and Shotcycler. Visit the
Hosportal to cure your maladies before descending the ladder in the corner to
grab the Megashield. Exit the room and walk straight ahead off of the walkway
onto the pipe below. Jump to the platform in the center, grab the Sidewinder
and climb the ladder. Slaughter the Guards in the room above and open the main
door to let Superfly catch up. Board the lift and ride it up. Grab the health
pass through the large silver door. First head to the cafeteria at the end of
hall to your left. Grab the armor and return to explore the hallway to the right
of the intersection.

Enter the next room and eliminate the Cryotechs and other assorted baddies
that lurk there. Grab the Save Gem and continue down the path to the lift room
with the purple glow. Take the lift upstairs and kill the Cryotechs and Guards
that dwell there. Make use of the Hosportal behind the screen and then head to
the blue-lettered ``SciCo" door across the way. Head out the door across the
but beware of the Inmaters at the top of the ramp. The Mishima forces add to the
fun with an all out assault by Ragemasters, Inmaters, and Deathspheres. With the
opposition laid to rest turn your eye to the green field in the center of the
room. Inside there appears to be a young woman in a state of inanimation. Could
that be Mikiko?

Continue along the walkway, grabbing items as you go. In the next corridor
you will face several Inmaters and Deathspheres, but don't fret, you're near the
end. Grab the Save Gem and march on to the end of the mission and the completion
of your first objective—rescuing Mikiko Ebihara.

The Vault

Two's company but three's … You guessed it, you now have to escort two mildly
intelligent characters throughout the rest of the game. What Mikiko lacks
the ears is easily overshadowed by her moody, sometimes downright foul,
Resist the urge to unload you arsenal on her!

Divide up the armor and weaponry in the first room of the Vault and then head
up the steps. Shoot down the Cambot and let your sidekicks pick up the Ion
Blaster near the large door at the top of the steps. Use the keyboard to access
the next room and blow out the Ragemasters that leap out of the hatches. Shoot
apart the grating on the wall to the right and follow the passage past the
Venomvermin. Grab the health and the Save Gem from across the way and return to
the large room ahead. Jump down into the pit in the rear of the room. Use the
keypad in the alcove to extract the ladder on the wall and ride the lift to the
main level. Use the ladder to the right to reach the door to the next room.

Destroy the Guards and Deathspheres in the next room, and then board the
lift with Mikiko and Superfly. Have them wait by the door. Send the lift back
upstairs without boarding it. Shoot the grate near the floor and enter the
ductwork. Crawl along past the Venomvermin to the terminus. Shoot the grates on
each side to collect a host of goodies. Return to you're the lift and take it
back up. The keypad in the rear of the room opens the large door downstairs. Use
the keypad and then quickly descend on the lift and exit the room, calling
and Superfly to follow. Blast the Ragemaster and Guards and then head back to

The door across the room is locked. An exit is available through a pipe in
water. However, before leaping off the bridge, shoot out the power box near the
suspended bridge above. This will lower a platform you will need later. Now jump
down into the water below. Use the keypad to open the manhole and dive in. Swim
to the ramp leading out of the tunnel and grab the Save Gem ahead. Turn and fire
at the fan. Jump into this air duct and drop down into the next room. Take out
the guards and climb the ladder. Open the door to let Mikiko and Superfly join
you and then head to the blue room at the far end.

Climb the ladder in the small blue room to the central computer room. Explore
among the computers for the Hosportal, killing the Workers and Cryotechs above
along the way. Pass through the mesh doors and work your way upstairs. Once on
the catwalk, go left to the keypad. Return back to the main floor to find the
hidden Plasteel Armor under the stairs. Return to the upstairs catwalk, this
heading right at the turn. Climb the ladder and drop down into the pipe. Kill
Venomvermin as you leave the pipe and pass through the next several doors,
crossing over the bridges, as necessary.

Enter the room ahead and take out the two Ragemasters that approach
immediately. The door ahead is locked so turn left and shoot out the grate in
wall. Use the crates to reach the vent and climb in. Soon the ductwork collapses
and drops you into the drink. Annihilate the Sludge Minions and climb the ladder
to the platform above. Grab the Save Gem and study the movement of the platforms
ahead of you. Leap from platform to platform until you reach the fifth and final
one. This is a good time to use your Save Gem in case you don't make the jump to
the ductwork. Rocket-jump on top of the vent to grab some ammo or just climb
the vent. To the right is the health you attempted to grab earlier. To the left
is a way out of the vent and into the locked room. Open the door to let Mikiko
and Superfly in and continue down the hall to the next map area.

Take out the Battle Boar and the Guards and refresh with the Hosportal. More
Battle Boars will approach from down the ramp. A shot from the Shockwave will
help your cause. Turn into the room on the right for more ammo and health. Just
be sure to kill the Venomvermin that approach you as you leave the room. Use the
keyboard to open a hidden door in the hallway. Grab the Save Gem and climb the
ladder to the vent above. Drop down onto the platform below and begin attacking
the Deathspheres as you ascend. Duck through the first three hole in the wall
then leap onto the ledge on the wall to collect the health. In the bottom of
shaft is a vent leading out of this trap. You will emerge in the line of fire
from a Battle Boar, take him out and descend the ladder to return down the hall
to Mikiko and Superfly.

With Mikiko and Superfly in tow, return to where the Battle Boar was. Press
the keypad to unlock a door above and ascend the ladder. Put away the
and continue into the next room. Fire a Shockwave into the corridor to your
After its force dissipates, continue on to get the Save Gem ahead. The door to
your right leads directly into the crossfire of two Battle Boars, use caution as
you proceed. Turn the corner and put down a couple more Battle Boars.

Soon you will find yourself in the room holding the Daikatana. To the left of
the entrance is an electric force. As the moving objects reach the floor, a jolt
of electricity will be spread across the room. Be sure to be standing on one of
the corner platforms when this occurs. Your first step is to destroy the yellow
cylinders near the ceiling. This helps to remove a shield from the Brains. With
the Brains visible, shoot at their glass cases. One by one, as they explode
Lasergats will begin firing on you. With the Lasergats and the Brains only a
memory, the Psyclaws will appear. Avoid their claws and fire the Sidewinder and
C4 at them until they're dead.

As Hiro grabs the Daikatana, Mishima shows up to teach the youngsters the
history of the sword and of the power it holds. Witness to the power of the
Daikatana, Mishima has the threesome banished to the far reaches of time.

Lemnos Isle

You may have always wanted to visit Greece and marvel at the ruins, but let me
tell you, this is no time for sight-seeing. You are stranded alone on an island
with a weakened sword in hand and have no idea how to return your own time and
place. Get moving, this one isn't going to work itself out.

Run ahead around the cliffs to find the Discus in the wheel barrow. Using the
Discus and some fancy footwork, take down the three Skeletons that approach near
the ruins. Descend the steps on the left and proceed straight ahead to grab the
life vases there. Turn around and go either left or right into the next hallway
and follow it outside. Enter the doorway into the next building. Run the length
of the hall to the outside courtyard in the rear. Descend the steps to the
level and jump into the water to collect an Attack Boost under the walkway.
out of the water and head into the downstairs level of the building you just
exited. Destroy the band of Skeletons that attack, grab the Save Gem and use the
Lifewater Fountain to regain some health.

Dive into the fountain in the center of the room and press the two buttons on
the wall to reveal a hidden passageway. Drop down into the pool below and
immediately climb out of the water to grab the Silver Armor. Return to the water
and swim through the shallow tunnel to the next area. Pass through the doorway
and head up the corridor mindful of the army of spiders that will attack. Enter
the next building through the large golden doors.

As you enter the building, jump into the fountain on the left to grab another
Discus. Climb out of the fountain and take a swan dive off of the platform into
the water below. Kill the Skeletons and then throw a couple of Discus at the
crack in the ceiling to find a hidden Goldensoul—along with a couple of
spiders. Turn and head through the doors to the next courtyard. An army of
Skeletons and Spiders will attack. Once you put them away grab the health from
the center of the yard and proceed up the steps in the rear to the next

Pass through either door to the main corridor and jump in the fountain to
collect the Save Gem. Walk the grating over the aqueduct and enter the door down
the hall to the left. Grab the life vases here and return to enter through the
doors at the other end of the hall. Grab the life from the statue in the center
and jump into the water that flows under the statue from behind it. Swim through
the channel, grabbing the armor, and out into the aqueduct. Wade through the
water, eventually plunging off a ledge and into a pool below.

Climb up the stairs and enter the next map area through the doors. Run ahead
and grab Charon's Horn and pass through the doors on the left. Approach the
for the Horn and summon Charon. He wants some money for his services and tells
you to return with the Drachna. No problem. Reenter the building and proceed
through the now open door on the left.

Once outside, head to the left of the stairs to the next building. Attack the
crack in the foundation and crawl inside. Grab the Save Gem and dive into the
water. Swim out of the water and bust down the boards across the door to enter
the next room. Beware the hole in the center of the floor and pass through the
door to the right as the two at the ends are barricaded. Battle your way up the
staircases to the gold doors at the top.

Climb the steps to the right and grab the Drachna. Descend the steps and
battle the hoard of Skeletons as you make your way out the door on the right.
chirping of the seagulls alerts you that you are near the water. Head down the
sandy path past the Skeletons and Spiders, stopping only to grab the Gold Armor
near the statue on the left. Give the Drachna to Charon and let him ferry you to


Catacomb, meaning underground passageway, is where Charon deposits you.
still. Off of the island and back on the mainland, Hiro can't be too far from
civilization. Could the city of Athens be near?

