Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy чит-файл №7

To enable Jedi Academy cheats, while playing a game bring down the console with
[Shift]+[~] and type: "devmapall". You can then enter any of the following codes
in the console:

god - God mode
undying - Dead mode
noclip - No clipping mode
notarget - Enemies ignore you
give all - All weapons and health/armor at max
give health - Health at 100%
give armor - Armor at 100%
give ammo - Ammo at 100%
give inventory - Maximum inventory
give - Spawn indicated item
npc kill all - Kill all non-player characters
npc spawn - Spawn indicated NPC (see the list below)
npc spawn vehicle - Spawn indicated NPC vehicle (see the list
d_npc freeze 1 - Freeze all NPCs (place 0 instead of 1 to unfreeze them)
sabercolor <1-2> - Set saber color
setsaberall <1-10> - Set all lightsaber abilities
setsaberthrow <1-3> - Set lightsaber throw level
setsaberoffense <1-3> - Set lightsaber offense level
setsaberdefense <1-3> - Set lightsaber defense level
setforceall <1-4> - Set all forces to indicated value
setforcejump <1-3> - Set Force Jump level
setforceheal <1-3> - Set Force Heal level
setforcepush <1-3> - Set Force Push level
setforcepull <1-3> - Set Force Pull level
setforcespeed <1-3> - Set Force Speed level
setforcegrip <1-3> - Set Force Grip level
setforcelightning <1-3> - Set Force Lightning level
saber single_<1-9> - Single lightsaber with desired hilt
saber single_<1-9> single_<1-9> - Dual lightsabers with desired hilt
saber dual_<1-5> - Double lightsaber with desired hilt
saber sith_sword - Sith sword
g_spskill - Change difficulty level after quicksave/quickload or
starting a new mission
shaderlist - Show shaders
force_heal - Use Force Heal
thereisnospoon - Bullet time
timescale - Change speed (1 is default, .5 is half speed)
g_saberrealisticcombat <1-20> - Enable dismemberment
playermodel - Play as indicated model
fly_xwing - Fly an X-Wing
drive_atst - Ride an ATST
devmap - Load map with cheats enabled
map pit - Pit level
victory - Level skip
record - Record a demo with indicated name
stoprecord - Stop demo recording
demo - Play a recorded demo
g_saberrealisticcombat <1-20> - Enable dismemberment (turn it on at the options
menu after enabling this code)
freeze - Freeze game for # seconds
taunt - Perform a taunt
echo - Display indicated message in the console (or on main screen if
toggle - Toggle any variable/command that uses a 1 or 0
levelshot - Turn off HUD and save screenshot
screenshot - Save screenshot
centerview - Centers the view on the screen
kill - Suicide
quit - Quit game
where - ?
spawn - ?
altbind - ?
altbindlist - ?
systeminfo - ?
gfxinfo - ?
playsong - ?
widgetcom - ?
inventory - ?
vstr - ?
heartbeat - ?
kick - ?
tiki - ?
rcon - ?
flushlips - ?
meminfo - ?
reset - ?
alisdump - ?
skinlist - ?
mand - ?

NPCs List
Use one of the following entries with the npc spawn code. NOTE: Some models may
not work as they are not finished and/or used in this version of the game or on
certain maps. Also be aware that there are also variations of some character
models using modifiers such as cultist_saber "_strong", "_throw", etc.

