X-Men: Children of the Atom (1995) чит-файл №1

X-Men Children of the Atom: Combo FAQ by KwaliteeGamez

I played this game avidly in the arcades when it was hot (way back in 1994-
1995), and I had a lot of good combos and strategies for all the characters.
Unfortunately, the X-Men system was not very understood back then and Marvel
Superheroes pushed this game out of the spotlight before it was well learned.
I want to say 3 things before telling you guys everything I know:

(1) If you are coming from the versus series games back to COTA for some old
time fun, know that this game is probably the fairest of all - no infinites
(although there are 100% damage combos but hard to set up), no dominating moves
or characters, just a battle of pure skills - Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is
ridiculously easy to learn and get good at because it's so easy to play. Long-
winded, flashy combos are fiendishly difficult to do in COTA (but with some help
from me you'll get it, haha). Play this game just for a little bit, and you'll
appreciate what a good combo can be (not like the easy 15 hitters in the newer

(2) This FAQ is for everyone, but don't rip it off. Have some integrity :)

(3) I have listed 100% damage combos for some characters, including a movelist
and a step by step guide.
These combos are done on the arcade at the medium (default) damage setting, and
definitely work on characters with size and weight similar to Cyclops. They can
probably be adjusted to work on the extremely large characters and the extremely
small characters.

Anyways, here we go....


Most of you veterans can skip over this

Punch/kick notation:

I'll use the old school SF notation

Weak punch: Jab
Medium punch: Strong
Hard punch: Fierce
Weak kick: Short
Medium kick: Forward
Hard kick: Roundhouse

Movement notation

D: Dashing
C: Crouching
SJ: Super Jumping
J: Jumping
DJ: Double Jumping
XX: Cancel the move before this with the move after this
OTG: Attack your opponent while he is down

Differences between this game and the versus series games:

1. Normal moves can be interrupted with normal moves if they follow in the
chain, can be interrupted anytime, can be interrupted regardless of whether they
hit or not.
Translation: If your character has a Jab-Strong-Fierce combo chain, you can
press them one after the other and they will chain whether you are hitting your
opponent or thin air - you can interrupt a move even before its done with
another normal move in the chain, etc.

2. Normal moves can be interrupted with super jumps.

3. There is no official "air combo" - to go up in the air with your opponent
after launching him, you must press the lever Down-Up motion instead of just
holding up after a launching attack.

4. Rolling and throw counters - Rolling is now done with lever direction + 3
punches (in the direction you want to roll). Throw countering is done the same
way (towards + Strong/Fierce as you are thrown). More on this later.

5. Getting up from the ground - this can be interrupted by a special move or a
super move.
Translation: you can use a super or special move to "get up" ANYTIME you want.
Example: You sweep me (Wolverine). I'm on the floor, and I do a Berserker
Barrage - it will come out right away regardless of whether I've gotten up or

6. Throws are very powerful in this game and they are important to winning -
don't hesitate to throw, and watch out for throws. More on this later, as
throwing is a complete strategy of its own in this game (unlike the versus

7. Your super bar is not filled up by simply executing normal moves. You must
hit your opponent or do special moves to charge it.

8. When you do a super, you super bar is not drained immediately, it drains as
the super plays out - if you are interrupted in your super, you won't lose the
whole bar.

Throwing and Escape Maneuvers:

Safety Roll: When knocked down, press left/right + 3 punch to roll in that

Safe Fall: When thrown, Down+3Punch
Throw Counter: Towards+Strong/Fierce when thrown

*Notes on throws and throw counters*

Throw counters and safe falls cost half a super bar to execute.

Some characters have offensive throw counters, where they will attack the
opponent and escape being thrown - Iceman, Psylocke, Sentinel, and Colossus have
these types of counters. These counter throws count as throws and can be
countered like normal throws.

Characters without offensive throw counters are able to do safe falls (avoid
taking bounce damage). Their throw counters will merely allow them to escape
being thrown. These are: Cyclops, Wolverine, Spiral, Silver Samurai, and Storm.

No character has both an offensive throw counter and a safe fall.

Throwing is important in this game and can be included in a combo because no
escape is possible without half a super meter!

General Strategies:

- If your opponent blocks your normal moves up close, cancel with a super jump
to avoid retaliation on your whiffed combos

- Throwing is important to this game, so you better do it

- If you are near a fallen opponent, OTG or back off but do not wait for them to
get up, since getting up can be canceled with a special/move and you will be in
for a very nasty surprise if they get up with a super.

