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Меч и магия 8: Эпоха разрушителя чит-файл №4

MINI-FAQ v0.6:
by Donovan Hawkins

A copy of the latest version of this FAQ may be found at:
Please check for updates before emailing me

An editor is also available (about 250k zipped):

Feel free to repost/upload/etc., just credit me a little ;-)

Disclaimer: Nothing in life is guaranteed, even this.
You may not sue me, here or in Jadame.

Skill Teachers
Cross-Referenced by Location
NPCs with Stats/Locations
People Who Buy and Sell Things
Promotion Quest Givers

Stage/Ship Schedules
Spell Guilds

Savegame Editing
Potion Mixing
Quest Information
Item List


Based on a posting by Michael A. Cornelius (aka Newton Dragon)

Some interpolation was done, but special requirements could be missing
For example, some require minimum stats (like Master Merchant)

Remember that some advancements require promotion quests
See the MM7 Manual for more info

All are done except Regna and the elemental planes

Special notes:
Dragon Hunter's Camp refers to the outdoor village near the building
Temple of the Sun refers to the outdoor village near the building
Ravenshore north is the part of the city north of the bridge
Ravenshore south is the part of the city south of the bridge
Alvar east is the part of the city east of the bridge
Alvar west is the part of the city west of the bridge
Balthazar Lair is underground, and only available after draining it

Overland area, City name / overland subarea, City subarea, House name

Combat Skills:

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, W, Luodrin House
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Stormlance Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Foestryke Residence
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, SW, Hunter's Hovel
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, NW, Senjac's House

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, NE, Puddle's Hovel
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, SW, Stone's House
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Stillwater Estate

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, N, Townsaver Hall
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Withersmythe Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NE, Long-Tail's Hut

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Vespers Hall
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, N, Jobber's Home
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, N, Townsaver Hall
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Mornigstar Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, SW, Hearthsworn Hovel

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Main island, WSW, House of Thistle
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, central, House of Nosewort
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000 gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Hall of Solis

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NE, Thadin's House
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 3000gp
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, SW, Hollyfield House
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 7000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, SW, Talion's Hovel

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, NE, Forgewright Estate
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 3000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Eversmyle Hall
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 7000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Western island, N, Bone's House (no blue dot)
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 3000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, SE, Botham Hall
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 7000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Ironfist Residence

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Moore Cottage
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 3000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Nightwood Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 7000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Reaverston Residence (not on

Magic Skills:

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, E, Temper Hall
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, N central, Steele Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Plane of Fire

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NE, House of Reshie
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, S, Stormeye's House
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Plane of Air

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, N, Pederton Place
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, central, Hovel of Mist
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Plane of Water

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NW, House of Grivic
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, N central, Sablewood Hall
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Plane of Earth

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, S, House of Hawthorne
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, NE, Kern Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, SE, Ravensight Residence

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NW, House of Krewlen
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, SW, Lott's House
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, SE, Dreamwright Residence

Expert: Skill 4, 1000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Western island, N, Zevah's Hut
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 4000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Arin Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, S, Snowtree Residence

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, central, Archibald's Home
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, S, Dantillion's Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NW, Darkenmoore Hall
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, N central, House Umberpool
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, House Shador
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Dirthmoore Cottage
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, House Archania

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Caves, N middle level, Ishton's Cave
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Caves, upper entrance, Ithilgore's Cave
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Caves, N middle level, Scarwing's Cave

Dark Elf:
Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Dervish Estate
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, E, Caverhill Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, W, Agraynel Hall

Miscellaneous Skills:

Disarm Trap:
Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Main island, WSW, House of Ich
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NW, House of Lightfinger
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Western island, N, Isthric's House
Master: Be expert, skill 7, personality 50, 5000gp
Alvar, Alvar west, S central, Iverson Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, far N, Quicktongue Estate

Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, SE, Putnam's Home
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NE, House of Nevermore
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Nightcrawler Estate

Body Building:
Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Northwestern island, E, Menasaur's House
Master: Be expert, skill 7, Endurance 50, 2500gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, W, Otterton Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, central, Hovel of Greenstorm

Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NW, Nightcrawler Cottage
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, S central, Steeleye Estate
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, NE, Suretail House

Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, central, Lott's Family Home
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, NE, Jeni Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, NW, Tonk Residence

Identify Item:
Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Alvar, Alvar west, NW, Sparkman Home
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Main island, WSW, Languid's Hut
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Roggen Hall

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, SW, Mithric Residence
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Mistspring Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, W, Lightsworn Residence

Identify Monster:
Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, N, Maker Residence
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, NW, Keenedge Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, S, Stonecleaver Hall

Arms Master:
Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, N, Slayer Residence
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Northwestern island, E, Lasatin's Hut
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Regna Island

Expert: Skill 4, 500gp
Alvar, Alvar west, N central, Watershed Cottage
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 2500gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, N, Treasurestone Residence
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 6000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Main island, WSW, House of Ich

Expert: Skill 4, 2000gp
Ironsand Desert, Rust, central, Tarent Hovel
Master: Be expert, skill 7, 5000gp
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, N, Sampson House
Grand Master: Be master, skill 10, 8000gp
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, SE, Ush's Hut


Alvar Alchemy Expert
Alvar Bow Grand Master
Alvar Chain Master
Alvar Dagger Expert
Alvar Dark Expert
Alvar Dark Elf Expert
Alvar Dark Elf Grand Master
Alvar Disarm Trap Master
Alvar Earth Master
Alvar Fire Master
Alvar Identify Item Expert
Alvar Meditation Master
Alvar Merchant Master
Alvar Mind Expert
Alvar Perception Expert
Alvar Shield Expert
Alvar Spear Master
Dagger Wound Islands Air Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Alchemy Grand Master
Dagger Wound Islands Arms Master Master
Dagger Wound Islands Body Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Body Building Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Bow Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Disarm Trap Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Earth Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Identify Item Master
Dagger Wound Islands Leather Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Merchant Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Plate Expert
Dagger Wound Islands Regeneration Grand Master
Dagger Wound Islands Spear Grand Master
Garrote Gorge Arms Master Expert
Garrote Gorge Axe Expert
Garrote Gorge Body Master
Garrote Gorge Body Building Master
Garrote Gorge Dragon Expert
Garrote Gorge Dragon Grand Master
Garrote Gorge Dragon Master
Garrote Gorge Identify Monster Expert
Garrote Gorge Learning Grand Master
Garrote Gorge Mace Master
Garrote Gorge Plate Grand Master
Garrote Gorge Repair Master
Garrote Gorge Shield Grand Master
Garrote Gorge Spirit Master
Garrote Gorge Sword Master
Ironsand Desert Body Building Grand Master
Ironsand Desert Leather Grand Master
Ironsand Desert Mace Grand Master
Ironsand Desert Regeneration Expert
Ironsand Desert Staff Master
Ironsand Desert Water Master
Murmurwoods Alchemy Master
Murmurwoods Body Grand Master
Murmurwoods Identify Monster Master
Murmurwoods Learning Expert
Murmurwoods Light Master
Murmurwoods Mind Grand Master
Murmurwoods Regeneration Master
Murmurwoods Repair Grand Master
Murmurwoods Spirit Grand Master
Plane of Air Air Grand Master
Plane of Earth Earth Grand Master
Plane of Fire Fire Grand Master
Plane of Water Water Grand Master
Ravage Roaming Air Master
Ravage Roaming Axe Grand Master
Ravage Roaming Leather Master
Ravage Roaming Mind Master
Ravage Roaming Perception Grand Master
Ravenshore Axe Master
Ravenshore Bow Master
Ravenshore Chain Expert
Ravenshore Dagger Master
Ravenshore Dark Elf Master
Ravenshore Fire Expert
Ravenshore Identify Monster Grand Master
Ravenshore Light Expert
Ravenshore Mace Expert
Ravenshore Meditation Expert
Ravenshore Merchant Grand Master
Ravenshore Plate Master
Ravenshore Repair Expert
Ravenshore Spear Expert
Ravenshore Spirit Expert
Ravenshore Staff Expert
Ravenshore Sword Expert
Ravenshore Water Expert
Regna Island Arms Master Grand Master
Regna Island Chain Grand Master
Regna Island Dagger Grand Master
Regna Island Dark Grand Master
Regna Island Disarm Trap Grand Master
Regna Island Light Grand Master
Regna Island Sword Grand Master
Shadowspire Dark Master
Shadowspire Identify Item Grand Master
Shadowspire Learning Master
Shadowspire Meditation Grand Master
Shadowspire Perception Master
Shadowspire Shield Master
Shadowspire Staff Grand Master
Shadowspire Vampire Expert
Shadowspire Vampire Grand Master
Shadowspire Vampire Master