Starting on the beach, grab the Discus to your left and head into the slot
canyon ahead. Battle past the spiders to the opening near the waterfall. Use
arsenal of Discus' to slay the Griffon and Skeleton that approach. Grab the Life
Vase from the right of the pool and then enter the cave on the left. Follow the
cave to the next opening and crawl inside the passage to grab some health and a
Sunflare. The path is blocked so you must find another way. Climb into the
in the canyon wall to the righ t.

Ascend the ledges in a switchback fashion to the top and jump into the water
below. Swim through the tunnel in the rock and emerge on a ledge, back outside.
Hop over the waterfall and onto the ledge above. Follow the stream to its
killing any attacking Skeletons along the way. At the waterfall, step into the
water and swim up the falls. Destroy the boulder near the cave to reveal a
Megashield. Jump down from the cliff and head past the trees and Spiders to the
Save Gem ahead. Turn and jump down into the passage on the other side of the
debris and head into the Catacomb.

Follow the corridor to the Thief and Skeleton and grab the Silver Armor.
Continue on up the stairs ahead and grab the Venomous. Follow the trickle of
water down the stairs in the next hallway. The room to the left contains some
health and another Discus. Reenter the hallway and follow the water to the next
area. Make use of the Lifewater Fountain and, before jumping off the ledge, grab
the Sunflare from where the Skeleton emerged.

From the base of the ledge, grab the ammo and follow the tunnel past the
creatures that lurk in these parts to the fork in the road>. Facing downstream,
head into the well-lit cave to the right. Slice up any Skeletons you encounter
you forge ahead. Before heading down the steps across the next room, jump onto
the landing and battle the Thief. A Skeleton will burst out of the wall. Kill
and then enter the alcove to grab the Save Gem he was guarding. Turn and head
down the staircase.

Pass the large metal bars and up the next staircase. Proceed to the end of
hall and grab the ammo from the platform to the right. Approach the tapestry
hanging on the wall and press against it to reveal a secret panel. Turn the
wheel to raise the bars you passed at the foot of the stairs. Go collect the
Goldensoul and return to the stone wheel. Enter the large cavern to the left of
the stone wheel and head up the steps into through the next doorway.

As you work through the corridor, an earthquake hits destroying much of a
bridge ahead. Slay the marauding Griffon, Thief, and Skeletons at the bridge and
grab the Life Vase from the right side of the building you just exited. Now walk
around to the other side of the structure and climb the dirt mound. Leap onto
roof to grab the Golden Armor. Drop back down to the ground and take a running
leap across the gap in the bridge.

Enter the hall on the other side of the bridge. As you begin to enter the
with the small pool, turn around and press against the painting on the wall in
the hallway. Go inside the opening to grab the Hades Hammer. Enter the room and
stand in the pool to set off a small scale quake. Another door opens up, this
across from the pool. Enter the secret area to collect the Megashield. Leave the
room and turn right. Smash the boards over the rope ladder and descend.

Run ahead to the Sunflare and health and turn into the next tunnel. Enter the
tunnel to the right to grab the Goldensoul. The floor will drop out from under
you, but don't worry Mikiko shows up on the scene. She uses her woman's
to locate a well hidden lever that operates a ladder from the floor of the pit.
After the cinematic, jump back into the pit to grab the Goldensoul. It is after
all why you entered that hallway to begin with. Proceed to the stone wheel on
wall near the lever Mikiko used. Turn the wheel to open the gates leading from
the Catacomb to Athens. Turn and head down the hallway in the other direction.

As you follow the pathway, break into each of the tombs to allow Mikiko to
collect some weaponry and health. You will emerge from the passage into a large
rock cavern. Mikiko and Hiro use a boulder to bust through a stone wall and gain
access to the city of Athens.


With a boulder blocking the exit, Mikiko and Hiro have no choice other than
to make their way through the great city of Athens. Before setting off however,
an apparition appears to Hiro. Could it be the spirit of his lost ancestor,
Miyamoto? Hiro says nothing of this to Mikiko and the two continue on.

Climb the ladders to the ledge above, alongside the aqueduct. Walk the ledge
past the attacking Centurions and jump then wade through the water out into the
courtyard. Head through the water to the right towards the stone building. Exit
the water, kill the Skeleton and approach the block with engraving of grapes on
it. Press against the block to reveal a secret passage. Enter the passage and
grab the Save Gem ahead. Kill the Skeletons that appear and descend the steps.

Enter the room with the altar and press the button on the column directly
across from the altar. This will open a secret room on the other side of the
altar. Enter the room and proceed to the far end. Press the button to the right
of the door to move the stone blocks back into place, allowing you to grab the
Silver Armor. Exit through the new opening by the button. Climb the ladder to
ledge and follow it around to the next area. Before exiting the building, turn
and run and leap across the gap to grab the Vitality Boost on the ledge. Jump
back and head for the small yellow-lit block. Press against it to go outdoors.
Grab the ammo from the courtyard and cross the bridge to enter the next

Make the first left turn and emerge on a balcony facing a statue of Poseidon.
Begin down the walkway but turn into the first door on your left, picking up the
Sunflare on the way. Head down the stairs and turn to the right. Have Mikiko
the Venomous while you slaughter the Centurions. Grab the health from behind the
wooden doors before heading downstairs. Once downstairs, proceed past the exit
the end of the hall. Turn and enter the doors on the right. Kill the Centurions
and grab the Mana Skull. Leave the room and head up the small set of steps to
right and then entering the wood trimmed room on the left. Battle the Thieves
Centurions as you cross the room and head out into the courtyard.

Head towards the temple at the end opposite Poseidon. Grab the Hades Hammer
and turn and enter either of the doors on the left side of the courtyard. Kill
the attacking Skeletons and make your way into the sunken room on the ground
floor. Grab the Save Gem and use the Lifewater Fountain. Exit the building and
head into either of the doors along the wall behind the large statue. Destroy
army of Centurions near the waterfall and turn the wheel mounted on the wall to
open the tomb in the temple. Leave the room and cross the courtyard to the
temple. Mikiko will wait for you while you dive into the water and climb the
ladder to the second level. Directly behind you when you get off the ladder is a
Life Vase. After grabbing the health, continue along the ledge and enter the
first door.

Bypass the stairway and turn right at the rear hallway. Proceed all the way
the end of hall, ultimately coming out in a new courtyard area. Use your Discus'
to take out the Griffons from under the protection of the awning. Drop down into
the water and duck under the walkway to emerge over the waterfalls room you
in moments earlier. Jump down to grab the Save Gem and then jump down again to
the base of the main cascade. Face the water and duck under to find a hidden
with Silver Armor. Exit the room and return to Mikiko at the temple.

Have Mikiko follow you into the door on the left. Proceed past the stairs to
the bronze gate. Kill the Thieves and Skeleton with the Sunflare and have Mikiko
stay here. Return to the temple and jump into the secret passage once more.
the first door, but this time descend the stairs and head to the next set of
stairs on the left. Switch the lever at the top of the stairs and call for
to join you. Climb back up the stairs and proceed down the long corridor to the
next courtyard. Rather than jumping into the water, cross the bridge and enter
the next building.

Go around the grand staircase to the corridor in the rear. Kill the pair of
Centurions and grab the Speed Boost. Turn and run up the staircase. Grab the
Gem and enter the room to the left. Locate the square stone with seahorse
engravings on it. Step onto it to unveil a hidden passage. Leave the room and
enter the passage across the stairs. Enter the room on the right and dive into
the water. Press against the column with the seahorses on it to locate yet
another hidden passage. Swim through the tunnel and then through a vent into a
locked room. Grab the Trident from the floor and exit the room. Mikiko will meet
up with you near the aqueduct.

Pass through the two sets of double doors to the next courtyard outside the
Acropolis. Grab the health and ammo scattered about and then climb to the top of
the fountain in the center. Dive in to grab the Wraith Orb. Pass through the two
sets of double golden doors to the next outdoor area. Use the Discus to pick off
the Harpies and Centurions from high above. Ascend the stone ramp on the left to
the ladder and climb it. Walk across the wooden planking and kill the two
Centurions standing watch. Flip the two levers and descend the ladder back to
main walkway.

As you begin to enter through the doors the Caryatid comes to life. Smash him
with the Hammer and proceed around the wall to the next area. Ascend the ramps
the Acropolis, slashing the Skeletons that swarm with the Daikatana. When Mikiko
catches up enter the Acropolis together.


Hiro and Mikiko successfully enter what is known as the Acropolis. This
collection of enormous structures make up the largest and most time consuming
mission in Daikatana. Confusing puzzles and the need to repeatedly search four
buildings for Greek Runes will leave you happy to meet Cerberus, the
guardian of the Parthenon. However, follow the path laid out in this guide, and
you'll be on to Medusa's Lair in no time.

Begin by crossing the bridge and grabbing the Sunflare from near the lantern.
Turn around and jump down into the water below. Wade through the water past the
tree to grab the secret Mega Shield. Head back up the rocky ledge to where you
began and battle your way up the sandy path to the door ahead. Enter the room
with the fountain and approach the statue on the left. Attack the corner of the
statue that is cracked to reveal a hidden Mega Shield. Now dive into the
and swim down through the opening and into the passageway. Follow it to a secret
Goldensoul. Return the way you came and climb out of the water.

