Kingpin — Life of Crime чит-файл №2

Hint: If you get stuck looking for that electrical doohickey on the first
level, figure out how to get up to that grate near the card table (hint: you
might have to move a box to get there).

Hint: Always approach the bystanders with a positive attitude, and listen to
what they have to say. Odds are they didn't end up there by accident.

Hint: Keep your gun holstered when wandering the streets and recruiting other
thugs--a weapon brandished out in the open only invites trouble.

Hint: You'll have the chance to do plenty of fighting in this game, so don't
stress it; go ahead and use the sneak key to creep by enemies whenever

Hint: Unlike other action games, you'll need to be a little less like
Schwarzenegger in your attacks. Run backward while firing. Hide whenever
possible. Don't stay out in the open. Use the environment. And reload your gun
every time you get a chance to take a deep breath.

Hint: Damage in the game is location-specific, so aim for the cranium, my

Hint: The pistol is a great little weapon, and your effectiveness (chance to
score a damaging hit) will increase with use. If you can spare the ammo,
unload a few rounds into a trash can, and you'll improve your skill.
Hint: There are quite a number of things that you can do to improve multiplayer
performance over the Internet. Space prohibits us from listing them all here,
but swing by Randy Thomas's page,, for a complete overview.