Might and magic VIII: Potions Miscibility faq: By Paul E. Leicht 5/2000 (email: pauleleicht@cs.com)
General Notes: It doesnt matter what type of reagents you have as long as they match the required colors. To turn a reagent into a potion pick up the reagent in your backpack and hold it over an empty bottle. Then right click. Grey potions (aka catalysts) are only useful if they have a higher power than the potion they are mixed with. This is because their function is to make the other potions power equal to the grey's power. The higher a person's skill in Alchemy the higher an initial potion's power. Also your mastery of Alchemy skill indicates what type of potions you can make. If you do not have the required level of mastery you will create an explosion that deals damage to the mixer and his equipment. Be warned! A lot of combinations of potions not listed below create explosions. The rest make Catalyst Potions. If you come across a potion that I dont have listed let me know by email and I will include your contribution and credit you in the next version of this faq.
potion name color reagents needed recipe basic potions: Cure Wounds red 1 red na Mana blue 1 blue na Cure Weakness yellow 1 yellow na Catalyst grey 1 grey or special if you mix reagents in certain combos you get catalyst potions Awaken green 1 yellow + 1 blue mix a mana and cure weakness potion Cure Disease orange 1 yellow + 1 red mix a cure wounds and a cure weakness potion Cure Poison purple 1 blue + 1 red mix a cure wounds and a mana potion
expert potions: Bless green/red 1 blue + 1 yellow + 1 red mix an awaken and a cure wounds potion Recharge Item green/blue 2 blue + 1 yellow mix an awaken and a mana potion Harden Item (!) green/yellow 1 blue + 2 yellow mix an awaken and a cure weakness potion Haste orange/red 2 red + 1 yellow mix a cure disease and a cure wounds potion Preservation orange/blue 1 red + 1 yellow +1 blue mix a cure disease and a mana potion Stoneskin orange/yellow 2 yellow +1 red mix a cure disease and a cure weakness potion Heroism purple/red 2 red + 1 blue mix a cure poison and a cure wounds potion Shield purple/blue 2 blue + 1 red mix a cure poison and a mana potion Water Breathing purple/yellow 1 red + 1 blue + 1 yellow mix a cure poison and a cure weakness potion Cure Insanity green/orange 2 yellow + 1 red + 1 blue mix an awaken and a cure disease potion Remove Curse green/purple 2 blue + 1 red +1 yellow mix an awaken and a cure poison potion Remove Fear purple/orange 2 red + 1 yellow + 1 blue mix a cure poison and a cure disease potion
master potions: Swiftness white 3 blue +1 red +1 yellow mix a shield and an awaken potion Freezing white 2 red + 2 blue +1 yellow mix a heroism and an awaken potion Endurance Boost white 3 blue + 2 red mix a shield with a cure poison potion Shocking white 3 red + 1 blue +1 yellow mix a haste with a cure poison potion Might Boost white 3 red + 2 blue mix a heroism with a cure poison potion Cure Paralysis white 3 yellow + 1 red + 1 blue mix a harden item with a cure disease potion or mix a stoneskin with an awaken potion Accuracy Boost white 3 yellow + 2 red mix a stoneskin with a cure disease potion Flaming white 2 red + 2 yellow +1 blue mix a stoneskin with a cure poison potion Mind Resistance white 3 blue + 2 red + 1 yellow mix a heroism with a recharge item potion Noxious white 2 yellow + 2 blue + 1 red mix a harden item with a cure poison potion Intellect Boost white 3 yellow + 2 blue mix a harden item with an awaken potion Speed Boost white 3 red + 2 yellow mix a haste with a cure disease potion Personality Boost white 3 blue + 2 yellow mix a recharge item with an awaken potion Divine Power white 3 yellow + 3 blue mix a harden item with a recharge item potion Divine Cure white 3 yellow + 3 red mix a haste with a stoneskin potion Luck Boost white 3 red + 3 blue mix a heroism with a shield potion Divine Restoration white 2 blue + 2 red + 2 yellow mix a shield with a stoneskin potion Air Resistance white 3 red + 2 blue +1 yellow mix a shield with a haste potion Earth Resistance white 3 red + 2 yellow +1 blue mix a stoneskin with a heroism potion Water Resistance white 3 blue + 2 yellow + 1 red mix a harden item with a shield potion Body Resistance white 3 yellow + 2 blue + 1 red mix a stoneskin with a recharge item potion Fire Resistance white 3 yellow + 2 red + 1 blue mix a haste with a harden item potion
Grandmaster Potions Pure Luck black 3 blue + 3 yellow + 2 red mix a swiftness with a stoneskin potion Stone to Flesh black 3 red + 3 yellow + 2 blue mix a cure paralysis with a heroism potion Pure Endurance black 4 blue + 2 red + 1 yellow mix an endurance boost with an awaken potion Pure Accuracy black 4 yellow + 2 red + 1 blue mix an accuracy boost potion with an awaken potion Pure Might black 4 red + 2 blue +1 yellow mix a might boost with a cure disease potion Pure Intellect black 4 yellow + 2 blue + 1 red mix a intellect boost with a cure disease potion Pure Speed black 4 red + 2 yellow + 1 blue mix a speed boost with a cure poison potion Pure Personality black 4 blue + 2 yellow + 1 red mix a personality boost with a cure poison potion
An example of reverse engineering potions: Pure Might Potion requires: 4 of any yellow + 2 of any red + 1 of any yellow. pure might = (might boost + cure disease) might boost = (heroism + cure poison) heroism = (cure poison + cure wounds) cure poison = (cure wounds + mana) cure disease = (cure wounds + cure weakness) so the recipe for a black Pure Might potion is as follows: 1. make 4 cure wound potions, 2 mana potions and a cure weakness potion 2. mix a cure wounds and a mana potion (result: cure poison) 3. mix another cure wounds and another mana potion (result: cure poison) 4. mix one of the cure poison potions with a cure wounds potion (result: heroism potion) 5. mix the resulting heroism potion with the other cure poison (result: might boost potion) 6. mix a cure wounds and a cure weakness potion (result: cure disease potion) 7. mix the might boost and the cure disease potion... Wha La, a brand new Pure Might Potion is made!