- If you get knocked down, roll immediately or cancel the get-up process with a
high priority move.

- Execute safe falls or throw counters always, to prevent nasty follow-up

The Combos:


*Special Moves*

Optic Blast: D, D/F, F, Punch
Punch strength varies the direction of the beam.

Gene Splice: (Ground Only) F, D, D/F, Punch
Punch Strength varies the forward travel of the move and the number of hits you
can do, press punch repeatedly to score more hits.

Running Tackle: (Ground Only) F, F, Fierce+Roundhouse
This is a throwing move, it's unblockable.

Rapid Punches: (Ground Only) F, F, Jab+Short
Press punch repeatedly to score more hits.

*Super Moves*

Tracking Beam: D, D/B, B, Punch - guide the beam with the lever (Full Bar)
Punch strength has no effect on this move

Mega Optic Blast: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar) (Ground Only)

Ground Combo Chain: Weak, Medium, Hard
Jumping Combo Chain: 2 Hit Weak to Hard (any 2 attacks in ascending order of
strength will chain)
Super Jump Chain: Weak, Medium, Hard

*Useful combos*

S. Fierce XX Gene Splice
S. Short, S. Forward, S. Roundhouse

*Flashy combos*

In corner, Strong Throw, S. Strong, SJ. Roundhouse, SJ. Roundhouse, SJ. Fierce
Follow this up with whatever you like, I tend to do Strong Throw out of corner,
Mega Optic Blast


Cyclops can double jump. Throw whenever possible, and follow it up with a
super, optic blast, gene splice, or a variation of the flashy combo described


*Special Moves*

Drill Claw: Direction + Punch+Kick(of same strength)
Strength of punch&kick used controls speed, range.

Tornado Claw: (Ground Only) F, D, D/F, Punch
Punch varies height, number of hits, horizontal range

*Super Moves*

Berserker Barrage: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar) (Ground Only)

Healing Factor: D, D/B, B, 3Kick (Ground Only)

Berserker Speed: D, D/B, B, 3Punch (Ground Only)

Ground Combo Chain: Any kick to any punch
Jumping Combo Chain: Any kick to any punch
Super Jumping Chain: Short, Jab, Forward, Strong, Roundhouse, Fierce

*Basic combos*

S. Forward, S. Forward, S. Fierce, XX Drill Claw

C. Roundhouse, S. Fierce, XX Drill Claw (DIZZY COMBO)

C. Roundhouse, C. Fierce (2 hit), XX Berserker Barrage, Tornado Claw (can add
tornado claw in corner only)

*Flashy combos*

In corner, S. Roundhouse, SJ. Jab, SJ. Strong, SJ. Roundhouse, SJ. Fierce

In corner, S. Roundhouse, SJ. Short, SJ. Jab, SJ. Strong, SJ. Strong, SJ.
SJ. Roundhouse (2 hit), SJ. Fierce, XX Drill Claw (diag down), SJ. Down+Forward
Works best on opponents Cyclops-sized and larger.


Wolverine can bounce off walls. Whenever you do a Strong Throw, (he claws, then
flips the guy over his head), follow up with the dizzy combo listed above.
Actually, abuse his dizzy combo.

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup - Start with you in the corner, full super meter, and your opponent right
in front of you

Strong throw (they will get thrown into the corner), OTG C. Roundhouse, C.
Fierce(2hit) XX Fierce Tornado Claw, !opponent is now dizzy! you are now back in
the corner. Strong throw (they will get thrown into corner again), OTG C.
Roundhouse, C. Fierce (2hit) XX Berserker Barrage, S. Roundhouse, SJ. Short, SJ.
Jab, SJ. Strong, SJ. Strong, SJ. Roundhouse(2hit), SJ. Fierce XX Drill Claw
(diag down)

Step-by-step: Strong throw is a must to start, and MASH THE BUTTONS!! If you
don't, you won't score enough damage to kill them at the end. OTG with C.
Roundhouse, add the Fierce, and make sure the Fierce hits twice! Cancel the
Fierce into a Fierce Tornado Claw - MASH THE BUTTONS. If you did exactly as I
said, they will be dizzy. Fierce Tornado Claw is critical since you will cross
them up so you will end up in the corner again. Strong throw again and MASH!
C. Roundhouse, C. Fierce again and make sure the Fierce hits twice, then
Berserker Barrage and MASH THE BUTTONS! They will get thrown in the air at the
end, and you will be able to catch them on their way down with a S. Roundhouse.
Super Jump after them and perform the final chain and they are dead!