Begin up the stairs to the golden doors at the top. Before leaving this room,
stop to get the Save Gem from the middle tier of the fountain. Pass through the
doors at the top to exit the temple. Grab the Venomous ammo from the left, kill
the two Centurions and the Thief and follow the path around the temple to the
right. Continue past more Centurions to the door on the left. Cross the
to collect the Trident. Return to the other side of the courtyard and enter the

Follow the steps to the top and battle your way around the walkway into the
next room. From the top of the stairs, kill the assaulting Satyrs, Skeletons,
Thieves, and Spiders. Jump over the railing into the drainage area and collect
the Save Gem from amidst the water. Use a fully charged Hades Hammer to blast
up and over the railing and back onto the walkway. Head through the door into
next room. Grab the weaponry and ammo from the left and cross the room past the
statue. Attack the off-colored section of wall left of the exit to reveal a
secret Power Boost. Leave the room and battle through the creatures on your way
up the stairs.

Descend the series of ramps to the floor of the room and jump into the spider
shaped pool. Grab the Save Gem and turn around to grab the Letter ``A" Rune.
out of the water and head back up the bronze ramp to the catwalk and head to the
right into the next corridor. Jump down from between the columns into the small
courtyard below. Grab the Mana Skull and rejoin Mikiko on the steps. Continue
following the walkway to the floor. In the corner is a sunlit alcove with a
button on the floor. Have Mikiko stand on the button to hold the large gates
open. Return to the room with the spider shaped pool and exit the building
through the gates behind it. Turn the wheel to the left to hold the door open
while you return to get Mikiko. Together leave the building and head up the
path to the right.

Enter the large temple at the top of the hill and go left down the hall to
courtyard. Kill the attacking Centurions and Thieves. Walk the perimeter of the
room to collect the Life Vases, ammo, and Letter ``S" Rune. Now approach the
large stone wheel and turn it to lower a boulder to your right. Exit the
the way you came in and head down the hill past the waterfall and around to the
right. Follow the stream to the next building. Cross the bridge, grab the
Tips and enter the temple.

Walk through the opening on the left to the main room. Grab the Letter ``E"
Rune from the pedestal in the far right corner and then cross the room to the
stone wheel on the wall. Turn the wheel to lower another boulder. Leave the
building the way you entered and head to the sandy path on the left as you
descend the stairs.

Travel the length of the cave to the opening ahead. Turn to the right and
skirt the building to the staircase on the other side. Destroy the Centurions
Skeletons that attack and ascend the stairs. Grab the Trident Tips and enter the
building. Battle your way down the stairs to the pool below. Duck into the
opening below the stairs to find a Mega Shield. Crawl out turn the stone wheel
the wall. Ascend the staircase and leave the building the way you entered.

Once on the porch, descend the stairs and head left around the perimeter of
the building. Grab the Attack Boost from behind the last column near the rock
wall. Now turn and enter the cave directly ahead. Battle your way through the
cave and onto the rock ledge. Follow the path uphill to the building above. Drop
down onto the ledge and grab the Trident Tips and Save Gem. Enter the building
and proceed to the main room in the rear. Enter the hall in very back of the
building and turn the stone wheel at its end. Return to the main room to grab
Gold and Silver Armors you made available. Leave the building the way you

Head back down the rocky trail to the building below. Skirt around the
building to the left and enter the cave explored earlier. Follow the trail to
building at the top of the hill and enter. As you enter the large room in the
rear turn to your right and ascend the steps to the door on the left. Obliterate
the two Caryatids that attack and go through the next couple of doors to the
Gem on the porch. Head up the stairs to the left and walk the balcony to the
Before passing through the door and out onto the porch, leap onto wooden ledge
grab the Golden Armor. Exit onto the porch and follow the path around to the
right and into through the door.

Have Mikiko grab the Life Vases while you drink from the Lifewater Fountain.
Head up the stairs and out onto the balcony. Kill the Thief and Harpy and turn
grab the Save Gem and Venomous from the left. Cross the bridge into the cave
ahead and make the running leap across the gorge near the waterfall. Follow the
narrow ledge across the chasm and into the cave ahead. Bypass the ladder and
straight into the room ahead. Grab the Acro Boost and pass through the door
ahead. Quickly kill the Satyr and jump onto the ledge to your right. Walk around
the ledge to the right to find a secret Save Gem. Jump back off the ledge onto
the porch, grab the Letter ``G" Rune and reenter the building.

Now proceed through the door on the upper landing. Kill the attackers and
the Save Gem from your left. Head up the ramp to the cave ahead. Follow the
spiraling ledge up to the temples on top of the mountain. Use the Discus to keep
your foes at bay along the ledge. Once outside the temple, be sure and collect
the goodies from both entranceways before actually going inside. Sunflares, Life
Vases, and ammo is important at this stage of the mission. Enter through either

Pass through the door to the right and descend the two flights of stairs.
and a Life Vase is located on the sides of the stairs. Use the ladder to climb
back onto the staircase if you go for them. Pass through the door into the next
area. Descend the steps to the bronze gate and grab the Letter ``I" Rune. Crawl
under the staircase to find a secret Mega Shield. Now climb all of the stairs to
the walkway leading into the next room. Grab the Save Gem from the bookshelf and
continue on.

Once on the ledge outside, use the Daikatana to slay your enemies. Leap over
the bronze railing to the water below and grab the Golden Armor. Climb back up
and enter the cave ahead with Mikiko in tow. Walk the path to the next building
and go inside the large doors. Follow the hallway to the left to the large stone
wheel in the rear of the building. Turn the wheel to open a pair of large doors
that you just walked past. Go through these doors onto a stone walkway high
a courtyard. Follow the walkway around and to the left. Cross over the bronze
bridge to the next room. Get the Save Gem from the wooden shelves and then
descend the stairs, killing all attackers along the way. Crawl under the stair
case through a long dark passage to the Goldensoul. Get out from under the
and pass through the golden doors.

Kill the Satyr, Centurion, and spiders and then approach the Rune holders on
the left. Press each letter and then turn the wheel to the right to open the
gate. As you pass through the gates, leaving the Acropolis, the large bars of
Parthenon slam shut. To gain access to the Lair of Medusa you must enter the
on your left and defeat Cerberus, the three headed mongrel. Arm yourself with
Trident and fire repeatedly as you move about his tight living space. Once
return to Mikiko and move on to the next part of your journey.

Lair of Medusa

At the sight of the statue of Athena, Mikiko grows uncomfortable. She rehashes
the legend of Medusa to Hiro, successfully scaring them both. The Lair of Medusa
is the last mission in this Episode, and for good reason. The layout, although
not quite as large as Acropolis, is teeming with creatures waiting to take you
out. As if that wasn't bad enough, the threat of being frozen in stone for all
eternity should remind you to keep your senses honed as you move through this
last Greek temple.

Walk ahead towards the statue of Athena and grab the Discus. Turn and enter
the door to the right and proceed up the large staircase. Make your way around
the balcony, slaughtering the Centurions, until you come face-to-face with the
statue. Grab the Eye of Zeus staff on the bench and watch as lightning strikes
down blowing a hole in the floor below . Turn and grab the ammo
from the shelf in the wall and descend the stairs. Enter the hole where Athena's
statue was.

Battle to the bank of the stream and jump across to grab the Trident Tips.
Drop into the water and let the current carry you away over a waterfall and into
a new area. Exit the room through the solitary door and head left. Kill the
Skeleton and grab the Save Gem from the ledge on your left. Use the Discus to
take out the Harpy and other assorted creatures that attack. Descend the steps
straight ahead and bust through the boulders on your left. Go to the rear of the
secret room and walk the ledge to find health, ammo, and a Golden Armor. Leave
through the door across from the fire. Head up the steps and enter the corridor
on the left.

Slay the many Harpies, Satyrs, and Skeletons that attack and then climb the
ladder on the left. Follow the walkway to the right and through the door into
next area. You will emerge on a ledge above the waterfall you were carried over
earlier. Attack the crack in the wall directly ahead to reveal a secret area.
Crawl in and grab the Goldensoul before following the water upstream to an
opening in the floor. Drop through back into the hallway just beyond the ladder.

Head down the hall to the large room ahead, grabbing all the ammo you can
possibly carry from the ledge. Continue marching ahead until you reach the
water. Mikiko will stay put as you swim through the passage to the right. Once
the large room full of decaying columns, climb out of the water onto the angled
slab of marble and run ahead to the ledge. Kill the Harpy and Thief and turn and
grab the Save Gem. Continue along the ledge to the door in the corner. Drop down
the ladder into the water and swim into the next room. Pop up to the surface
the Trident drawn and knock the Harpy out of the sky. Swim on to the ledge at
end of the pool. Turn around and leap onto the platform to the left. Run to the
rear of the room to grab the Mega Shield and follow the path around to the
Lifewater Fountain. Jump back to the ledge you climbed out of the drink onto.

Grab the ammo and, most importantly, the antidote. Slosh through the green
poisonous liquid and plunge over the falls to the area below. Jump out of the
pool and use the Eye of Zeus to make quick work of the foes that attack. Use the
Lifewater Fountain and grab another antidote. Dive into the tank and swim
the bronze grate at the bottom. At the ``T", head to the right. Proceed all the
way to the end of the passage and jump out to grab the Mana Skull. Reenter the
water and start back the way you came. Head down the first tunnel to the left to
an area with three distinct ways up and out of the water. First, jump out of the
water at the far left tunnel to grab the Wraith Orb. Reenter the water and climb
up the ladder in the middle alcove.