The question of whether to keep or trade-up NPCs is hot in the newsgroups, so
John Bounds (Grunthex) provided some skill point number for everyone.
I have redone them to correct some errors in my original FAQ (which John used).
The number of free points varies wildly, so maybe there's still a problem?

The left-most number is the level they start out at.
The remaining numbers show where they will be at later levels (to compare).
These numbers include any unused skill points they start with.

You should look at the character and subtract any points you feel were wasted.
Remember a skill at level N takes (N(N+1)/2)-1 skill points to get.

Level: 5th 15th 30th 50th
New Points Earned by Training: |--56---|--102--|--171--|

Main Character 20 76 178 349

Necromancer Devlin Arcanus 23 79 181 352
Necromancer Karanya Memoria 86 188 359
*Necromancer Nathaniel Roberts 204 306 477
Lich Hevatia Deverbero 204 375
Lich Vetrinus Taleshire 564

Cleric Fredrick Talimere 24 80 182 353
Cleric Maylander 84 186 357
*Cleric Dyson Leyland 85 187 358
Priest of Light Verish 213 384
Priest of Light Dervish Chevron 342

Knight Simon Templar 24 80 182 353
Knight Leane Stormlance 84 186 357
Champion Nelix Uriel 204 375
Champion Tempus 394
*Champion Blazen Stormlance 394

Troll Overdune Snapfinger 74 176 347
Troll Volog Sandwind 93 195 366
War Troll Sethrc Thistlebone 213 384
War Troll Thorne Understone 448

Minotaur Arius 24 80 182 353
Minotaur Thanys 86 188 359
Minotaur Lord Rionel 213 384
Minotaur Lord Ulbrecht 396

Dark Elf Rohani Oscleton 24 80 182 353
Dark Elf Jasp Thelbourne 84 186 357
Patriarch Adric Stellare 238 409
Patriarch Cauri Blackthorne 423

Vampire Elsbeth Lamentia 24 80 182 353
Vampire Gethric Mercutura 88 190 361
Nosferatu Infaustus 218 389
Nosferatu Artorius Veritas 332

Dragon Ithilgore 26 82 184 355
Dragon Flamdring 92 194 365
Great Wyrm Brimstone 356 527
Great Wyrm Duroth the Eternal 543

And now, for the list:

* = Available at level 1
** = Available at level 5
(the number is the level of my party when tried...lower might also work)

1 Devlin Arcanus (* Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop)
A newly initiated practitioner of the dark arts, Arcanus is taking his first
steps down the path which he hopes will lead him to power and glory. Strong in
mind if not body, he has concentrated his time in pursuit of magical knowledge.
Class: Necromancer
Level: 5
Portrait: 8
Voice: 8
Age: 20
Might: 9
Intellect: 20
Personality: 11
Endurance: 11
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 16
Luck: 15
Staff 2
Dagger 2
Leather 2
Fire Magic 1
Air Magic 1
Water Magic 1
Earth Magic 1
Dark Magic 2
ID Item 1
Merchant 1
Meditation 1
ID Monster 1
Learning 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 15
Total when found: 23

2 Fredrick Talimere (*Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop)
After he left the sanctuary of his order, Fredrick Talimere found himself drawn
to secular pursuits, particularly towards the study of cultures that have
disappeared from the face of Jadame.
Class: Cleric
Level: 5
Portrait: 4
Voice: 4
Age: 20
Might: 13
Intellect: 12
Personality: 20
Endurance: 13
Accuracy: 11
Speed: 14
Luck: 10
Staff 1
Mace 1
Shield 1
Leather 1
Chain 2
Spirit Magic 2
Mind Magic 2
Body Magic 2
Light Magic 1
Merchant 1
Repair 1
Meditation 1
Alchemy 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 16
Total when found: 24

3 Simon Templar (**Dagger Wound Islands, Abandoned temple)
When he was a lad, the elders of Simon Templar's village were quick to notice
that intellectual pursuits were not in his future. Encouraging him to put down
his pen and pick up the sword, they made him into the soldier he is today.
Class: Knight
Level: 5
Portrait: 0
Voice: 0
Age: 20
Might: 20
Intellect: 9
Personality: 9
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 15
Luck: 10
Sword 2
Spear 2
Bow 1
Mace 1
Shield 1
Chain 1
Plate 2
Repair 2
Body Building 1
Armsmaster 2
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 14
Total when found: 24

4 Overdune Snapfinger
All Overdune Snapfinger ever wanted to be was a simple hunter. The destruction
of his village of Rust by the elemental cataclysm changed all that. Now events
have made him and adventurer whose life now is tied into the ultimate destiny of
the world itself.
Class: Troll
Level: 15
Portrait: 22
Voice: 22
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 7
Personality: 7
Endurance: 24
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 18
Luck: 16
Staff 4 Expert
Bow 1
Mace 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Chain 2
Body Building 4 Expert
Regeneration 3
ID Monster 2
Armsmaster 4
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 20
Total when found: 74

5 Arius (**Ravenshore)
Born of a long line of Balthazar Lair blacksmiths, Arius saw nothing but the
pounding of metal in his future--a prospect that did not sit well with him.
Seeking new experience he left the underground city to find adventure in the
larger world.
Class: Minotaur
Level: 5
Portrait: 20
Voice: 20
Age: 20
Might: 21
Intellect: 11
Personality: 17
Endurance: 9
Accuracy: 17
Speed: 9
Luck: 17
Axe 3
Bow 2
Chain 1
Plate 1
Body Building 1
Perception 3
Disarm Traps 1
Armsmaster 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 12
Total when found: 24

6 Rohani Oscleton (**Alvar)
Trained to be a merchant caravan guard, Rohani's destiny seemed set until you
recruited her into your adventure. Talented in both magic and combat, her skills
are now at your avail.
Class: Dark Elf
Level: 5
Portrait: 17
Voice: 17
Age: 20
Might: 15
Intellect: 15
Personality: 11
Endurance: 13
Accuracy: 17
Speed: 21
Luck: 17
Dagger 2
Bow 3
Chain 2
Air Magic 1
Water Magic 1
Earth Magic 1
Dark Elf Magic 1
Merchant 2
Disarm Traps 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 13
Total when found: 24

7 Elsbeth Lamentia (*Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop)
Turned into a vampire against her will by none other than Thant, guildmaster of
the Necromancers' Guild, Elsbeth fled her native Shadowspire. Seeking a new
life, she found it as a freebooting adventurer.
Class: Vampire
Level: 5
Portrait: 13
Voice: 13
Age: 20
Might: 20
Intellect: 7
Personality: 17
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 16
Speed: 19
Luck: 7
Dagger 2
Shield 2
Leather 2
Spirit Magic 1
Mind Magic 1
Vampire Magic 1
Regeneration 1
ID Monster 2
Alchemy 1
Learning 2
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 14
Total when found: 24

