StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty чит-файл №1


Marines can be found in various places in the single player campaign.

• On the mission "Havens Fall," search the bottom left corner near the
refugees. Just before the bottom left Zerg base in the water is a Marine frozen
in "carbonite."

• On the mission "Zero Hour," where you wait 20 minutes for evacuation,
search the top of the map, just above the left vespene geiser. Here you can find
a Tauren Space Marine. He will enter an outhouse -- if you click it 3 times it
will shoot into space, unlocking that level's secret.

• On the mission "Welcome to the Jungle," you can find a Murloc Marine near
the left edge of the map. He's slightly north of your base. He is standing on a
cliff edge, surrounded by trees.

• During the mission "Piercing the Shroud," in the loading bay before the
room with the Brutalisk, go outside through the door and follow the rock ledge
upwards. A large area of the map will be suddenly revealed, and you will find a
Murloc Marine. This is a reference to Murlocs in Warcraft. The Murloc Marine is
also found in World of Warcraft as a exclusive companion given to those who
attended BlizzCon 2009.

• Inside the sercret mission unlocked via destroying the Science Facility
on Korhol (which can be unlocked in replays btw), send a unit as far as you can
at the drop point when you get reinforcements (outside, not entering the
brutalisk room first). Here you can see a Murloc Marine just minding it's own
buisness on a nearby asteroid.