assassin_droid, bartender, bespincop, bespincop2, cultist, cultist_destroyer
(this character will suck in all surrounding force energy and self-destruct),
cultist_drain, cultist_grip, cultist_lightning , cultist_saber, cultist_saber2,
cultist_saber_throw2, cultist_saber_med2, cultist_saber_med_throw2,
cultist_saber_stong2, cultist_saber_strong_throw2, cultist_saber_all2,
cultist_saber_all_throw2, cultistcommando, elder, elder2, galak_mech, glider,
gonk, gran, gran2, granboxer, granshooter, hazardtrooper,
hazardtrooperconcussion, hazardtrooperofficer, human_merc_bow, human_merc,
human_merc_rep, human_merc_flc, human_merc_cnc, human_merc, human_merc_key,
impcommander, imperial, impofficer, impworker, interrogator, jawa, jawa_armed
(will cause an error; no jawa gun), jedi, jedif, jedi2, jedimaster, jeditrainer,
jedi_random (will spawn one of the following jedi_ models), jedi_hf1, jedi_hf2,
jedi_hm1, jedi_hm2, jedi_kdm1, jedi_kdm2, jedi_rm1, jedi_rm2, jedi_tf1,
jedi_tf2, jedi_zf1, jedi_zf2, mark1, mark2, merchant, minemonster, mouse,
nulldriver, player, prisoner, prisoner2, probe, protocol (C3PO), protocol_imp,
r2d2, r2d2_imp, r5d2_npc, r5d2_imp, rebel, rebel2, reborn, rebornacrobat,
rebornboss, rebornchiss, rebornfencer, rebornforceuser, rebornrodian,
reborntrandoshan, rebornweequay, reborn_dual, reborn_dual2, reborn_new,
reborn_new2, reborn_staff, reborn_staff2, DKothos, VKothos, RebornMaster,
RebornMasterDual, RebornMasterStaff, remote, rockettrooper, rockettrooper2,
RocketTrooper2Officer, RocketTrooper_ver1, rocks, rodian, Rodian2, saber_droid,
saber_droid_training, saboteur, saboteurcommando, saboteurpistol,
saboteursniper, sand_creature, sand_creature_fast, seeker, sentry, snowtrooper,
stcommander, stofficer, stofficeralt, stormpilot, stormtrooper, StormTrooper2,
swamptrooper, SwampTrooper2, Tavion, tavion_new, Tavion_scepter,
Tavion_sith_sword, test, trandoshan (different colors possible), tusken,
tuskensniper, ugnaught, Ugnaught2, weequay, Weequay2, Weequay3, Weequay4
(different colors possible), ragnos, luke , kyle, kyle_boss, rosh_penin,
rosh_penin_noforce, rosh_dark, rosh, rancor , rancor_mutant, wampa ,
jedi_random , howler, shadowtrooper , ShadowTrooper2, stormtrooper, alora ,
alora_dual , jan, lando, boba_fett , chewie, desann , galak, lannik_racto, rax,
noghri, reelo, monmothma, morgankatarn, prisoner, rebel
You can use any npc spawn name with the playermodel code to turn into any
specific NPC. However, using any non-humanoid models such as robots may crash
the game sometimes.

Vehicle names
Use one of the following entries with the npc spawn vehicle code:

swoop, atst_vehicle, lambdashuttle, rancor_vehicle, swoop, swoop_cin, swoop_mp,
swoop_mp2, swoop_red, tauntaun, template, tie-bomber, tie-bomber2,
wampa_vehicle, wildtauntaun, x-wing, yt-1300, z-95

setsaberall <1-10> - Get lightsaber abilities

Jedi Force Cheats
setForceJump (level) (1 - 3)
setForceHeal (level) (1 - 3)
setForcePush (level) (1 - 3)
setForcePull (level) (1 - 3)
setForceSpeed (level) (1 - 3)
setForceGrip (level) (1 - 3)
setForceLightning (level) (1 - 3)
setForceAll (level) (1 - 3) - Sets Force Level of All Abilities

setSaberThrow (level) (1 - 3)
setSaberOffense (level) (1 - 3)
setSaberDefense (level) (1 - 3)
g_saberrealisticcombat 9 - slice off hands,heads

Use one of the following entries with the g_spskill code:

0 - Padawan
1 - Jedi
2 - Jedi Knight
3 - Jedi Master
Values higher than 3 will progressively increase the difficulty setting.