8 Ithilgore (** Garrote Gorge, Dragon Cave)
A youth among dragons, Ithilgore felt oppressed by the regimented society of
the Garrote Gorge Dragons. When you came by, he jumped at the opportunity to
explore the larger world freely.
Class: Dragon
Level: 5
Portrait: 24
Voice: 24
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 17
Personality: 9
Endurance: 21
Accuracy: 13
Speed: 11
Luck: 7
Dragon Magic 2
ID Item 1
Merchant 1
Body Building 1
Meditation 1
Perception 2
Regeneration 2
ID Monster 1
Alchemy 2
Learning 2
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 16
Total when found: 26

9 Karanya Memoria (Ravenshore)
Cast out of the Necromancers' Guild for pursuing forms of knowledge too dark
for even their corrupt tastes, Karanya Memoria now pursues greater power without
the guild's help+or hindrance.
Class: Necromancer
Level: 15
Portrait: 9
Voice: 9
Age: 20
Might: 16
Intellect: 25
Personality: 11
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 22
Luck: 10
Staff 4 Expert
Dagger 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Air Magic 2
Water Magic 3
Earth Magic 2
Dark Magic 4 Expert
ID Item 3
Merchant 3
Meditation 2
ID Monster 2
Alchemy 2
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 20
Total when found: 86

10 Maylander (Ravenshore)
After making a reputation for himself in Erathia, Maylander, a cleric of the
Sun Temple, came to Jadame on a sabbatical rest. The tug of the open road pulled
too strongly at him however, and now he is in your services.
Class: Cleric
Level: 15
Portrait: 6
Voice: 6
Age: 20
Might: 17
Intellect: 9
Personality: 22
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 19
Luck: 17
Staff 3
Mace 4 Expert
Shield 3
Leather 1
Chain 4 Expert
Spirit Magic 4 Expert
Mind Magic 4 Expert
Body Magic 4 Expert
Merchant 4 Expert
Repair 1
Body Building 1
Meditation 1
Perception 2
Alchemy 1
Learning 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 18
Total when found: 84

11 Leane Stormlance
As a daughter of Blazen Stormlance, Leane's whole childhood was spent playing
with swords as other girls play with dolls. Now a warrior of great repute, her
sword is yours to command.
Class: Knight
Level: 15
Portrait: 3
Voice: 3
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 13
Personality: 15
Endurance: 23
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 19
Luck: 9
Sword 4 Expert
Spear 4 Expert
Bow 3
Mace 3
Shield 3
Chain 3
Plate 4 Expert
Repair 4 Expert
Body Building 1
Perception 1
Disarm Traps 1
ID Monster 1
Armsmaster 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 19
Total when found: 84

12 Volog Sandwind
A warrior of Rust village, Volog Sandwind earned the nickname, "One Eye
Slayer," while championing the village's defense against raiding cyclopes. Now
that you've found his village a new homeland, he has joined your cause.
Class: Troll
Level: 15
Portrait: 23
Voice: 23
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 11
Personality: 13
Endurance: 23
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 21
Luck: 11
Staff 4 Expert
Mace 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Chain 1
Repair 4 Expert
Body Building 4 Expert
Regeneration 4 Expert
ID Monster 4 Expert
Armsmaster 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 25
Total when found: 93

13 Thanys
Grateful to you for rescuing his herd at Balthazar Lair, Thanys has pledged his
loyal service to you. Skilled in warcraft he is a worthy companion.
Class: Minotaur
Level: 15
Portrait: 20
Voice: 20
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 15
Personality: 17
Endurance: 13
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 11
Luck: 21
Axe 4 Expert
Bow 4 Expert
Chain 3
Plate 3
Body Building 4 Expert
Perception 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
Armsmaster 4 Expert
Alchemy 3
Learning 2
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 15
Total when found: 86

14 Jasp Thelbourne (Alvar)
Though at least slightly too full of his own self importance, Jasp Thelbourne
is not entirely without bragging rights. An adventurer before you met him, he
travels with you now seeking to enlarge his glory and reputation.
Class: Dark Elf
Level: 15
Portrait: 16
Voice: 16
Age: 20
Might: 17
Intellect: 23
Personality: 9
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 23
Luck: 17
Dagger 4 Expert
Bow 4 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Fire Magic 4 Expert
Air Magic 3
Water Magic 3
Earth Magic 3
Dark Elf Magic 2
Merchant 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 3
Armsmaster 1
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 17
Total when found: 84

15 Gethric Mercutura (**Shadowspire)
Though a rebellious nature is not uncommon among vampires, Gethric Mercutura
joined your party in direct violation of his orders from the Necromancers' Guild
guildmaster, Thant. Though this meant his immediate expulsion from the guild, he
has never regretted the decision.
Class: Vampire
Level: 15
Portrait: 12
Voice: 12
Age: 20
Might: 23
Intellect: 11
Personality: 23
Endurance: 19
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 27
Luck: 16
Sword 1
Dagger 4 Expert
Shield 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Chain 3
Spirit Magic 1
Mind Magic 1
Vampire Magic 2
ID Item 1
Perception 1
Regeneration 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
ID Monster 4 Expert
Alchemy 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 18
Total when found: 88

16 Flamdring
A rebel among rebels, Flamdring joined you by leaving the pack of
Ithilgore--himself a renegade dragon. A dragon of medium size, he has agreed to
adventure with you for as long as it holds his flighty attention.
Class: Dragon
Level: 15
Portrait: 25
Voice: 25
Age: 20
Might: 50
Intellect: 23
Personality: 9
Endurance: 30
Accuracy: 13
Speed: 17
Luck: 16
Dragon Magic 4 Expert
ID Item 4 Expert
Merchant 4 Expert
Body Building 4 Expert
Meditation 4 Expert
Perception 4 Expert
Regeneration 4 Expert
Alchemy 3
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 19
Total when found: 92

17 Hevatia Deverbero (Shadowspire)
When you allied with the Necromancers' Guild, certain guild members were
instructed to place themselves available to your mission. Some did so
reluctantly, but not Hevatia Deverbero. A seeker of knowledge she saw an
opportunity to explore the world.
Class: Lich
Level: 30
Portrait: 27
Voice: 27
Age: 20
Might: 18
Intellect: 25
Personality: 11
Endurance: 20
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 22
Luck: 16
Staff 8 Master
Dagger 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Air Magic 4 Expert
Water Magic 4 Expert
Earth Magic 8 Master
Dark Magic 8 Master
ID Item 3
Merchant 2
Meditation 2
Perception 2
Disarm Traps 2
ID Monster 2
Alchemy 2
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 41
Total when found: 204

18 Verish (Murmurwoods)
Impressed by your defeat of the Necromancers' Guild Verish, a priest of the Sun
Temple, offered to join you, seeing your mission as one serving the greater Path
of Light.
Class: Priest of Light
Level: 30
Portrait: 4
Voice: 4
Age: 20
Might: 17
Intellect: 9
Personality: 30
Endurance: 21
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 19
Luck: 17
Staff 4
Mace 7 Expert
Shield 5 Expert
Leather 4
Chain 4
Spirit Magic 4 Expert
Mind Magic 4 Expert
Body Magic 6 Expert
Light Magic 6 Master
Merchant 4 Expert
Repair 4
Body Building 3
Meditation 3
Perception 3
Alchemy 1
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 49
Total when found: 213