Utilizing your invisibility status, take out the Harpy and spiders from the
room and exit through the door to the right. Mikiko will rejoin you here.
Together work your way through the next several corridors past an endless stream
of assailants. Be sure and grab the health and ammo that hides in the corners,
well as the Attack Boost over the grating.

Eventually you will come to a metal gate on your left and a wooden lever to
your right. Pull the lever to open the gate but do not enter yet! Continue ahead
and descend the steps to the right. Work your way to the back corner of this
to find a Save Gem and several Sunflares. Return up the stairs and pass under
now opened archway.

Enter under the arch on the right and forge ahead past the Lair's guardians.
Descend the stairs and enter the next area. As you work ahead, be sure to grab
the health and ammo as you see need them. Use the Lifewater Fountain at the base
of the second staircase. In the large room ahead, kill the Harpies and Satyr's
and then explore the room to grab the many Eye's of Zeus and Trident Tips. Also,
since you're close to Medusa, grab the Attack Boost from the pool to the right
the stairs. Leave the room through the hall in the far left corner on the ground

Kill the spiders and Harpy and forge ahead to a large green-glowing room.
along the upper ledge to the ladder on the far side. Descend the ladder and use
your Discus to kill the Thieves from a distance. Before you descend the
ledge, jump across past the columns to where the Thieves were standing. Grab the
Save Gem and return to descend the ledge. Pick up the antidote on the way down
there are several Eye's of Zeus in the pool at the base of the poisonous falls.
Head through the arch.

At the end of the hall you will emerge in Medusa's Lair. Arm yourself with
Eye of Zeus as it is her only weakness. Don't' look directly at her and strafe
dodge her spit attacks. After just three hits she should be dead. Superfly will
rejoin you as he was frozen in stone before you got there. Unfortunately every
other creature previously frozen comes back to life as well. Kill each and every
last one of them to end the mission.

With a recharged Daikatana Hiro attempts to send the threesome back to the
future. Mishima intervenes as usual, and after some heated discussion, our
find themselves in the Dark Ages.

Prague Village

Once again Mishima has foiled your plans. Although Hiro is certainly an
excellent swordsman, his unfamiliarity with the Daikatana shows. Mishima easily
steps in the line of their time warp and has them deposited in Norway during the
Dark Ages. It's cold, you don't know where you are, nor how you will return
home. At least this time you're not alone

Standing outside in the cold, there is a sense of urgency overcoming the
group. If they don't re-energize the Daikatana soon, they could be trapped in
this primitive time. Or they may freeze to death, whichever comes first.

Begin the Episode by following the tunnel on your left down to the entrance
the village. Before entering the building, however, move the logs out of your
and continue down the path to the bridge. Let Superfly grab the Bolter and then
return up the path to the building. Slay the Buboid and smash the barrels to get
some health. Walk around to the right side of the building ahead and enter the
door on the left. Climb the stairs, kill the Plague Rat and let Mikiko get the
Bolter. Exit the house.

Head down the snowy path to the right until you come to the house by the
river. Before entering the building, shatter the barrels around the side to
collect the Acro Boost. Enter the house and use your enhanced jumping abilities
to leap into the loft to find a Save Gem and armor. Leave the building and have
your comrades follow you up the hilly path to the left.

Enter the first door on the left, using your Daikatana to slice up the Rats
that attack. Go up the stairs to the balcony outside and grab the Health Flasks
hiding in the barrels at the end. Leave the building through the downstairs
Walk ahead to the ``T" where the dragon statue sits. Break the ice at the base
the statue and dive in to find the Quadrangle Keystone. Quickly swim out before
you get hypothermia.

Facing the statue, head to the right and climb the steps to the building
ahead. Bash the barrel in the corner, and the Plague Rat for that matter, and
grab the Attack Boost. Enter the next room to find some Buboids and health.
the building and enter Thor's Armory across the way. Carve up the Doombats and
grab the Silverclaw from behind the bench.

Head to the right after leaving Thor's. Descend the steps and continue on
until you come to the Dragon Claw Inn. After killing everything downstairs,
the stairs to explore the bedrooms above. Plenty of health, ammo, a Save Gem,
a Mana Skull will go to thorough investigator. Descend the stairs and head
through the door near the bar to the keg room downstairs. Shred the Buboids and
then smash every barrel in the room to find some goodies. Before you exit, crawl
under the staircase to find a Goldensoul. Ascend the stairs back to the main
room. Before leaving however, duck inside the fireplace and fire your Bolter up
at the rocks above. Along with some rocks, a Mega Shield will land in your lap.
Exit the Inn back out into the cold.

Approach the torch ahead and on the right. Enter the hidden doorway to the
next building. Climb the stairs and pass through the door to the outside
Enter the next building and climb the ladder to access the loft and grab the
Black Adamant Armor. Descend the way you came back outside the building near the

Continue on to the iron gates in front of the church. Enter the church to
the Priest, Mulside, and learn the story of the village. The gang decides that
they have no options other than to help the old man and his village. Hiro gets
right to it as you steer him to the far end of the church and through the door
the right. Climb the ladder and rope to climb through the window above. From
where you stand, carefully drop down onto the lower portion of roof and reenter
the church through the open window in the middle. Tip toe across the rafters to
grab the Ring of Fire Protection and to reach the ladder. Descend the ladder and
appro ach the organ. A trapdoor opens and you instantly plummet into the
basement. Hopefully, with a weapon on the ready. Cross the room, killing all
move on the way, to the Trigon Keystone in the corner. Use the lever to the left
of the trapdoor to extract a ladder. Climb the ladder and then leap out the
window onto the church grounds. Enter the church to rejoin Superfly and Mikiko.

Together leave the church and follow the wall around to the rear of the
grounds where the cemetery lies. Enter through the gates and slay the Buboids
that approach. To open the gates to the tomb ahead you must move the centermost
grave marker. Before entering the tomb, use the lever on the left to open yet
another gate. Enter the small area to grab the armor and return to the tomb
entrance. Enter the tomb, kill the Buboids and grab the Sa ve Gem from the
Descend the staircase that appears. Have Mikiko and Superfly wait for you as you
leap from rock ledge to rock ledge. In the rear of the room is a Shard of the
Purifier. To your right is another area in the cavern. Enter this area to locate
the Hexagonal Keystone. Leave the area with your sidekicks and return through
village to the dragon statue at the crossroads.

Head straight past the statue and descend the steps leading down to your
right. Immediately turn and descend the next set of steps on your left. Follow
the icy path to the building near the bridge. One last secret is found here,
although you may want to save the game before attempting it. On the far side of
the building is a black chest containing some nice goodies. To get there you
tiptoe across the ledge in front of the house and then leap to the landing on
other side. Either way, the door to the building is barricaded shut and you must
exploit the crack in the wall behind the wheel barrow. Crawl inside the building
and place each of the Keystones in their respective slots to open the exit


Out in the cold again, the threesome must make it through the mountains to
for the remaining Shards of the Purifier. From where you begin, exit the room
follow the rock path to the small bridge. Continue on through the caves ahead to
the next clearing. Kill the Buboids and the Fletchers from the overlook ahead.
you push forward, a Buboid breaks loos e from the rock wall. Once he's good and
dead, enter his cave to find a Save Gem. Continue on to the ``T" ahead. Turn
to gather the ammo at the end of the path. Return to the intersection and climb
up the hill to the right. Open the wooden trunk to collect a Skill Boost and
return down the hill and through the tunnel on the right.

As you approach the icy river turn right and collect the health at the end of
the river bank. Turn around and head up the hill and over the river, killing the
Buboids and Fletchers along the way. Pass under the gatehouse and collect the
ammo from either side of it alongside the wall. Step out onto the bridge and
the waterfall to your right. Jump onto the ledge near the falls and duck under
the water to find the hidden Ballista. Leap back onto the bridge. An assortment
of items, including a Save Gem, is positioned on top of the gatehouse. Utilize
the powerful recoil of the Ballista to perform a Ballista-jump and leap onto the
pitched part of the roof. Ballista-jump once more to leap onto the upper flat
section of roof and to collect the items. More items are secretly positioned on
top of the castle walls across the way. Fire the Ballista while leaping
off of the gatehouse roof to propel yourself onto the castle walls. Collect the
armor and ammo and leap down on to the bridge below.

With Mikiko and Superfly in tow, head back to the bridge over the river. Leap
down onto the river bank near the dead tree. Enter the house directly ahead with
the water wheel. Kill the Plague R ats and divvy up the armor and ammo to
needs it most. Exit the house and walk to the edge of the bank near the water
wheel. Facing the up-side of the wheel, leap onto the paddles as they come
and ride the wheel up to the second floor window of the building. Leap through
the building to grab the Power Boost, Save Gem, and ammo. Doing this is not as
easy as it sounds. Keep attempting it and try not to get too frustrated.

Once you've grabbed the items from upstairs, lead your group into the cave to
the right of the house as you head back upstream. Cross the rock bridge over the
lava and use your ranged weapons to put down the Fletcher and Buboid as they
attack. Grab the Chain Mail Armor and ammo from near the rocks as you approach
the door. Head down the path toward the lava below and grab the Ballista Logs.
Retrace your steps halfway up the incline and jump down to the small landing on
your left. Kill the Doombats and proceed over the bridge, stopping only to grab
the Shard of the Purifier. Climb through the rocks ahead to enter the Dungeon.


