Silent Hill: Book of Memories чит-файл №1

Agnostic (Bronze)
Objective: Achieve the NEUTRAL ending in every Forsaken Room

Apprentice (Bronze)
Objective: Level up to LVL 25

Beast Master (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat any Guardian without taking damage

Beat Maniac (Bronze)
Objective: Earn a 30 or greater timed hit combo

Blacksmith (Bronze)
Objective: Level up 10 different weapons

Bleeder (Bronze)
Objective: Lose more than 400% health in one Zone without dying

Blood Barrage (Bronze)
Objective: Use Blood Barrage Karma Ability to kill 5 or more enemies

Blood Beam (Bronze)
Objective: Use Blood Beam Karma Ability on 5 or more enemies at once

Blood Burn (Bronze)
Objective: Use Blood Burn Karma Ability to damage 4 different enemy types at

Bouncer (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a Zone using only your fists (no weapons)

Brainiac (Bronze)
Objective: Complete any 5 puzzles without using the hint lever

Choice Meat (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat 25 Butchers with the Great Cleaver

Comatose (Bronze)
Objective: Reach Zone 100

Consumer (Bronze)
Objective: Make a purchase in Howard's shop

Creator (Bronze)
Objective: Create a character

Deep Sleeper (Bronze)
Objective: Reach Zone 50

Disorderly Conduct (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat 25 Nurses with the Steel Pipe

Executioner (Bronze)
Objective: Perform a timed execution on 10 enemies in one Zone

Fireman (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Fire Guardian

Hammer Time (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat 25 Bogeymen with the Bogeyman's Hammer

Klutz (Bronze)
Objective: Trigger every kind of trap in the game

Light Heal Me (Bronze)
Objective: Use Heal Me Karma Ability to restore 25% or more health

Light Heal Us (Bronze)
Objective: Use Heal Us Karma Ability to restore 50% or more health each to 3
players (multiplayer)

Light Heal You (Bronze)
Objective: Use Heal You Karma Ability to restore 50% or more health to a friend

Light Napper (Bronze)
Objective: Complete Zone 1

Lumberjack (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Wood Guardian

Master (Bronze)
Objective: Level up to LVL 50

Medic (Bronze)
Objective: Drop a health pack after a friend requests one (multiplayer)

Miner (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Earth Guardian

Moneybags (Bronze)
Objective: Spend over 250,000 MR in Howard's shop

Ninja (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a Zone without turning on your flashlight

Novice (Bronze)
Objective: Level up to LVL 2

Phlebotomist (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Blood Guardian

Plumber (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Water Guardian

Power Breaker (Bronze)
Objective: Use Weapon Breaker Power Move with a weapon that's about to shatter

Power Charger (Bronze)
Objective: Use Charge Tackle Power Move to knock one enemy into another

Power Flasher (Bronze)
Objective: Use Flash Burst Power Move to kill 5 or more stunned enemies in a row

Power Inverter (Bronze)
Objective: Use Karma Flip Power Move to flip 8 or more enemies at once

Power Repeller (Bronze)
Objective: Use Push Force Power Move to knock 8 or more enemies back at once

Power Savior (Bronze)
Objective: Use Health Siphon Power Move to bring a dying friend back to life

Power Switcher (Bronze)
Objective: Use 360 Attack Power Move to strike 4 or more enemies at once

Pyramid Scheme (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat 25 Pyramid Heads with the Great Knife

Saint (Bronze)
Objective: Achieve the LIGHT ending in every Forsaken Room

Sandman (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the Light Guardian

Sinner (Bronze)
Objective: Achieve the BLOOD ending in every Forsaken Room

Sugar High (Bronze)
Objective: Complete a Zone without stopping for more than 30 seconds total

Tommfoolery (Bronze)
Objective: Perform every in-game VO clip for one character

Wingman (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat any Guardian with all four players still alive (multiplayer)

Antiquarian (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Artifacts Checklist 100%

Architect (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Rooms Checklist 100%

Arms Dealer (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Weapons Checklist 100%

Couch Poato (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Broadcasts Checklist 100%

Emissary (Silver)
Objective: Complete Valtiel's missions in Zones 1 through 21

Librarian (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Notes Checklist 100%

Storyteller (Silver)
Objective: Achieve all 6 of the game's endings

Veterinarian (Silver)
Objective: Complete your Bestiary Checklist 100%

Author (Gold)
Objective: Defeat the Steel Guardian and complete the game

Hyperthymesiac (Platinum)
Objective: Earn every trophy in the game