19 Nelix Uriel (Garrote Gorge)
Charles Quixote saw in the alliance a chance to season some of his followers
with a bit of adventuring. Quixote felt that Nelix Uriel was too much the dragon
hunting specialist. With this in mind, he gave the knight leave to follow you on
your great quest.
Class: Champion
Level: 30
Portrait: 2
Voice: 2
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 13
Personality: 15
Endurance: 23
Accuracy: 24
Speed: 19
Luck: 18
Sword 8 Master
Spear 6 Expert
Bow 6 Expert
Mace 4 Expert
Shield 5 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Plate 6 Expert
Repair 4 Expert
Body Building 4
Perception 4
Disarm Traps 2
Armsmaster 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 39
Total when found: 204

20 Sethrc Thistlebone (Ironsand Desert)
Known in the village of Rust for his great sense of civic responsibility,
Sethrc Thistlebone chose to join you for the greater good of his people. Now in
your service he single-mindedly pursues an end to the elemental cataclysm.
Class: War Troll
Level: 30
Portrait: 22
Voice: 22
Age: 20
Might: 34
Intellect: 11
Personality: 13
Endurance: 23
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 21
Luck: 15
Staff 8 Master
Mace 8 Master
Leather 4 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Merchant 4
Repair 4 Expert
Body Building 4 Expert
Perception 4
Regeneration 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 4
ID Monster 4 Expert
Armsmaster 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 57
Total when found: 213

21 Rionel
A great hero of the Minotaurs' campaign against the Vori Frost Giants, Rionel
saw joining your quest as an opportunity to know further glory. An expert with
both axe and bow, his skill at the arts of war make him a good companion in
Class: Minotaur Lord
Level: 30
Portrait: 20
Voice: 20
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 15
Personality: 21
Endurance: 18
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 25
Luck: 21
Sword 5 Expert
Axe 6 Expert
Spear 2
Bow 7 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Plate 5 Expert
Body Building 8 Master
Perception 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
Armsmaster 4 Expert
Learning 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 56
Total when found: 213

22 Adric Stellare (Alvar)
With humble beginnings as a caravan guard, Adric Stellare has risen to the
heights of Alvarian society. Having had the opportunity to play many roles, he
is skilled in magic and combat. As a member of the merchant guild, he is also an
master trader.
Class: Patriarch
Level: 30
Portrait: 18
Voice: 18
Age: 20
Might: 17
Intellect: 23
Personality: 13
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 23
Luck: 17
Dagger 6 Expert
Bow 8 Master
Chain 8 Master
Fire Magic 4 Expert
Air Magic 4 Expert
Water Magic 4 Expert
Earth Magic 4 Expert
Dark Elf Magic 7 Master
Merchant 8 Master
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
Armsmaster 3
Alchemy 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 31
Total when found: 238

23 Infaustus (Shadowspire)
Though an elder vampire, Infaustus has had little cause to leave her native
Shadowspire. When she realized this, she immediately began preparations to
leave. Traveling with you is an opportunity for her to know more of Jadame.
Class: Nosferatu
Level: 30
Portrait: 13
Voice: 13
Age: 20
Might: 23
Intellect: 13
Personality: 22
Endurance: 19
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 27
Luck: 15
Sword 4 Expert
Dagger 8 Master
Shield 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Spirit Magic 4
Mind Magic 4
Vampire Magic 4 Expert
ID Item 4 Expert
Perception 4 Expert
Regeneration 5 Expert
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
ID Monster 4 Expert
Alchemy 4 Expert
Learning 5
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 56
Total when found: 218

24 Brimstone
When he rebelled against the Garrote Gorge dragons, Yaardrake was fortunate to
convince the mighty Brimstone to join his cause. That you were able to slay so
many of Yaardrake's compatriots however, left Brimstone less impressed with
Yaardrake and more impressed with you.
Class: Great Wyrm
Level: 30
Portrait: 24
Voice: 24
Age: 20
Might: 50
Intellect: 23
Personality: 9
Endurance: 30
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 17
Luck: 14
Dragon Magic 9 Master
ID Item 8 Master
Merchant 7 Expert
Body Building 8 Master
Meditation 7 Master
Perception 10 Grandmaster
Regeneration 4 Expert
Alchemy 7 Master
Learning 10 Grandmaster
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 44
Total when found: 356

25 Vetrinus Taleshire
Next in line to lead the Necromancers' Guild of Shadowspire, Vetrinus has
nothing in his heart for the Temple of the Sun but contempt. You are lucky to
have such a powerful student of the dark magics traveling with you.
Class: Lich
Level: 50
Portrait: 26
Voice: 26
Age: 20
Might: 18
Intellect: 30
Personality: 13
Endurance: 19
Accuracy: 23
Speed: 25
Luck: 18
Staff 4 Expert
Dagger 4 Expert
Bow 4
Leather 4 Expert
Fire Magic 10 Grandmaster
Air Magic 10 Grandmaster
Water Magic 10 Grandmaster
Earth Magic 10 Grandmaster
Dark Magic 10 Grandmaster
ID Item 4 Expert
Merchant 4 Expert
Meditation 8 Master
Perception 2
Disarm Traps 2
ID Monster 8 Master
Alchemy 8 Master
Learning 7 Master
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 104
Total when found: 564

26 Dervish Chevron (Garrote Gorge)
Holder of the title of Keeper of the Light, Dervish will soon lead the Temple
of the Sun in Jadame. You are lucky to have such stronger follower of the Path
of Light with your party.
Class: Priest of Light
Level: 50
Portrait: 6
Voice: 6
Age: 20
Might: 19
Intellect: 11
Personality: 45
Endurance: 19
Accuracy: 19
Speed: 21
Luck: 17
Staff 4 Expert
Mace 7 Master
Shield 7 Master
Leather 4 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Spirit Magic 7 Master
Mind Magic 7 Master
Body Magic 10 Grandmaster
Light Magic 10 Grandmaster
Merchant 7 Master
Repair 4 Expert
Body Building 3
Meditation 7 Master
Perception 3
Alchemy 4 Expert
Learning 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 8
Total when found: 342

27 Tempus (Ravenshore)
Among dragon hunters, Tempus is a legend. While most hunting parties consist of
at least twenty seasoned knights, Tempus prefers to hunt his prey solo. You are
fortunate to have in your service a knight of his great ability.
Class: Champion
Level: 50
Portrait: 2
Voice: 2
Age: 20
Might: 35
Intellect: 13
Personality: 15
Endurance: 30
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 35
Luck: 13
Sword 7 Master
Spear 10 Grandmaster
Bow 4 Expert
Mace 4 Expert
Shield 10 Grandmaster
Chain 4 Expert
Plate 10 Grandmaster
Repair 10 Grandmaster
Body Building 3
Perception 4
Disarm Traps 2
Armsmaster 10 Grandmaster
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 54
Total when found: 394

28 Thorne Understone
It is uncommon to hear songs of Trollish heroes in the Ravenshore taverns, but
when they are sung, chances are their subject is Thorne Understone.
Class: War Troll
Level: 50
Portrait: 23
Voice: 23
Age: 20
Might: 45
Intellect: 11
Personality: 13
Endurance: 35
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 27
Luck: 15
Staff 10 Grandmaster
Mace 7 Master
Leather 10 Grandmaster
Chain 4 Expert
Merchant 4
Repair 7 Master
Body Building 10 Grandmaster
Perception 4
Regeneration 10 Grandmaster
Disarm Traps 4
ID Monster 4 Expert
Armsmaster 7 Master
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 106
Total when found: 448