As you enter the Dungeon, it becomes apparent that Mikiko is very ill. Superfly
volunteers to carry her which, although noble, prevents both of them from
during combat. Hiro must now escort his two Sidekicks through the enormous area
known as the Dungeon.

Proceed ahead to the red-glowing cavern. Slice your way through the attacking
creatures and grab the ammo. A hidden Wraith Orb can be found amongst the rubble
to the left of where you slain the Dwarf. Follow the path to the stairs and
to the upper level. Continue on ahead, clearing the way for you embattled
partners. Grab the health and the ammo and ascend the concrete ramp ahead. Kill
the Dwarf on the platform to the left and then enter the cave to the right.
the first cell on the left by using the lever on the wall. Kill the Buboid and
enlarge the hole in the wall with your Bolter. Crawl out onto the ledge and
the Dwarf on the far side of the lava. A Ring of Fire Protection can be obtained
by jumping for the ledge across the pit and traveling to the left. If you decide
to grab the Ring, crawl through the tunnel and return to the ledge outside the
cell. Have Superfly (carrying Mikiko) follow you along the ledge to the right
where you break through the wall into the next cell. Have your buds wait in the
cell while you climb up the piece of angled steel and crawl out over the grating
in the next cell. Your supports collapse and you fall into the cell below. Kill
the Buboids and grab the health from the corner. Exit the cell and open the door
to the right to let Mikiko and Superfly out.

Pass through the large wooden door across the corridor. Grab the Health
and enter the room to the right. Cross the room and grab the Save Gem. Now flip
the lever to the left and enter the room ahead to grab the Chain Mail Armor.
Leave the area and have Mikiko and Superfly follow you through the wooden door
directly ahead into the next map area.

Use the lever to open the gates ahead. Pass into the central room and battle
your way around the tower to the door on the other side. Enter each of the four
cells along the rear hallway to collect the various items. Just be ready for the
attacking Buboids and Lycanthirs in each of the cells. In the cell to the far
right, be sure and grab the Mega Shield from underneath the platform in the rear
of the cell. Return to the main hallway outside the room with the tower and work
the lever to open the gates to the tower. Follow the path over the lava to the
entrance to the tower and ascend the stairs.

Cross the walkway high above the lava to enter the next hallway. Facing the
tapestry, turn to your left and enter the door at the end of the corridor.
Carefully walk out along the iron bars to grab the Save Gem . Head back towards
the tower. Save the game here in case you fall, but tiptoe along the wooden
to the other side of the room to grab a secret Goldensoul. Return to the
hallway near the tapestry.

Enter the large block of cells on the right. Battle through the attacking
Dwarfs and Rats to the end of the room. Pull the lever on the right to access
those cells. Enter through the door on the right, sli cing the Buboids and
Lycanthirs with your Silverclaw. Grab the health and ammo and exit the cells.
open the door to the rest of the cells with the lever on the right. Battle
through the prisoners and enter the hallway to the right. Use the lever in the
next room to open the wooden gates. Proceed to the end of the hallway to grab
another Shard of the Purifier. Turn the skull-shaped wheel on the wall and
the way you came.

As you make your way back down the hallway, make a left into the tunnel
leading up the staircase. Clear the room of evil and collect the items found
throughout. Be sure to check Superfly's health as he may be hurting at this
point. Grab the armor from the rear of the room on the platform. Before leaving
this room attack the wooden panel with the Pentagram on it to reveal a Mana
Skull. Enter through the large door to the next area of cells. Climb up the
to the right to the upstairs cells. Grab the health in the corner and then pass
through the archway and descend the many flights of stairs. Continue through the
corridor, collecting ammo and killing Dwarves until you approach a stairway on
your right that has a built in guillotine. Have Superfly and Mikiko wait here
you. When the gate to the stairs open, follow the blade to the top and crawl
under it at the last second. Grab the armor and the use the lever to the right
the staircase to open the next gate. Drop down through the grating and let
Superfly and Mikiko rejoin you.

Together, head through the door at the end of the hallway. A set of huge
blocks you from the next room. To open them head up the staircase to the right.
Turn the large wheel emblazoned with the skull and return to the gates
downstairs. Now head up the staircase opposite from where you just emerged and
turn a similar wheel there. A gate in the hallway outside where you now stand
been opened. Proceed through this hallway to a third and final wheel. Turn this
one to gain access to the main chamber below.

As you walk out onto the platform in the center of the room, Stavros the
Sorcerer appe ars. Run the perimeter of the room while firing the Ballista to
best him. Once dead, a staircase spirals up out of the earth. Grab the Stave and
climb the staircase to the top. Kill the Lycanthir and step onto the ledge that
encircles the room. Grab the armor and follow the ledge to the very corner of
room. Duck into the hole in the wall to find the Black Adamant Armor. Walk the
ledge back around and exit the area.

Kill the attackers in the next room and enter the hallway on the right. Hug
the wall as you move down the corridor to avoid the large spikes that stab down
from the ceiling. Before turning to the right crouch down and press against the
wall under the flag on the left . Crawl through the secret opening and climb the
staircase to find a Goldensoul behind a wooden door at the top. Retrace your
steps back out into the hallway. Continue ahead, avoiding the spikes, as well as
the holes in the floor. Forge ahead over the bridge, killing the Dwarf standing
guard. Blast through the cell at the top of the next staircase to grab the Save

Leave the cell and head up the staircase on the right. Leap over the large
and work the lever on the far side to lower a platform so Superfly can cross.
Work through the next couple of rooms, being sure not to lose Superfly. An
Boost on a ledge below the walkway in the last room can be obtained by jumping
down to the left. Otherwise, continue on up the stairs straight ahead to the
entrance to Wyndrax Tower.

Windrax Tower

Out from the fiery dungeon to the ice cold mountains of Norway, you must plod
ahead to the Wyndrax the Wizard's lair. Superfly will still be carrying Mikiko
she is really coming down with the plague. Damn biting rats!

From where you exited the Dungeon, pass under the arch and around towards the
campfire. Kill the Dwarf and follow the path out onto the ice ahead. Head to the
tower on your right and climb its spiral staircase to the top. Grab the Shard of
the Purifier on the right and watch as the barrel rolls off ledge to the ice
below . Run back down the steps and dive into the hole in the ice that the
falling barrel made. Quickly swim through the grate on the left and jump out of
the water through the hole in the ice ahead. Climb the ladder and pull the lever
to lower the drawbridge. Jump back into the water and, before exiting back
through the grate, swim through the tunnel left of the grate and pop out to grab
the Goldensoul. Climb out of the water where you first dove in and reenter the

Cross the drawbridge where you earlier grabbed the Shard and grab the Save
ahead. Once inside, proceed to the room on the right and climb the stairs. Kill
the Rats and press the triangular button to open the other door downstairs. Turn
and head back down the stairs and enter the door to the right. Climb the
staircase to the tower ahead with the spiraling stairs. Climb these steps to the
top to grab another Save Gem. Kill the Hellfire Paladin perched here as well.
Walk towards the ledge and face the castle wall. Use the Ballista to ex ploit
crack in the wall. Jump across and enter the room to find the Ring of Lightning
Protection. Jump back across the gap onto the roof. Step onto the ledge near the
staircase and leap for the roof down below. Jump off of this roof to the area
near the castle wall. Follow the walkway inside the small circular tower to grab
a Power Boost. Leave the room and jump down into the water below.

Before climbing the ladder, duck into the alcove to grab the Attack Boost.
Once you climb out of the water jump down onto the staircase below the flags.
Enter the tower with the spiraling staircase and descend to t he bottom. Get on
the lift. Once off the lift, run through the corridor as quickly as you can go
avoid the lightning and pass through the door ahead. Grab the Crypt Key and
return to the lift. Ascend the stairs to the landing where the door to the Crypt
is. Kill the Paladin here and enter through the door.

Descend the steps on your right and battle your way across the room to the
archway on the far left. Descend the next set of steps to find a Save Gem on a
table. Now descend the ramp across the room past the Paladin and Fletcher.
Collect the Spellbook and Wyndrax Key here. Blast a hole in the window behind
where you found the Spellbook and jump down into the courtyard below. Grab the
Speed Boost and climb the ladder to regain the room. Retrace your steps to where
you entered the Crypt.

Standing at the main entrance proceed down the hall to the left. Use the
Wyndrax Key in the lock to gain access to a secret room. Begin back down the
hallway, this time entering the doorway to the left. Proceed to the altar on the
left and use the Spellbook to summon Wyndrax. Have Superfly follow you back out
into the hallway and down the stairs at the other end. Proceed through the
doorway directly ahead and then through the tunnel and stairs to the right.
Battle Wyndrax knowing that once he is half dead he will flee to his courtyard
through a secret exit. Dodge his lightning attacks and follow him outside to
finish him off.

Obtain Wyndrax's Wisp and follow the path through the rocky landscape to the
mission's exit.

Crypt of Nharre

After defeating Wyndrax in the courtyard, Hiro notices a trail leading up
some rather impressive gates. He and his band of time travelers forge on into
unknown horror that is the Crypt of Nharre.