Omega Red:

*Special Moves*

Carbnadium Coil: D, D/F, F, Punch
Punch varies direction, tap punch after catching to drain life, tap kick to
drain super meter, stick direction + punch to throw - can slam on ground twice
by motioning D+punch twice.

Air Carbnadium Coil: D, D/F, F, Any punch or kick
Button used varies direction, same control as above

** The Carbnadium Coil can be escaped as if it were a throw (using a throw
counter motion)

Omega Strike: (Ground Only) D, D/F, F, Kick
Kick strength varies direction, press B+kick to return to starting position,
D+kick to end move.

*Super Moves*

Omega Destroyer: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar)(Ground Only)
*Opinion* Probably the best super in the game, inescapable, high damage, high
block damage, and can be used in OTG combos, doesn't drain your meter quickly

Ground Combo Chain: Any punch to any kick
Jumping Combo Chain: Any punch to any kick
Super Jumping Chain: Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse

*Combos* (he doesn't have many useful ones)

In corner, Dash, C. Fierce, S. Roundhouse, Strong Coil, Energy Drain, Throw into
corner, OTG

In Corner, S. Strong, SJ, Air Dash, SJ. Jab, SJ. Fierce, SJ Roundhouse,
Carbnadium Coil, Drain, Throw
*WARNING* This combo is incredibly difficult! Strong knocks them up, you need to
super jump and air dash just after you leave the ground, so you are only a tiny
little bit off the floor as you start your dash, then you have to press the rest
of the combo as FAST as possible and then watch the position of your opponent so
you know what direction coil to throw.


Omega Red can air-dash. Whenever the opponent is knocked down, always jump to
catch them OTG with the coil, or OTG with Omega Destroyer. Whenever you throw
and are near the corner, either coil them or super them. Always use the Fierce
throw (the body slam). The Omega Destroyer is an excellent OTG move. If your
opponent is running low on life, catch him with the coil, throw straight up,
then position yourself underneath him and perform the Omega Destroyer such that
it begins when your opponent is just above your head - he will take block damage
from TWO sets of coils.

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup: You with a full super, your opponent in the corner. This combo only
works if your opponent cannot roll.

J. Fierce, C. Fierce (6 hits), S. Roundhouse XX Strong Carbnadium Coil, Drain,
Coil throw X2,
OTG S. Fierce !opponent is dizzy! Dash next to opponent, Omega Destroyer, Jump,
Air Dash over opponent,
OTG Roundhouse Carbnadium Coil, Drain, Throw, OTG S. Fierce

Step by step: Dash in with a J. Fierce, when you land, do a C. Fierce and make
sure it hits at least 6 times (watch the combometer for when it reads 7 or 8),
cancel into a S. Roundhouse when your Fierce has hit enough times, then Strong
Coil to catch them - drain them for as long as possible, then for the throw,
hold the stick directly down while pressing punch quickly to slam them into the
ground twice. OTG with S. Fierce and they should be dizzy. If they aren't then
you weren't hitting enough in the previous combo. Run up and Omega Destroyer.
Now if they roll, they can escape the next part of the combo. If they can't,
air dash over their body, do a Coil straight down to catch them, drain for as
long as possible, then throw them straight down. OTG with S. Fierce when you
land to finish them.


*Special Moves*

Psi Blast: D, D/F, F, Punch
Punch strength varies direction of blast

Psi Blade Spin: D, D/F, F, Kick
Kick strength varies direction of spin, can do 3 spins consecutively by
interrupting a spin with the a kick of a different strength (D, D/F, F, Short,
she spins, Forward, she spins, Roundhouse, she spins)

Taunt: Start

*Super Moves*

Psi-Thrust: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar)
Press Direction+3Punch during the move to change directions

NinJutu: D, D/B, B, 3Punch (Ground Only)
Hold a punch or kick after you do the motion to determine which image is the
real one.
Press Start to taunt during the Ninjutu - then press and hold one of the 6
buttons for the duration of the taunt
to change the position of the real Psylocke - each button corresponds to a
different image.