29 Ulbrecht
Many Minotaur heroes made their name in the war against the Vori Frost Giants,
but some names stand out more than others. "Ulbrecht," is such a name. Impressed
by your great deeds he has raised his axe in your service.
Class: Minotaur Lord
Level: 50
Portrait: 21
Voice: 21
Age: 20
Might: 37
Intellect: 15
Personality: 24
Endurance: 27
Accuracy: 27
Speed: 21
Luck: 21
Staff 7 Master
Sword 4 Expert
Axe 10 Grandmaster
Spear 7 Master
Bow 7 Expert
Mace 7 Master
Chain 7 Master
Plate 7 Master
Spirit Magic 4 Expert
Mind Magic 4 Expert
Body Magic 4 Expert
Body Building 7 Master
Perception 10 Grandmaster
Disarm Traps 7 Master
Armsmaster 7 Master
Learning 4
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 0
Total when found: 396

30 Cauri Blackthorne
Guardmaster of the Merchants of Alvar, Cauri is one of the finest warrior of
the Dark Elf people. She runs errands for the Merchant Council, which they feel
require a "special" touch. Her skills will be of great use, if she is in your
Class: Patriarch
Level: 50
Portrait: 19
Voice: 19
Age: 20
Might: 21
Intellect: 27
Personality: 15
Endurance: 20
Accuracy: 32
Speed: 33
Luck: 23
Dagger 7 Master
Bow 10 Grandmaster
Chain 10 Grandmaster
Fire Magic 7 Master
Air Magic 7 Master
Water Magic 7 Master
Earth Magic 7 Master
Dark Elf Magic 10 Grandmaster
Merchant 10 Grandmaster
Disarm Traps 10 Grandmaster
Armsmaster 4 Expert
Alchemy 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 0
Total when found: 423

31 Artorius Veritas (Shadowspire)
Grievous wounds forced the ancient vampire, Artorius Veritas into a healing
slumber which lasted thirty-four years. Recently awaken he chooses to travel
with you to see the changes time has wrought on Jadame.
Class: Nosferatu
Level: 50
Portrait: 14
Voice: 14
Age: 20
Might: 31
Intellect: 15
Personality: 27
Endurance: 27
Accuracy: 26
Speed: 39
Luck: 17
Dagger 10 Grandmaster
Bow 4
Shield 6 Expert
Leather 6 Expert
Chain 4 Expert
Spirit Magic 6 Expert
Mind Magic 6 Expert
Body Magic 4 Expert
Vampire Magic 8 Master
ID Item 4 Expert
Merchant 4 Expert
Perception 4 Expert
Regeneration 4 Expert
Disarm Traps 4 Expert
ID Monster 10 Grandmaster
Armsmaster 3
Alchemy 7 Master
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 0
Total when found: 332

32 Duroth the Eternal
Few Dragons live to become as old as Duroth. Disgusted with the society built
by the younger generation at Garrote Gorge, he left with his friend, Loeb to
form a new nest built around the old ideals. Since that nest's fall he travels
with you seeking a clearer truth.
Class: Great Wyrm
Level: 50
Portrait: 25
Voice: 25
Age: 20
Might: 100
Intellect: 27
Personality: 13
Endurance: 45
Accuracy: 23
Speed: 27
Luck: 17
Dragon Magic 11 Grandmaster
ID Item 10 Master
Merchant 10 Expert
Body Building 9 Master
Meditation 9 Master
Perception 11 Grandmaster
Regeneration 9 Expert
ID Monster 10 Master
Alchemy 10 Master
Learning 11 Grandmaster
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 0
Total when found: 543

33 Nathaniel Roberts (**Shadowspire)
Though not an official member of the Necromancers' Guild, Nathanial Roberts has
gained considerable skill in the dark arts. Tolerated by guild members for his
willingness to perform certain favors, Roberts picks up his knowledge where he
can get it.
Class: Necromancer
Level: 15
Portrait: 10
Voice: 10
Age: 20
Might: 15
Intellect: 27
Personality: 11
Endurance: 17
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 17
Luck: 15
Staff 8 Master
Dagger 4 Expert
Leather 4 Expert
Air Magic 4 Expert
Water Magic 4 Expert
Earth Magic 8 Master
Dark Magic 8 Master
ID Item 3
Merchant 2
Meditation 2
Perception 2
Disarm Traps 2
ID Monster 2
Alchemy 2
Learning 3
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 41
Total when found: 204

34 Dyson Leyland
Though a cleric schooled in the ways of the Sun Temple, his time in the
Necromancers' Guild as a secret agent has left him with a dark nature. Though
still on the Path of Light, he feels betrayed by his former order.
Class: Cleric
Level: 15
Portrait: 6
Voice: 6
Age: 20
Might: 15
Intellect: 15
Personality: 22
Endurance: 14
Accuracy: 12
Speed: 13
Luck: 13
Staff 4
Mace 4 Expert
Shield 4
Leather 1
Chain 4 Expert
Spirit Magic 4 Expert
Mind Magic 4 Expert
Body Magic 4 Expert
Merchant 4 Expert
Repair 1
Body Building 1
Meditation 1
Perception 2
Alchemy 2
Learning 4 Expert
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 0
Total when found: 85

35 Blazen Stormlance
Finest knight ever trained by Charles Quixote. Blazen has a personal crusade
against the Necromancers of Shadowspire and their attempts to creating skeletal
dragons. His skill will prove very useful, if you allow him to travel with you.
Class: Champion
Level: 50
Portrait: 2
Voice: 2
Age: 20
Might: 30
Intellect: 13
Personality: 15
Endurance: 30
Accuracy: 21
Speed: 27
Luck: 11
Sword 7 Master
Spear 10 Grandmaster
Bow 4 Expert
Mace 4 Expert
Shield 10 Grandmaster
Chain 4 Expert
Plate 10 Grandmaster
Repair 10 Grandmaster
Body Building 3
Perception 4
Disarm Traps 2
Armsmaster 10 Grandmaster
Skill Points:
Unused when found: 54
Total when found: 394

Person that sells Tobersk Pulp, buys Tobersk Fruit:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, E, Treblid's Home

Person that sells Tobersk Fruit, buys Tobersk Brandy
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NE, Long-Tail's Hut

Person that sells Tobersk Brandy, buys Tobersk Pulp:
Alvar, southern village, NE, House of Brandy

Person that sells Forged Credit Vouchers, buys Silver Dust of the Sea:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, SE, Neblick's House

Person that sells Silver Dust of the Sea, buys Ground Wyvern Horns:
Shadowspire, Twilight, S central, House of Journey

Person that sells Ground Wyvern Horns, buys Forged Credit Vouchers:
Ravage Roaming, town to southeast, N, Cagnor's Shop

Person that sells Pirate Amulets, buys Heartwood of Jadame:
Shadowspire, Twilight, S central, Whisper Hall

Person that buys Dire Wolf Pelts:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore north, SW, Hall of the Tracker

Person that buys Naga Hides:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, E central, Reaver's Home

Person that buys Wasp Stingers:
Alvar, Alvar east, central, Veldon's Cottage

Person that buys Ogre's Ears:
Alvar, Alvar east, N, Keldon's Cottage

Person that buys Royal Wasp Jelly:
Ironsand Desert, Rust, N, Schmecker's Hovel

Person that buys Dried Sunfish:
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, N, Treasurestone Residence

Person that buys Wyvern Horns:
Ravage Roaming, town to southeast, E, Xevius's Residence

Person that makes Weapons from ore:
Shadowspire, Twilight, SW, Brightsprear Hall
Alvar, Alvar east, SW, Bombah Hall

Person that makes Armor from ore:
Shadowspire, Twilight, E, Caverhill Hall
Alvar, southern village, central, Bowes Residence

Person that makes Items from ore:
Shadowspire, Twilight, E, Crane Cottage
Alvar, southern village, E, Breman Residence