Although your instincts would have you enter the Crypt right away, double
to the gates to collect the Power Boost residing there. Now you may enter the
Crypt. Descend the staircase to the room below. As you cross the bridge two
Doombats will attack. Let a wisp loose to take them out of the air before they
attack. Pick up the health and test the black crate in the corner for goodies
that may be contained within. Descend the steps to a lower level.

Kill the Lycanthir and grab the Shard of the Purifier from the pedestal. A
secret passage is revealed as the casket slides out of the way. Descend the
stairs to the next area.

Once in the rocky cavern, use the Ballista to rid yourself of the three Dwarv
es that attack. Leap carefully from ledge to ledge to cross the gap. Walk around
the side of the building and enter the door. Descend the stairs and proceed
through the next room, being sure to use the Wisps to take care of the Doombats
flying down from above. A Goldensoul can be obtained by Ballista-jumping up to
the beams overhead. Pass through the door into the next room.

Slay th e Voltaic Valkyrie in the next room as well as the Doombats. Face the
large tomb with the dragon statue perched on top, and press the two triangular
buttons near the ground. The tomb will open revealing a hidden Ring of Undead
Protection. You will need this when fighting Nharre. Go through t he door on the
right to the next room. Climb the stairs, being sure to pick up the Lava Rocks
before you enter the next room. As soon as you enter, a flock of Doombats
If low on Wisps, use the Daikatana to slice them in half as they swoop down.
Tiptoe across the beam high above the lava and pick up the C hain Mail Armor.
Enter the next room and grab the Save Gem.

Walk to the end of the room and descend the spiral staircase to the site of
Nharre the Necromancer. Kill the Buboids he summons and use the power of
Wyndrax's Wisp or the Stave to kill him. Collect the Nightmare weapon from the
ground and descend the steps in the rear of the Crypt. Grab the Hilt of the
Purifier, the final piece of the sword, and proceed to the left of the area to
exit the Crypt.

Gharroth's Throne

With another nasty weapon at your disposal, and the Purifier complete, you're on
your way to visit the King. Superfly volunteers to watch over Mikiko while you
ahead alone.

From the exit of the Crypt walk ahead to the lava flow and study the movement
of the floating rocks. Leap from rock-to-rock towards the Chain Mail armor.
Several of the rocks will dip under your weight so it is important to keep up a
good rhythm without too much hesitation. You will be rewarded for making it to
solid ground with the first Save Gem.

Grab the Lava Rocks and slay the Doombats. Work the lever to raise the lift
out of the lava and ride the lift to the first stop. Enter the doorway blazing.
Voltaic Valkyries and Fletchers will attack with abandon throughout much of this
mission. Get used to it. Grab the health and armor and head up the stairs. Raise
the lift by using the lever on the wall. Cross the lift to the door on the other
side. Enter the doorway and battle up the next flight of stairs. The Daikatana
an excellent choice for these stairwells due to the tight surroundings. Summon
the lift with the lever, walk out onto it and use the lever mounted on the wall
to raise yourself up to the roof.

Dash for the horde of attackers waiting behind you and slice them up with the
Daikatana. Once the coast is clear, use the lever in the corner to raise a lift
with Superfly and Mikiko already on board. Together, follow the walkway around
past the dragon statue to the torch-lit archway. Pass under the arch and climb
the spiral staircase to the top. Kill the Paladins in the next room and grab the
Save Gem. Standing where the gem was, step through the banner on the wall into a
secret area. Grab the Goldensoul and jump out into the room. Cross the bridge to
Gharroth's Throne Room.

Gharroth, in his demented state, will order a fight between the two of you.
Fight him hard with the Daikatana and he will eventually surrender. In fact, he
will even help you charge the Daikatana for another romp through time.


Once again Mishima interferes with your safe return to the year 2455. On the
bright side, King Gharroth powered up the Daikatana enough to at least enter the
21st century. Our heroes have found themselves in the main cell block of
Alcatraz, the infamous American prison. The trek to the final confrontation with
Mishima will take you through the Rock, battles with Great Whites, and even deep
inside a SEAL training base. You've come far, don't give up now.

Thirty years can bring a lot of change. The present-day tourist attraction
known affectionately as ``The Rock" is once again an operating prison. Sort of.
In 2030 convicts are helicoptered in and left to fend for themselves.
Unfortunately for you the guys are big enough to make Superfly look small. Get
some guns and find a way through the walls ASAP.

After chatting with Ratchett Cassetti, grab the Glock from the floor and head
to the last cell on your left. Grab the ammo and shoot out the grating on the
wall and climb in. Immediately bust into the vent on your left to grab the
and the armor and crawl out. Continue on ahead through the ductwork. Shoot down
the next grate you come to and enter. Work your way on top of the double pipes
above and crawl to the ledge in the corner. Grab the Slugger and return back to
the vent. Keep crawling on and enter the room ahead. Pull the lever on the wall
to blow a hole in the wall. Jump down into the hole in the next room and crawl
along the pipes to the manhole ahead.

Leap out of the manhole and pass through the door ahead. Enter the area to
left marked ``Solitary Confinement" and blast the prisoners there. Use the lever
to open the gates ahead so Mikiko and Superfly can rejoin you. Head back out
the cell block and enter the cell on the far right to find a Save Gem. Double
back to the solitary confinement area and enter through the cell to the laundry
room ahead. Detonate the barrel between the washing machines to open the dryer
the left. Climb in for the Ebonite Armor. Once the machine stops, climb out and
exit the room to your left. Empty the Glock on the Prisoners that approach and
pick up some ammo for the upcoming assault.

Head through the doors down the hall to the prison yard. Keep an eye on the
Prisoners that approach and, together with Mikiko and Superfly, unload your
weapons on them. Facing the doors you just came through, climb the small pipes
the left to the ledge above. Follow the ledge around to the window to the
Climb into the room through the window and collect the Goldensoul and ammo.
Carefully step back onto the ledge and continue on to the left. Jump the break
the ledge on to the wall ahead. From the wall, leap up into the guard tower in
the corner and grab the supply of ammo and the Speed Boost. Leave the tower and
head along the wall to the left. Drop down to the path below to find a
Kineticore, as well as plen ty of ammo and a Power Boost.

Drop back down to the yard and join the thugs playing basketball. Try your
weapon on them, collect the health, and then head to the small area near the
guard tower to the right. Leap onto the air duct and from there through the
window and into the mess hall. Blast any Prisoners that approach and head into
the kitchen on the left. Grab the goodies from the cabinets and head back
the mess hall, guns a blazing. Leap from the table in the rear onto the board
that hangs down. Battle your way through the hole in the wall over the slab of
concrete and through the open cell gate. Now upstairs, cross t he cellblock and
enter door on your left. Kill any Prisoners that aren't obscured and then aim
your sights at the barrel upstairs. Climb the stairs and shoot the barrel near
the support post to topple it on to the ledge. Climb up the concrete post on to
the ledge, get the ammo on the left and then enter the duct work on the right.
Shoot the rats that approach and proceed to the next grating. Blast through this
one and descend the ladder.

Make your way to the ladder across the hallway, stopping only to grab the
Skull and to reload. Climb the ladder and drop into the cell on the other side
the wall. Now on the third floor cellblock, you must battle your way to the far
end and enter the area to the right. Flip the lever to unlock the door and
descend the staircase. Cross the cellblock to the far end and enter the cell on
the opposite side. Climb through the wall to enter the small space behind the
cell. Proceed to the right over the pipes to the ladder in the rear of the area.
Climb the ladder to grab a Mega Shield and then return to where you entered the
area. Now, crawl through the opening to your left and follow this path around to
the right to find mass of Prisoners and another Save Gem.

In a scene that should look very familiar to movie buffs, flip the lever on
the wall and peer down into the shower area. In fact, if you stare long enough
you just might catch a glimpse of Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage. Kidding. Leap
through the windows down to the shower area and be sure to grab the lump of coal
from the corner. After the concrete platform collapses in the next room, run up
it to the ledge to grab items on top, including some Kevlar Armor. Crawl under
the concrete and out through the door ahead. Grab the Acro Boost and use its
enhanced jumping powers to leap through the hole in the ceiling ahead to find
hidden Attack Boost. Forge ahead past the Prisoners to the concrete rubble that
blocks the exit. Fire the Slugger at the concrete and descend the ladder. Swim
through the water to the other side of the prison yard. Exit the yard through
door ahead.

Stand back and unload your Glock at all of the barrels in this room. Grab the
items and enter the room ahead. Find the Wraith Orb and the all important Vial
Saltpeter and then head to the rear of the room. Leap from the barrel onto the
ladder that hangs down in front of the furnace and climb up. From the ladder
to the steel beam; and from there to the wire screen that hangs down. To
up the tower you must shoot the latch for the ladder to drop it within reach.
Continue climbing the ladders until you reach the top of the tower. Grab the Bag
of Sulfur and kill the Prisoners. Open the gate in the center and descend the
ladder inside. Kill the Pipe Rats and crawl along the tight path until you reach
the Envirosuit. Dive into the water and swim to the bottom. At the bottom of the
tank are four valves. Turn valves #1 and #3 first. Swim upward through the
hole and into the side pipe. Turn the unnumbered valve and dive back down to
valves #2 and #4. Now, swim back up and enter the pipe across from the valve you
just turned. Climb the ladder to the top and drop into the current of wat er

You will be shot like a cork from a bottle out of the manhole in the prison
yard. Have Mikiko and Superfly follow you to the large prison wall with the
on it. Use the ingredients you collected throughout the mission to blast a hole
in the wall. Climb through the hole and collect the Save Gem on the other side.
It is recommended that you save the game here as several life or death jumps are
right ahead.