Ground Combo Chain: Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse
Jumping Combo Chain: Any punch to any kick
Super Jumping Chain: Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse

*Useful combos*

C. Short, C. Strong, C. Roundhouse, OTG Jab Psi Blast

Dash, S. Jab, S. Short, S. Strong, S. Fierce

*Flashy Combos*

In corner, Dash, S. Jab, S. Short, S. Strong, S. Forward, S. Fierce, S.
Roundhouse XX Psi Blade Spin x3

Dash, C. Short, C. Fierce, SJ. Jab, SJ. Short, XX SJ. Psi Blade Spin x3


Psylocke can double jump. OTG always with a Jab Psi-Blast - they do very high


*Special Moves*

Ice Beam: D, D/F, F, Punch
Punch strength varies beam direction

Ice Avalanche: Punch + Kick (of same strength)
Button strength varies location where ball will drop

*Super Moves*

Ice Fist: D, D/B, B, 3Punch (Ground Only)

Arctic Attack: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar)

Ground combo chain: Any punch to any kick
Jumping combo chain: Any punch to any kick
Super Jump chain: Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse

*Combos* (he doesn't have many besides basic chains)

In corner, Dash, S. Fierce, S. Roundhouse, XX Arctic Attack, J. Fierce (as he
comes down) - after
this combo, one more hit will dizzy him

Dash, C. Roundhouse, SJ. Jab, SJ. Strong, SJ. Forward, SJ. Fierce

Dash, S. Strong, S. Roundhouse XX Strong Ice Beam


Iceman takes no block damage and will not be pushed back by most energy attacks
- including optic blasts, optic blast supers, Sentinel's Plasma Storm, and
Psylocke's Psi-Blast. His strong throw is one of the most potent
in the game - unfortunately you cannot control the direction of the throw, it
will always be in the direction you are facing. Quickly follow a throw with a
Fierce, Roundhouse, Ice Beam chain, or any combo listed above. In the air,
Down+Fierce will result in Iceman throwing a ball of ice downwards. In the air,
Down+Roundhouse will result in a downwards kick attack with good forward range
The above 2 attacks can be chained for a good jump-in combo.

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup: Your opponent in the corner, you right next to them with a full super

Strong Throw, J. Fierce, J. Roundhouse, S. Roundhouse XX Arctic Attack, Dash S.
Fierce XX Medium Ice Avalanche
!opponent is dizzy! Strong Throw, Ice Fist activation, Dash C. Roundhouse, SJ.
Jab, SJ. Strong, SJ. Fierce

Step by step: Strong throw to freeze and get some extra damage, then jump in,
chain the J. Fierce and J. Roundhouse together, and press S. Roundhouse as soon
as you hit the ground, AND CANCEL INTO ARCTIC ATTACK as FAST AS YOU CAN. If you
are a little slow with this, they will be able to block your super and you won't
be able to finish the combo. As they fall from the Arctic Attack, dash in and
hit them out of the air with S. Fierce, and cancel into the Strong+Forward Ice
Avalanche. This is not supposed to hit them! You need to do it so you have
enough super meter to do an Ice Fist later. Your opponent will be dizzy after
the Dash S. Fierce, now Strong Throw them to freeze, then activate the Ice Fist,
dash and launch them with S. Roundhouse, and do the last air chain to finish
them off.

Silver Samurai:

*Special Moves*

Shuriken: D, D/F, F, Punch
Punchs strength varies projectile speed - can guide projectile with joystick

Rapid sword slash: Punch repeatedly, or F, D, D/F, Punch (Ground Only)
Punch strength does not matter, can tap F, F during the move to dash

*Super moves*

Raimeiken: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar)

Multi-Images: D, D/B, B, 3Kick (Ground Only)

Elemental Sword: D, D/B, B, Punch (Jab: Fire, Strong: Ice, Fierce: Lightning)
(Ground Only)

Phase Out: D, D/F, F, Kick

Super Shuriken: D, D/B, B, 3Punch (Full Bar) (Ground Only)
Can guide the shurikens with the lever

Ground combo chain: 2 hit, weak attack start to any other attack
Jumping combo chain: 2 hit, weak attack start to any other attack
Super jump chain: 2 hit, weak attack start to any other attack

*Useful Combos* (as you can see he really isn't a comboing kind of guy)

C. Short, C. Fierce XX Shuriken (or Super Shuriken or Raimeiken if in the

*Flashy Combos*

A little bit away from the corner: S. Roundhouse, XX Jab Shuriken, S.
Roundhouse, XX Jab Shuriken, S. Fierce


Silver Samurai's Fierce throw is preferred - follow it up with any standard OTG,
Super Shurikens, Raimeiken, or take advantage of the time to activate one of his
power-up supers. Many of his attacks have 2 steps:
His S. Strong has a downslice, then an upslice - His S. Fierce has a big hit
upwards, and if you press Fierce again, it will tack on a low hit after (see
100% combo below)

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup: You with a full super meter, your opponent in the corner.