Necromancer to Lich:
Shadowspire, Twilight, W, Taleshire Hall

Cleric to Priest of Light:
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, Snowtree Residence

Knight to Champion:
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Hunter's Camp, central, Stormlance Residence

Troll to War Troll:
Ironsand Desert, Rust, NE, Schmecker's Hovel

Minotaur to Minotaur Lord:
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, S, Tessalar's House

Dark Elf to Patriarch:
Alvar, Alvar west, NE, Blackthorne Estate

Vampire to Nosferatu:
??? (probably Shadowspire, Twilight)

Dragon to Great Wyrm:
Garrote Gorge, Dragon Caves, N lower level, Dragon Leader's Cavern


Dagger Wound Islands (Blood Drop):

Monday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Tuesday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Wednesday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Thursday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Friday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Saturday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Sunday: Ravenshore, 4 days

Ravenshore (Ravenshore):

Monday: Alvar, 2 days
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: none
Thursday: Shadowspire, 2 days
Friday: none
Saturday: Alvar, 2 days
Sunday: Garrote Gorge, 2 days
Arena, 5 days

Monday: none
Tuesday: Dagger Wound, 5 days
Wednesday: none
Thursday: Dagger Wound, 5 days
Friday: none
Saturday: none
Sunday: none

Smuggler's Ship (available after Smuggler quest):
Monday: Ravage Roaming, 4 days
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: Shadowspire, 6 days
Thursday: none
Friday: Ravage Roaming, 4 days
Saturday: none
Sunday: none

Alvar (Alvar):

Monday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Tuesday: Shadowspire, 3 days
Wednesday: none
Thursday: Garrote Gorge, 3 days
Friday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Saturday: none
Sunday: Garrote Gorge, 3 days

Garrote Gorge (Garrote Gorge):

Monday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Tuesday: Shadowspire, 3 days
Wednesday: Alvar, 3 days
Thursday: none
Friday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Saturday: none
Sunday: Arena, 5 days

Shadowspire (Twilight):

Monday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Tuesday: Ironsand Desert, 2 days
Wednesday: Ravenshore, 2 days
Thursday: none
Friday: none
Saturday: Ironsand Desert, 2 days
Sunday: Garrote Gorge, 3 days

Monday: none
Tuesday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Wednesday: none
Thursday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Friday: none
Saturday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Sunday: none

Smuggler's Ship (replaces above after Smuggler quest):
Monday: Ravage Roaming, 4 days
Tuesday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Wednesday: none
Thursday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Friday: Ravage Roaming, 4 days
Saturday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Sunday: none

Ironsand Desert (Rust):

Monday: Alvar, 2 days
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: Shadowspire, 2 days
Thursday: Ravenshore, 3 days
Friday: none
Saturday: Ravenshore, 3 days
Sunday: Shadowspire, 2 days

Ravage Roaming (???):

Smuggler's Ship (available after Smuggler quest):
Monday: none
Tuesday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Wednesday: Shadowspire, 6 days
Thursday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Friday: none
Saturday: Ravenshore, 4 days
Sunday: none


Self Guild, low-level:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, SE
Alvar, Alvar west, NW

Mind Guild:
Ravage Roaming, Balthazar Lair, E

Elemental Guild, low-level:
Ravenshore, Ravenshore south, N
Dagger Wound Islands, Blood Drop, NW

Elemental Guild, high-level:
Alvar, Alvar west, W

Dark Magic Guild:
Shadowspire, Twilight, E central

Light Magic Guild:
Murmurwoods, Temple of the Sun, NE



RISKY!!! These should work, but something really bad may happen later.
I'm doing it with my game, but that doesn't mean its completely safe.

Let BASE be the offset of the first letter of the character's name.
Every offset listed below is relative to BASE.
Some lengths are question marked because I don't know where they end.
Some items are missing (like resistances...they were all 0 when I was doing
Info on what values to use for portraits, stats, etc, are included below
Expect multi-byte values to be stored least-significant byte first

To change a value:
1) Backup the file Save???.dod which you will be editing.
2) Open the file and search for the name of the character to edit.
3) Write down the offset of the first letter of the character's name (BASE).
4) Add an OFFSET below to BASE to find the start of that field.
5) Change the value to the desired one.

OFFSET 0000 Name Field (32 bytes), set unused bytes to 00
OFFSET 0020 Description (up to 650 bytes ???), set unused bytes to 00
OFFSET 02AA Class (1 byte), DON'T CHANGE! (probably won't work)
OFFSET 02AB Portrait (1 byte), be sure to change back before promotions (ie
OFFSET 02AC Stat: Might (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02B0 Stat: Intellect (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02B4 Stat: Personality (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02B8 Stat: Endurance (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02BC Stat: Speed (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02C0 Stat: Accuracy (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02C4 Stat: Luck (4 bytes)
OFFSET 02C8 Temporary AC bonus/penalty (2 bytes)
OFFSET 02CA Level (4 bytes), DON'T CHANGE (probably won't work)
OFFSET 02CE Temporary Age modifier (2 bytes)
OFFSET 02D0 First skill (2 bytes)
OFFSET 02D2 Second skill (2 bytes)
OFFSET 031C Last skill (2 bytes)
OFFSET 031E Award/Quest flags (up to 64 bytes ???)
OFFSET 035E Fire spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 0369 Air spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 0374 Water spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 037F Earth spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 038A Spirit spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 0395 Mind spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03A0 Body spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03AB Light spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03B6 Dark spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03C1 Dark Elf spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03CC Vampire spells (11 bytes)
OFFSET 03D7 Dragon spells (11 bytes)
??? Items ???
OFFSET 1B3C Voice (1 byte)
OFFSET 1B4C Skill Points (4 bytes)

To choose:
1) Start a new game.
2) Click left on the class button to locate the leftmost male knight.
3) This is portrait 0, and it defaults to voice 0.
4) Clicking to the right in class increments both portrait number and voice
5) Count the number of clicks to the right needed to find the one you like.
Put this number in the appropriate byte.
Remove all armor/weapons/rings/etc. before changing to a dragon portrait.

The hex value starts 00 for Necromancer, 01 for Lich...
The order is as on page 16 of the manual.

First 2 bytes are the base value
Last 2 bytes are a temporary modifier (+/-)
On the character sheet, it's written (Base'mod)/(Base)

Skills (some are leftovers; don't touch any that aren't used in MM8):
Staff, Sword, Dagger, Axe, Spear, Box, Mace, Blaster (not used), Shield,
Leather, Chain, Plate, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Spirit, Mind, Body, Light,
Dark, Dark Elf, Vampire, Dragon, ID Item, Merchant, Repair, Body Building,
Meditation, Perception, Regeneration, Disarm Traps, Dodging, Unarmed, ID
Monster, Armsmaster, unknown (doesn't show up on character sheet),
Alchemy, Learning.
The least-significant 6 bits of the first byte is the skill level (0-63).
The 7th bit is expert 8th is master.
The least-significant bit of the next word is grandmaster.
So 0B 01 is Grandmaster, level 11.
Only use one of the bits for Expert, Master, or GM.

Each byte represents a spell (probably the same order as in the manual).
01 means you know the spell, 00 means you don't.
For Dark Elf, Vampire, and Dragon, only the first 4 bytes are used.


These are from MM7 and have not been tried, but hopefully still work.
I am updating the reagents; those with a * are not yet corrected.