Proceed down the cliff to the rocks below. Jump across the gap to the small
ledge on the left and from there to the larger rock ledge below with the items
it. From the far edge of this landing, leap for the metal ladder above. Climb
ladder and leap to the area with the concrete platform. Continue on with Mikiko
and Superfly to the exit near the guard tower.

Beneath the rock

After successfully breaching Alcatraz's walls you realize that only half of the
``Rock's" fun is over. For now you must make it off the island. Beneath the Rock
takes you through the old dilapidated structures that once housed the families
the prison guards. For an added thrill, several Great White's are lurking just
beyond the water's edge for a tasty snack.

From where you begin the mission, drop off the platform and smash through the
planks to the next area. Scale the boulders to your left and leap for the fence.
Make your way ahead to nab the Kevlar Armor. Retrace your steps and proceed down
the hill, stopping only to grab the Attack Boost, Kineticore, and Save Gem.
through the Prisoners and Chaingunners as you m ake your way down the
to the water below.

Once you reach the end of the trail, near the locked boat gates, tell Mikiko
and Superfly to wait for you. Hopefully you will live to see them again. Head
back up the path to the ledge on the left before the second tunnel. This is
you grabbed the Attack Boost earlier. Take a running leap across the gap to the
small cave ahead. Drop into the stream but make every effort to not go over the
falls. Grab the ammo on the banks and then follow the narrow path left of the
falls to a small cave containing some well hidden health crates and a Mega
Shield. Jump over the waterfalls, climb out and turn around to face the splash-
down area. Jump through the water to the cave behind the falls. Keep your
at the ready. Kill the Chaingunners that live in the cave and collect the Power
Boost and Ripgun.

Exit the cave and practice your one and a half off the cliff into the tidal
pool below. Blast any sharks that approach as you swim towards the opening in
building above the deterior ating staircase. Swim into the room on the right and
climb out onto the concrete to grab the next Save Gem. Carefully proceed around
the wall to your right and slaughter the mass of Prisoners there. Go through the
hallway and jump into the water at the end. Immediately turn to your right and
climb the ladder. Battle your way up the stairs to the second level and grab
another Save Gem.

Head up the stairs and exit the building onto the porch. Use the protruding
steel re-bar to the left as a ramp to leap across the water onto the balcony
ahead. Head through the door around the corner of the house to the left. Exploit
the crack in the far wall to reveal a secret Vitality Boost and Ripgun. Leave
room and scale the ladder to the loft. Detonate the barrels in the corner to
a hole in the wall and enter the next room. Grab the ammo from the corner and
shoot out the boarded windows . Step out onto the balcony and head to your
Leap for the rocks below and head up the trail to grab some ammo and the Kevlar
Armor. Return to the building and leap onto the lower balcony. Enter the
through the window and head into the rock passage ahead. Grab the Acro Boost on
the left and return to where you had just grabbed the Kevlar Armor. Using the
added ``ups", leap onto the ledge above to find a hidden Mega Shield. Return
through the window and back into the tunnel.

Utilize the lever on the left. This opens a door into the locked docking area
by the water. Board the cable car ahead of you and descend to where you left
Mikiko and Superfly. Together, the three of you must run through the door
the boats ahead. Watch out for the Rocketeers and Chaingunners that try to stop

One last secret is to be had before boarding the boats. Turn into the cave on
the left and blast the barrels in the distance. Leap across the boxes to the
rocks ahead and, eventually, to the screen door. Use the button above the ladder
to operate a lift below. Once the box has been picked up, you can use it gain
ledge and grab the Power Boost. Exit the cave and board the boats.

The Tower

After an exciting boat chase in which you and Mikiko split from Superfly, you
reach the mainland. As luck would have it, you're directly outside the entrance
to Mishima's corporate tower. Move on with Mikiko; Superfly will catch up later.

From where you beached your stolen boat, proceed through the doorway into the
toppled structure ahead. Continue on through the debris to the doorway on your
left. Go up the steps ahead and grab the Save Gem on your way to the end of the
walkway. Climb the steps around the corner and grab the Wraith Orb. Head back to
where the gem was and fire your Glock at the explosives stacked below the blue
neon sign. Leap down into the hole that forms from the collapse and wade through
the water to the doorway in the far corner. Make the first left and head to the
end of the corridor. Turn left again and then head to the red-lit room on the

Have Mikiko follow you up onto the crates and, from there, onto the pipes
run out of the room. Turn left at the intersection and make your way into the
ductwork on the right. As soon as you can stand up in the ducts, jump out onto
the floor above to find a hidden Vitality Boost. Step back down into the
and continue on to the room at the end. Turn and run up the stairs at the end of
the hall to the next Save Gem.

Walk around to the main room and let Mikiko grab the Ripgun from behind the
desk. Open the elevator shaft in the corner and jump to the ladder on the left.
Climb the ladder to the top and walk to the ledge around the shaft to the door.
Battle through the next area to the staircase in the corner and ascend. Continue
up the staircases bypassing the enemies on the lower floors to the top level.
Proceed to the room on the far left and crawl through the fallen ductwork. Step
ou t into a new area and climb the staircase on the right to another Save Gem.

Once again, ascend the steps to the upper level. Proceed through the door on
the left and, from there, into the large room on the right. Carefully tiptoe
across the wooden planks bridging the gaps in the floor. Enter the elevator and
leap onto the ledge one floor below. Open the doors and grab the Novabeam on the
floor. Reenter the elevator shaft and descend the ladder. Bust into the elevator
through the roof and then shoot through the wooden boards to exit. Walk up the
stairs on the far side of the tracks to the entrance to the tram car.

Mishima Labs

You've made it to Mishima's laboratories in one piece. The goal: to explore the
compound and uncover the private offices in the research center. One of them
should be Mishima's.

Before you enter the lab, scour the tram station for ammo. You and Mikiko
should be able to stock up rather nicely here. Enter the lab through the shiny
metal doors and grab the armor from the bench. Head to the right, unloading your
Ripgun at the attacking SEAL soldiers. Proceed through the lengthy hall to the
left and grab the Save Gem from the bench around the corner. Follow the path to
the left and ride the escalator upstairs. As you reach the top, jump off to your
right to find a Wraith Orb hidden amongst the plants.

Enter the lobby and slay the SEAL Shotgunners behind the desk. Grab the
Novabeam and follow the corridor ahead to the waterfall room. Leap to the top of
the falls for a Goldensoul and then plunge into the water near the center fall
collect a Green Keycard. Jump out of the water and ascend the staircase to the
landing and then descend the next set of steps. Leave the area through the metal
doors and head left through the hall. Use the Green Keycard to open the door and
enter the next area of the Lab.

Grab the ammo ahead and let Mikiko grab the armor. Work around the hall to
shuttle station ahead and clear out everything that moves. Facing away from the
control booth, press the yellow button to the left. Ride the shuttle that
to a remote section of the lab. Leap out of the shuttle and kill the SEALS that
approach. Open the door to the computer room on the right and shoot the
Shotgunner. Close the door so you can reach the Blue Keycard. Leave the area via
the shuttle.

When you arrive back at the station, press the yellow button directly across
the walkway to summon another shuttle. Ride this one to its remote sector.
clear out the attacking soldiers an d grab any health or ammo laying about. Use
the Blue Keycard to open the doors ahead and work your way to the shooting range
in the rear of the building. Pull out the Glock and practice your aim on each
the targets. As the last target draws near, the many items in the room become
accessible. Grab the Save Gem, the ammo, the health, and the Green Keycard and
then return to the central station.

Climb the ramp to the control booth with your Ripgun ready. Cut the SEAL
Captain up before he even leaves his seat. Grab the armor and press the yellow
button to summon another shuttle. Board this one directly below the control
and ride it to its sector. Kill the SEAL Commandos in the remote station and
use the Green Keycard in the large d oors ahead. Battle ahead through the next
sets of doors to the receiving dock. Several of the crates will open up, letting
loose rabid Lab Monkeys. Kill them. Behind the boxes to the left is a Save Gem.
Grab the gem and cross over to the lift on the far side. Ride the lift to the
upper level and make your way to the ladder on the far side. Climb the ladder to
the catwalk and enter the small door on the left.

Battle through the hall to the lift at the end. Ride the lift up and move
ahead to the large computer control room. Kill the Shotgunners while they
aimlessly stare at their monitors. Then turn your aim at the glass windows. Once
broken you can safely jump out onto the rafters to grab the Goldensoul at the
right corner. Return to the computer room and blast open the grate in the floor
and jump down into the vent. Shoot the grate directly ahead to obtain a Speed
Boost and then turn around and head towards the red lights. After entering the
transport tunnel, turn to face the landing area and drop down into another vent.
Move on to the ladder at the end and climb up.

