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AGold – это бонусные монеты игровой платформы AG.ru

Зарегистрированные пользователи получают AGold за вход на сайт и тратят их на покупки в любых играх на платформе.


Космическая империя 5 чит-файл №2

In the main window press the [~] key, then type one of the codes below, then
press the [~] again to enable/enact it.

allsysseen - Current Player has seen all solar systems.
allempseen - Current Player has encountered all other players.
omni - Current Player is omnipresent in all solar systems.
money - Add 100,000 resources of each type to the Current Player's treasury.
research - Add 100,000 research points to the Current Player.
alltech - Current Player gains ALL technologies available (all the ones that you
are able to get according to your racial traits ie. if you did not choose
temporal or crystaline, then you won't get those).
fastbuild - All construction queues get 1,000,000 in accumulated resources-make
sure you have enough money also to build everything and you may have to enter
the cheat several times if building, oh, lets say the components for a
Sphereworld- it will instantly build EVERYTHING in your queue, but press it with
each planet selected.
nomaint - Current Player's empire no longer pays maintenance.
intel - Add 100,000 intelligence points to the Current Player.
restoresupplies - All of the Current Player's ships get full supplies and
collisiongrid - Show the collision grid in combat.
showstats - Show statistics on the selected combat object.
retrofit [design name] - Retrofit the current ship to the new design.
repair - Completely repair the currently selected ship.
allplayershuman - All players set to human control.
viewallcombats - All combats are shown on screen.
restoremove - restores selected ship's movement VERY useful as you can select
ALL button in a group or fleet and restore the movement points for evey ship in
the grid over and over again.