This has been completed up to Grand Master except:
(Black) + (?) = (?): I won't bother for now

I assign a number based on the total number of basic potions "inside"
Bottle: 0
Reagent: 0
Basic Potion: 1
Complex Potion: 2
Compound(3): 3 (called "Layered Potion")
Compound(4): 4 (called "Layered Potion")
White(5): 5
White(6): 6
Black(7): 7
Black(8): 8
Black(9): 9

There are:
1 Bottle
20 Reagents (4 flavors, 5 strengths each, so far)
3 Basic Potions
3 Complex Potions
9 Compound(3)
3 Compound(4)
10 White(5)
11 White(6)
6 Black(7)
3 Black(8)
1 Black(9)

For all combinations:
(power of basic potion) = (power of reagent) + (alchemy skill)
(catalyst) + (x) = (x), power = power of catalyst (can go down)
(x) + (y) = (z), power = [(power of x)+(power of y)]/2, round down
If plan to use catalyst, use LAST, and use low power ingredients
Durations for non-permanent effects are (30 minutes)x(power)

Some results yield smaller potions (lower numbers); these are listed
You can use higher potions to produce useful ingredients in a pinch

Normal level or higher required:

Basic Potions:
Red potion (Cure Wounds):
(Restores 10+power hit points)
Power 1: Widowsweep Berries
Power 5: Wolf's Eye
Power 10: Phial of Gog Blood
Power 20: Ruby
Power 50: *Dragon's Eye
Yellow Potion (Cure Weakness):
(Removes the weakness condition from character)
Power 1: Poppy Pod
Power 5: Thornbark
Power 10: Sulfur
Power 20: Garnet
Power 50: *Devil Ichor
Blue Potion (Magic Potion):
(Restores 10+power spell points)
Power 1: Phirna Root
Power 5: Meteorite Fragment
Power 10: Will O' Wisp Heart
Power 20: Datura
Power 50: *Elvish Toadstool
Grey Potion (Catalyst):
(Used to increase power of other potions)
Power 1: Mushroom
Power 5: Obsidian
Power 10: Wasp Wing
Power 20: Mercury
Power 75: *Philosopher's Stone

Complex Potion:
Cure Disease (Orange): (red) + (yellow)
Cure Poison (Purple): (red) + (blue)
Awaken (Green): (yellow) + (blue)

Expert level or higher required:

Compound(3) Potions:
Haste (Orange'red): (Orange) + (red)
Stoneskin (Orange+yellow): (Orange) + (yellow)
Preservation (Orange+blue): (Orange) + (blue)
Heroism (Purple'red): (Purple) + (red)
Water Breathing (Purple+yellow): (Purple) + (yellow)
Shield (Purple+blue): (Purple) + (blue)
Bless (Green'red): (Green) + (red)
Harden Item (Green+yellow): (Green) + (yellow)
Recharge Item (Green+blue): (Green) + (blue)

Water Breathing: No "drowning" damage taken for duration
Harden Item: Use on item to make harder to break (permanent)
Recharge Item: As spell, but permanently loses (70%-power) charges

Compound(4) Potions:
Remove Fear (Orange+Purple): (Orange) + (Purple)
Cure Insanity (Orange+Green): (Orange) + (Green)
Remove Curse (Purple+Green): (Purple) + (Green)

Compound(3) + Basic Potion = Basic Potion:
(Orange'red) + (red) = red
(Orange'red) + (yellow) = grey
(Orange+yellow) + (red) = grey
(Orange+yellow) + (yellow) = yellow
(Purple'red) + (red) = red
(Purple'red) + (blue) = grey
(Purple+blue) + (red) = grey
(Purple+blue) + (blue) = blue
(Green+yellow) + (yellow) = yellow
(Green+yellow) + (blue) = grey
(Green+blue) + (yellow) = grey
(Green+blue) + (blue) = blue

Compound(4) + Basic Potion = Basic Potion
(Orange+Purple) + (red/yellow/blue) = grey
(Orange+Green) + (red/yellow/blue) = grey
(Purple+Green) + (red/yellow/blue) = grey

Compound(3) + Complex Potion = Basic Potion
(Orange+blue) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = blue
(Purple+yellow) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = yellow
(Green'red) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = red

Compound(4) + Complex Potion = Basic Potion
(Orange+Purple) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = grey
(Orange+Green) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = grey
(Purple+Green) + (Orange/Purple/Green) = grey

Compound(3) + Compound(3) = Basic Potion:
(Orange+blue) + (Orange'red) = blue
(Orange+blue) + (Orange+yellow) = blue
(Orange+blue) + (Purple'red) = blue
(Orange+blue) + (Purple+blue) = blue
(Orange+blue) + (Green+yellow) = blue
(Orange+blue) + (Green+blue) = blue
(Purple+yellow) + (Orange'red) = yellow
(Purple+yellow) + (Orange+yellow) = yellow
(Purple+yellow) + (Purple'red) = yellow
(Purple+yellow) + (Purple+blue) = yellow
(Purple+yellow) + (Green+yellow) = yellow
(Purple+yellow) + (Green+blue) = yellow
(Green'red) + (Orange'red) = red
(Green'red) + (Orange+yellow) = red
(Green'red) + (Purple'red) = red
(Green'red) + (Purple+blue) = red
(Green'red) + (Green+yellow) = red
(Green'red) + (Green+blue) = red

Master level or higher required:

White(5) Potions:
Cure Paralysis (CureParalysis): (Orange+yellow) + (Green)
(Green+yellow) + (Orange)
Might Boost (MightBoost): (Purple'red) + (Purple)
Intellect Boost (IntellectBoost): (Green+yellow) + (Green)
Personality Boost (PersonalityBoost): (Green+blue) + (Green)
Endurance Boost (EnduranceBoost): (Purple+blue) + (Purple)
Accuracy Boost (AccuracyBoost): (Orange+yellow) + (Orange)
Speed Boost (SpeedBoost): (Orange'red) + (Orange)
Flaming Potion (Flaming): (Orange'red) + (Green)
(Orange+yellow) + (Purple)
Freezing Potion (Freezing): (Purple'red) + (Green)
(Purple+blue) + (Orange)
Shocking Potion (Shocking): (Orange'red) + (Purple)
(Purple'red) + (Orange)
Noxious Potion (Noxious): (Green+yellow) + (Purple)
(Green+blue) + (Orange)
Swift Potion (Swift): (Purple+blue) + (Green)
(Green+blue) + (Purple)

Boost potions: Add 3x(power) to stat (temporary)
Flaming Potion: Adds "of flame" (temporary)
Freezing Potion: Adds "of frost" (temporary)
Shocking Potion: Adds "of sparks" (temporary)
Noxious Potion: Adds "of Poison" (temporary)
Swift Potion: Adds "of swiftness" (temporary)

White(6) Potions:
Luck Boost (LuckBoost): (Purple'red) + (Purple+blue)
Divine Cure (DivineCure): (Orange'red) + (Orange+yellow)
Divine Power (DivinePower): (Green+yellow) + (Green+blue)
Divine Restoration (DivineRestore): (Orange'red) + (Green+blue)
(Orange+yellow) + (Purple+blue)
(Purple'red) + (Green+yellow)
Fire Resistance (FireResist): (Orange'red) + (Green+yellow)
Water Resistance (WaterResist): (Purple+blue) + (Green+yellow)
Air Resistance (AirResist): (Orange'red) + (Purple+blue)
Earth Resistance (EarthResist): (Orange+yellow) + (Purple'red)
Body Resistance (BodyResist): (Orange+yellow) + (Green+blue)
Mind Resistance (MindResist): (Purple'red) + (Green+blue)
Luck Boost: Adds 3x(power) to stat (temporary)
Divine Cure: Restores 5x(power) hit points
Divine Power: Restores 5x(power) spell points
Divine Restoration: Removes all conditions except dead/stoned/eradicated
Resistance Potions: Add 3x(power) to stat (temporary)