Pass through the door ahead of you and follow the hallway to the left to
the barracks. Obviously you are in for a fight. Slaughter the SEAL Commandos as
they attempt to zig and zag through the dormitory. Once the room is secure look
in all of the lockers for valuable health and ammo. Leave the room through the
side door in the center of the room. You are now headed into the shower area.
Keep your finger on the trigger as you sidestep to the right, leaving the area
through the first door you encounter. Behind the door is the captain's barracks.
It is advisable to have your Novabeam in hand as you enter. Kill the soldier as
he dresses near the locker and grab the yellow card. Exit the room through the
double doors at the end. Before leavin g the area, work your way around to the
other barracks down the hall on the left. After shooting up the place, and
killing anything that moves, head for the large lockers facing into the room.
Open them up to reveal a secret stash of ammunition. Leave the room the way you
came in and head up the hall to the double doors on the left. Go through the
doors, jump over the vent you climbed out of and proceed straight ahead to the
shuttle. Head back to the station.

Exit the station back into the marble hallway and head to the opposite end.
Use the Yellow Keycard here to access another shuttle station. The room ahead
looks like a mirror image of the area you just left. Clear out the baddies and
ride the shuttle on the lift to its remote area. Slay the Commandos, grab the
Green Keycard and return via the shuttle. Now ride the shuttle directly across
its area, just as you did in the previous station. Battle through the laboratory
up the ramp in the rear. To the right, on a lab table is a Blue Keycard . Grab
the card and return to the station. Once again, board the shuttle directly
to return to its area. Use the Blue Keycard in the door and pass through the
two doors. Proceed to the very rear of the room and use the keypad to raise the
security gates from the center hallway. Step into the hallway in the center of
the room and use the keypad to lower the floor. Follow the path to the left
around to the rear of the room and to the next Save Gem. Before heading back, be
sure to destroy the reactor by firing your Slugger into the red light near its
base. Cross the walkway you descended on and continue around to the second
reactor. Disable it in similar fashion. Return to the shuttle and ride it back
the station. Ascend the ramp to the control booth and use the yellow button to
summon the final shuttle. Board the shuttle and head towards the final remote

During your trip however, two Lab Monkeys attack the shuttle causing you to
have to hoof it. Slaughter the monkeys for their crimes and drop into the vent
ahead. Crawl through the vent to the monkey cell. Kill the monkeys in the cell
and shoot out the grate in the overhead air duct. Jump in and crawl your way to
the ladder ahead. You will emerge in a computer control room filled with
Commandos and Shotgunners who do not notice your entrance. Sneak up to each of
the three duets and execute them for letting their guard down. Move to the large
tower in the center of the room and press the numbered buttons on the terminal
nearest the door. Have Mikiko move away from the door as the gates are lifted.
Secure the immediate threat from within the tower and grab the Power Boost and
health box. Mikiko must step onto the lift with you at the same time. And once
she's on the lift, tell her to stay! You have only one chance down and one
up with this lift. Make sure Mikiko doesn't screw it up for you. At your touch
the lift will automatically lower into a bit of a bee's nest. Either the Ripgun
or Novabeam will be su fficient in finishing off the enemy. With Mikiko standing
on the locked-down lift, you must unlock each of the four cells to have the lift
rise to the upper level. To do so, you must press each of the keypads beneath
awnings between the cells. Since Lab Monkeys will flee their cells and attack,
only open one at a time. As soon as the fourth cell is opened you must rejoin
Mikiko on the lift or it will rise without you.

Step off the lift at the top and cross the walkway into the next room. Kill
the remaining SEALs and enter the door on the left to meet Dr. Ebihara.

Mishima's Hideout

Dr. Ebihara, although not who you were hoping to encounter, proves to be a
big help. He leads you past security to Kage's private penthouse. You're getting

Collect the health near the entrance to the building and then head through
the doors. The Hideout has three areas: Gardens, Artifacts, and Chambers.
initially through the arch to the left to enter the Gardens area. Climb the two
flights of stairs, keeping an eye peeled for encroaching SEALs. Proceed through
the doorway out onto the helipad. Strafe with your back against the wall as you
take out the Chaingunners and SEAL Rocketeers. With the pad clear of enemy fire,
divvy up the health and ammo between Hiro and Mikiko. Cross the roof to the door
on the far side and descend the stairs. Go through the door and go down another
flight of steps. Turn 180 degrees to find a Save Gem guarded by several
Commandos. Continue moving, leaving the room through the door across from the

Have Mikiko stand at the locked door across the garden and wait for you to
return. Grab the ammo from the bottom of the smaller pond and then dive into the
larger one. Shoot through the metal grate and then through the crack in the wall
opposite where you enter. Jump through the waterfalls and catch the Rocketeers
surprise. Once the area is safe, open the door to your left to let Mikiko in.
Cross the Gardens and enter the building ahead. At the turn in the hallway, face
the wall across from the glass case and push against it. The wall will slide
revealing a hidden Power Boost. Continue on to the rock garden ahead.

Before climbing the ladder to the house above, you must press each of the
buttons hidden in the rock garden. This task seems unnecessary now, but the
ladder you lowered is key in your completing the mission. Climb the ladder to
house above and walk the ledge around to the entrance. Enter through the silk
door first. Hurry past the descending wall to the far side of the room. Shoot
the blue power source in the corner and then flip the lever nearest the
to lower another ladder. Leave the room and enter the area behind the wooden
door. Battle your way through the next sequence of hallways and stairways. At
bottom of the second large staircase turn to the odd colored wall panel on the
left. Press against it to reveal a hidden Save Gem. Leave the passage and
continue on to the main entrance area.

Head through the arch labeled ``Chambers". You can follow either hallway to
the rear section leading to Mishima's bedroom. Pass between the gargoyles and
enter the room. Walk towards the bed at the far end of the room and push the
small button on the last post to the right of his bed. A ladder on the wall in
front of you will rise up. Use the ladder to reach the ledge and walk around to
the panel above the bed. Press against this panel to find a hidden Mega Shield.
Jump off the ledge and walk to the far end of the bedroom. Press against the
small button to reveal a trap door. Drop down into the pit and kill the Lab
Monkeys that attack. Climb the ladder in the distance to the top and pull the
lever to lower another ladder. Somewhere. Open the door to your side and run
the steps through the door ahead to return to the main entranceway.

Once again, enter the Chambers area of the complex. This time do not enter
bedroom. Instead, board the lift to the right. As the lift begins carrying you
upward shoot at the yellow glass and jump onto the walkway that is revealed.
Walk the length of the ledge collecting ammo and armor. Re-board the lift and
ride it to the top and go through the door. Press the small button on the post
the left. A final ladder is lowered. With Mikiko in tow, ascend the series of
ladders to the top of the Hideout. Unfortunately, Mishima escaped your wrath
more. While you stand there contemplating where he was headed, Superfly shows
Apparently Mishima was headed to the SEAL Training Center.

And that is where you must go.

SEAL Training Center

The threesome is back together for one final mission. However, you will be
your own for all of the training exercises. Mikiko's charm(?) gets you in past
security at the front gate. Now its just a matter of finding Kage and setting
history straight for once and for all.

As you step off the lift into the first area of the training center you will
see a ladder on your right. Climb this ladder to the walkway above, grab the
and climb the very tall ladder directly behind you. In a vent at the very top is
a Goldensoul. Grab it and descend back to the bottom. Continue on to the hallway
ahead. Ride the lift down and grab the Save Gem from the far side of the room.
Enter the next room and walk around the center structure to the circular pad in
the rear. This will open the door to your first training exercise.

Although the exercises are different from one another they each have one
commonality. That is, if you fall off and hit the floor, you will be teleported
back to the starting point. Every exercise will require extreme patience as you
must study the movements of the platforms and execute your jumps impeccably.

After passing exercise #1 you will immediately begin training exercise #2.
a reward for clearing the first two exercises, a Save Gem awaits you beyond the
exit door. Using it is recommended. Proceed through training exercise #3 to the
next room and collect another Save Gem. Pass through the door to the large area
where the shark tanks are located. Once you grab the Envirosuit, jump into the
tank and kill the sharks. Swim down into the pipe at the bottom of the tank.
Another shark will attack as you approach the first turn. Kill the shark and
on to the next training area.

You will exit the water under heavy fire from SEAL Rocketeers on the far side
of the room. Ready yourself for the onslaught by having the Kineticore or the
Slugger drawn and by strafing side to side as you exit the pipe. Once the
Rocketeers are put away, jump from platform to platform to complete training
exercise #4. Grab the armor on the far side of the room and climb the ladder to
grab another Save Gem.

The very next room contains the fifth and final training exercise. This one
can prove deadly. You must jump fr om platform to platform, while dodging the
razor edged swords that rotate above them. Clean the exercise and enter the next
room with your trigger finger ready. A horde of attackers come out of seemingly
nowhere. Push through to grab the Attack Boost in the center of the room and
duck back under some cover. After killing the last SEAL in the room, press the
two buttons on the pillars in the center of the room. Ascend the lift in the
center of the room.

Upstairs, step off the lift and fire your gun at the grating on the wall to
the left. Jump down into the pool and press the button on the wall in the far
left corner to create access for Mikiko and Superfly who have been waiting in
neighboring corridor. Have the two follow you up the ladder and descend the
stairs to the next area. Keep pushing on through the next couple of rooms, being
sure to grab any health or ammo you see.

Grab the two closely spaced Save Gems and descend the ladder to the submarine
below. Mishima is here waiting for you. You must watch him disable your friends
and then fight one on one. He is difficult to kill and therefore, you may want
use a Save Gem in the middle of a successful fight, in case it doesn't turn out
in your favor in the end. The story does not end with the death of Mishima. For
that, you will have to wait and find out on your own.