Activate Multi-Images, activate Ice Sword, J. Fierce, S. Fierce (2hit) -
opponent will be frozen. Dash J. Short, J. Fierce,
(opponent is frozen) S. Fierce !opponent is dizzy! Dash J. Short, J. Fierce,
Dash J. Short, J. Fierce ..... about 5 times. When they have very little life
left, tack on a S. Fierce to the end of the 2 hit chain to finish them off

Step by step: Make sure your Multi and your Ice is active, J. Fierce, S. Fierce,
and press the S. Fierce to get another hit, which is like many extra hits with
the multi images on, and your opponent will be frozen. Now dash with J. Short,
J. Fierce chained in the air to hit and refreeze your opponent, wait just a sec
and then S. Fierce. The reason you wait is so that the S. Fierce does not combo
with the 2 jump-in hits, letting it do more damage (he's frozen anyways so
you'll get the hit). Now the tricky part - you must do the J. Short, J. Fierce
chain repeatedly, which incidentally refreezes them every time so you can do it
again. It only works because J. Short is a kick, NOT a sword attack. The kick
thaws the opponent out, the chained J. Fierce refreezes them. Do as many as you
can before the Ice Sword runs outt, you should have just enough time. On the
last chain when they are low on power, hit them with S. Fierce to finish them


*Special Moves*

Dancing Sword: F, D/F, D, D/B, B, 3Punch
Punch to throw one sword forward, D, D/F, F, Punch to throw all - punch strength
varies direction

Quick Fall: D, D/B, B, Fierce (Air Only)

*Super Moves*

Mega Morph: D, D/F, F, 3Punch, Punch when close to grab (Full Bar)
The grab is unblockable.

Power up dances: D, D/B, B, Kick (Short: Strength, Forward: Speed, Roundhouse:
Invisible) (Ground Only)

Position Switch: D, D/B, B, Jab

Teleport to Center: D, D/B, B, Strong

Special Knife Throw: Activate Dancing Sword, D, D/B, B, Kick (Short: Spread
Forward: Ring, Roundhouse: Seeker) - these moves require you to have half a bar
to be able to execute, but they drain very little super energy by themselves

Ground combo chain: Any kick to any punch
Jumping combo chain: Any kick to any punch
Super jumping chain: Weak, Medium, Hard

*Useful combos*

S. Short, S. Fierce

S. Forward, SJ. Jab, SJ. Fierce


If you are able to land a ground or air Fierce throw, Spiral will jump up, lift
the opponent over her head, then
throw them down - you can move in close to their falling body and catch them
with another throw, which can then
be followed up by an air attack or an OTG.
Her jump is very slow but her super jump is very fast - try not to do normal
jumps too excessively.
In the air, Down + Fierce is a downwards swipe (good for jump-in) while a
neutral Fierce is a forward attack with
3 arms.
OTG always with S. Fierce

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup: You with full super meter, opponent in corner

S. Forward, SJ. Jab, SJ. Strong XX Mega Morph Activation, Mega Morph Grab,
(land) S. Forward, SJ. Jab, SJ. Strong,
SJ. Roundhouse !opponent is dizzy! S. Forward, SJ. Jab, SJ. Forward, SJ.
Roundhouse, SJ. Forward, SJ. Roundhouse

Step by step: Pretty straightforward, launch with S. Forward, do the 2 punch
chain, cancel into Mega Morph Activation and make sure it hits (just try to be
as close as possible), then grab them as they fall with the super grab (try to
get it as high as possible), you land before they do, so S. Forward to relaunch
them, do the 3 hit chain and they will be dizzy! Now, launch them again, do SJ.
Jab, SJ. Forward, SJ. Roundhouse - the Roundhouse stuns them long enough for
you to tack on a SJ. Forward, SJ. Roundhouse to the combo, which finishes them!


