Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (Artifacts FAQ)
2nd April 2000
Version 1.0
by mdk2@tm.net.my
This document Copyright 4/2/2000 mdk2. Anyone is free to use and reproduce this FAQ as long as credit is given to the writter.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic 8: Artifacts FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Question: What is an artifact? Answer: Any item which significantly boosts your heroes stats (usually at the expense of another) and is very expensive. However, certain artifact quest items have 0 value. An artifact will usually look different from your standard weapons, armor, etc.
Question: How do you obtain these artifacts? Answer: The game randomly generates these items. Once you have killed a high level monster; usually a Dragon which is higher than a Dragonette/Hatchling, search the dead body.
Hint: Save your game before searching the bodies, if you don't get the desired item reload your save game and search the body again. Persistance pays off.
Table of Contents:
(1) Weapons 1.1:- Maces & Clubs 1.2:- Axes 1.3:- Daggers 1.4:- Swords 1.5:- Spears 1.6:- Bows & Crossbows 1.7:- Staffs
(2) Armor & Misc. 2.1:- Helms, Hats, and Crowns 2.2:- Body Armor 2.3:- Boots 2.4:- Belts 2.5:- Cloaks 2.6:- Amulats 2.7:- Rings 2.8:- Shields
1.1 Maces & Clubs
Mace of the Sun, Weapon Type: Mace Attack:+7 Damage: 3d4 +7 Double damage vs. Elementals Value: 12000
Breaker, Weapon Type: Club Attack:+12 Damage:3d3+12 Might and Endurance +20, 10-20 Body Damage Value: 20000
1.2 Axes
Hell's Cleaver, Weapon Type: Axe Attack:+12 Damage:4d2+12 Might and Accuracy +70, Personality and Intellect -50 Value: 30000
1.3 Daggers
Blade of Mercy, Weapon Type: Dagger Attack:+15 Damage:2d2+15 Might +40, 4-10 pts electrical damage, Accuracy -40, usable by Lich only Value: 30000
1.4 Swords
Glomenthal, Weapon Type: Longsword Attack:+14 Damage: 3d3+14 Might +40, 10-20 pts of Dark Magic damage Value: 20000