White(5) + Basic Potion = Basic Potion:
(Any White) + (red) = red
(Any White) + (yellow) = yellow
(Any White) + (blue) = blue

White(5) + Complex Potion = Basic Potion:
(CureParalysis) + (Orange) = grey
(CureParalysis) + (Green) = grey
(Shocking) + (Orange) = grey
(Shocking) + (Purple) = grey
(Swift) + (Purple) = grey
(Swift) + (Green) = grey

White(5) + Compound(3) = Basic Potion:
(CureParalysis) + (Purple+blue) = grey
(MightBoost) + (Green+yellow) = grey
(IntellectBoost) + (Purple'red) = grey
(PersonalityBoost) + (Orange'red) = grey
(EnduranceBoost) + (Orange+yellow) = grey
(AccuracyBoost) + (Purple+blue) = grey
(SpeedBoost) + (Green+blue) = grey
(Flaming) + (Orange+blue) = blue
(Flaming) + (Purple+yellow) = yellow
(Flaming) + (Green'red) = red
(Flaming) + (Green+blue) = grey
(Freezing) + (Orange+yellow) = grey
(Freezing) + (Orange+blue) = blue
(Freezing) + (Purple+yellow) = yellow
(Freezing) + (Green'red) = red
(Freezing) + (Green+yellow) = grey
(Shocking) + (Green+yellow) = grey
(Shocking) + (Green+blue) = grey
(Noxious) + (Orange'red) = grey
(Noxious) + (Orange+blue) = blue
(Noxious) + (Purple'red) = grey
(Noxious) + (Purple+yellow) = yellow
(Noxious) + (Green'red) = red
(Swift) + (Orange'red) = grey

White(5) + Compound(4) = Basic Potion:
(Flaming) + (Purple+Green) = blue
(Freezing) + (Orange+Green) = yellow
(Noxious) + (Orange+Purple) = red

White(6) + Basic Potion = Basic Potion:
(Any White) + (red) = red
(Any White) + (yellow) = yellow
(Any White) + (blue) = blue

White(6) + Complex Potion = Basic Potion:
(DivineRestore) + (Orange) = grey
(DivineRestore) + (Purple) = grey
(DivineRestore) + (Green) = grey
(FireResist) + (Purple) = grey
(WaterResist) + (Orange) = grey
(AirResist) + (Green) = grey
(EarthResist) + (Green) = grey
(BodyResist) + (Purple) = grey
(MindResist) + (Orange) = grey

White(6) + Compound(3) = Basic Potion:
(FireResist) + (Purple+blue) = grey
(WaterResist) + (Orange'red) = grey
(AirResist) + (Green+yellow) = grey
(EarthResist) + (Green+blue) = grey
(BodyResist) + (Purple'red) = grey
(MindResist) + (Orange+yellow) = grey

Grand Master level or higher required:

Black(7) Potions:
Pure Might (PureMight): (MightBoost) + (Orange)
Pure Intellect (PureIntellect): (IntellectBoost) + (Orange)
Pure Personality (PurePersonality): (PersonalityBoost) + (Purple)
Pure Endurance (PureEndurance): (EnduranceBoost) + (Green)
Pure Accuracy (PureAccuracy): (AccuracyBoost) + (Green)
Pure Speed (PureSpeed): (SpeedBoost) + (Purple)

Pure Potions: Add 50 to stat (permanent)
Slaying Potion: Adds "of dragon slaying" to item (permanent)

Black(8) Potions:
Stone to Flesh (StoneFlesh): (CureParalysis) + (Purple'red)
Pure Luck (PureLuck): (Swift) + (Orange+yellow)
Slaying Potion (Slaying): (Flaming) + (Purple+blue)

Pure Luck: Adds 50 to stat (permanent)
Slaying Potion: Adds "of dragon slaying" to item (permanent)

Black(9) Potions:
Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation): (DivineRestore) + (Orange+blue)
(DivineRestore) + (Purple+yellow)
(DivineRestore) + (Green'red)

Rejuvenation: Removes all unnatural aging

Black + ? = ?


Abandoned Temple / Idol Quest:
In the temple there's a room with trapped floorplates (they glow red if you
have perception skill). The one directly north of the central column opens a
chest in the northwest wall of that room. The idol is there.

Ogre Fortress / Find the Lower Level:
After clearing the immediate area inside, head upstairs to the throne. Turn
away from the throne; straight ahead on the left is a small button that opens
the way to the lower level.

Troll Tomb / Return the Remains Quest:
The advice was to keep one hand on the right hand wall. This means to turn
right whenever possible. Naturally, you follow the left hand wall to get back
out again.

Balthazar Lair / Drain the Lair Quest:
Lever A resets the puzzle if you mess up; it is not required in the sequence. A
short cut scene will tell you that you succeeded.


Courtesy of Ken Rice -=:=- kennrice (AT) erols (DOT) com

Type Skill Item Damage Bonus Value

Armor boots Hardened Leather Boots 6 250
Armor boots Walking Boots 2 20

Armor chain Chainmail 8 400

Armor cloak Alvar Cloak 5 250
Armor cloak Moon Temple Cloak 3 150
armor cloak Traveler's Cloak 1 50

Armor gauntlets Leather Gloves 3 100
Armor gauntlets Leather Gloves of Defense 3 AC+3 400
Armor gauntlets Troll Gauntlets 6 250
Armor gauntlets Troll Gauntlets of Air Res. 6 Air Res'4 650

Armor helm Helm 2 60
Armor helm Lizardman Helm 6 250
Armor helm Lizardman Helm of Charm 6 Per+4 660

Armor leather Hardened Leather Vest 6 250
Armor leather Hardened Leather Vest of Defense 6 AC+2 450
Armor leather Leather Jerkin 4 150
Armor leather Leather Jerkin of Defense 4 AC+5 650

Armor plate Rusty Breastplate 20 1000

Armor shield Large Shield 7 300
Armor shield Thornbark Shield of Arms 7 Arsmstr+1 400
Armor shield Trollish Shield 6 200
Armor shield Wooden Buckler 4 100
Armor shield Wooden Buckler of Defense 4 AC+4 500

Weapon axe Battle Hatchet 4d2+2 100
Weapon axe Stone Axe 4d2 30
Weapon axe Two-Handed Axe 3d7 225

Weapon bow Hunting Bow 5d2 200
Weapon bow Light Crossbow 4d2 50

Weapon dagger Alvarian Poignard 2d3+2 200
Weapon dagger Crude Dagger 2d2 10
Weapon dagger Crystal Dagger 2d2+2 100
Weapon dagger Long Dagger 2d3 15

Weapon mace Club 1d3 1
Weapon mace Field Hammer 2d5+3 300
Weapon mace Flail 2d4+2 150
Weapon mace Mace 2d4 50
Weapon mace Sledge Hammer 2d5 120
Weapon mace Thornback Club 1d3+3 100

Weapon spear Halberd 3d6+3 400
Weapon spear Hayfork 2d6 100
Weapon spear Improvised Voulge 3d6 200
Weapon spear Infranty Fork 2d6+2 400
Weapon spear Steel Spear 1d9+2 50

Weapon staff Journey Staff 2d4 40
Weapon staff Ogre Fighting Stick 1d9 15
Weapon staff Orb Staff 2d4+2 150

Weapon sword Goblin Scimitar 2d4+2 290
Weapon sword Iron Broadsword 3d4 100
Weapon sword Longsword 3d3 50
Weapon sword Rusty Cutlass 2d4 40
Weapon sword Trollish Claymore 3d4+2 300
Weapon sword Trollish War Sword 3d3+3 200
Weapon sword Two-Handed Sword 4d5 400