Thief 2: Эпоха металла чит-файл №4

Thief 2: The Metal Age
The Thief's Ten Commandments

1. Thou shalt not run

You are a thief. Say it with me. Out loud. Say it again. So what are you doing
running through the building?

I want you to think about this a minute. If some guy came running through your
house, grabbing everything in site, what would you do? You'd break out the
shotgun and blow the punk away! In Thief, there is no reason to run. Walk. In
fact, walk slowly whenever you can. The only reason you should ever run is to
find a patch of shadow, and then only a few steps at a time. (Hey, these rules
can be broken. After all, God said "Thou shalt not kill" then told the
to waste entire races of people. Deal with the exceptions.) And speaking of

2. Thou shalt stay in the dark.

If you can't see a thief, you can't catch a thief. To Garrett, the shadow isn't
just a dark spot on the floor. It is where he becomes practically invisible,
unnoticed by the lazy guards. Corners, walls, hedges, all of these are great
places to hang out in the dark. Now, if you see a shadow in the center of the
room, that isn't necessarily a good thing, as we see in our next commandment:

3. Thou shalt stay out of the guards way.

You are invisible in the dark. That doesn't mean that some idiot guard who can't
see you under his feet won't trip on you. So for those across the room
in the dark, do some planning first and make sure that you do some planning
first, or as our Lord Dark Paladin says:

4. Thou shalt scout ahead before committing to action

Unlike those "other games", you are not rewarded for rushing into the middle of
the room to blast everything in site. Take your time. When entering a new room,
find a nice, comfortable spot in the shadows and look around you. You'll find
that the "lean" command is your friend. Lean against a door before opening it;
leaning allows you to hear what's beyond that door or wall, so you have some
what's over there before going inside. Here footsteps? There might be a guard
walking around. When you've opened a new door or come down a new hallway, sit in
a dark spot and watch a minute. Which way is that guard going? How long until
they come back? You can always use your scouting balls if you're not sure of
what's inside. In fact, you should be using every tool at your disposal, which
bring us to:

5. Thou shalt use the tools of your trade.

Garrett's tools are there for a reason. Use them. When you're about to walk into
an unknown room, use your scouting globes. Torches? Water arrows. That guard is
in your way and won't move? There's always a noise arrow that will bring him
away. Of course, some tools are more useful than others. In fact, one in
particular is useless.

6. Thou shalt not honor thy sword, so that thy life may be long upon the land.

You are a thief, as we have said so many times that you're getting sick of it.
That also means that you are not a murderer. There is never, and I mean never, a
use for your sword on a person. The only time to use it is cutting cloth, or
getting out that dirt between your fingernails. Besides, you suck at swordplay.
If you want to use a meelee weapon, there's one that will work very well indeed.

7. Thou shalt use thy blackjack like I use your kid sister.

The blackjack is your practically your best friend. He can smash glass, knock
guards, and be used to crack open walnuts. If someone has their back to you,
for Mr. Blackjack to give them a kiss.

8. Thou shalt use thy eye.

For those of you who finished Thief 1, you may remember that at the end of the
game, Garrett's eye had been replaced with a mechanical one. Turns out this eye
has a pretty cool ability, other than being used with scouting orbs. You can use
the zoom command to zoom in and out, getting the lowdown of what's up ahead. A
must have for any respectable thief.

9-10. Thou shalt make up the laws as you go along.

You are a thief. That means that the laws don't apply to you. If there is ever a
time that you need to violate the laws to win, do it.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's get detailed on our first mission.
This is the story of two lovebirds. It's also the story of a house full of loot.