*Special Moves*

Shoulder Charge: D, D/F, F, Kick (Ground Only)
Kick strength controls the speed and angle

Spinning Throw: D, D/F, F, Punch (Ground Only)
Spin the joystick during the windup to do more damage

Ground Lift: Over fallen opponent, D+Punch

*Super Moves*

Super Armor: D, D/B, B, 3Punch (Ground Only)

Dive Bomb: D, D/F, F, 3Punch, Punch again to dive (Full Bar)

Ground combo chain: 2 hit, weak start to any attack
Jumping combo chain: 2 hit, weak start to any attack
Super jump combo chain: Any kick to any punch


C. Roundhouse, OTG Short Shoulder Charge

S. Short, S. Roundhouse, SJ. Roundhouse, SJ. Fierce (this combo does incredible
damage for so few hits)

C. Roundhouse XX Dive Bomb, press punch immediately to dive and OTG


Throw like crazy, even more so than with the others. Always use the Strong
Throw (piledriver), dash up to his
fallen body, pick it up again with the ground lift, then do a C. Roundhouse, OTG
Short Charge
Always either lift fallen opponents or OTG them with the Roundhouse + Charge

*100% Damage Combo*

Setup: You with a full super meter, opponent in the corner

J. Down+Fierce, S. Roundhouse, SJ. Roundhouse, SJ. Fierce !opponent is dizzy! S.
Short, S. Roundhouse XX Power Bomb
(hit the opponent on way up), Dive (hit opponent on the way down), OTG C.
Roundhouse XX Short Charge

Step by step: J. Down+Fierce, S. Roundhouse to launch and do incredible damage.
The hard part is scoring the 2 hit chain
in the air - make sure you press Roundhouse as soon as you leave the ground for
the super jump, let it hit, then chain a
SJ. Fierce onto it. Now they are dizzy, hit with S. Short, S. Roundhouse to
launch, cancel into the Power Bomb. Hit them
once on the way up, then dive down for another hit. Press Punch to dive AS SOON
AS POSSIBLE - you need to dive hit them
in midair not OTG or else they will be able to easily escape the last 2 hits!
OTG them with C. Roundhouse canceled into a Charge to finish.


*Special Moves*

Typhoon: D, D/F, F, Punch

Flying Thunder Attack: Direction + Punch+Kick (Same strength)
Strength of buttons controls speed, can change direction once during move by
performing the move
again with different direction

*Super Moves*

Lightning Storm: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Full Bar)

Hail Storm: D, D/F, F, Start (Full Bar) (Ground Only)

Flying: D, D/B, B, 3Punch

Wind Control: D, D/F, F, 3Punch (Blow away) D, D/F, B, 3Punch (Blow towards)
(Ground Only)

Ground combo chain: Any punch to any kick
Jumping combo chain: Any punch to any kick
Super jump chain: Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse

*Combos* (Storm sucks for combos)

In corner, Dash S. Fierce, S. Forward, XX Typhoon, Dash S. Fierce
If you aren't in the corner, you won't be able to add the last hit

In corner, C. Short, C. Fierce, SJ. Short, SJ. Fierce XX Flying Thunder Attack


Storm can air dash.


*Special Moves*

Rocket Punch: D, D/F, F, Punch (best projectile in the game IMHO)
Strength of punch varies direction

Sentinel Force: D, D/F, F, Kick (Short: 3 in a row, can guide with lever,
Forward: Stacked 3
straight ahead, Roundhouse: Carpet Bomb)

*Super Moves*

Plasma Storm: D, D/F, F, 3Punch - Press Punch repeatedly to cycle through power
levels - yellow,
light purple, dark purple, blue. When power level is set, press punch
repeatedly to fire additional shots
(Full Bar) (Ground Only)

Flying: D, D/B, B, 3Punch

Ground combo chain: 2 hit, weak start to any attack
Jumping combo chain: Any kick to any punch
Super jump chain: Short, Jab, Forward, Strong, Roundhouse, Fierce


The only combo you will ever need to know with this guy

S. Forward XX Fierce Rocket Punch


CANCEL every normal move you do into a correctly directed ROCKET PUNCH. That's
the key to playing with Sentinel. Follow up his air throws with an OTG
Roundhouse or Rocket Punch. On the ground, use his Strong throw, and follow it
up with a C. Roundhouse XX Rocket Punch. In the air, Down+Fierce will result in
a rotating body press which may sometimes stun an opponent. In the air,
Down+Roundhouse will result in a windmilling foot-blade attack. This move is
essential to pressuring a grounded opponent.
In the air, Down+Strong will result in him dropping downwards with his attack.
In the air, the direction of his J. Forward can be controlled with the joystick.

If you have any questions about the stuff listed here, things to add, etc
E-mail KwaliteeGamez, pw_18@hotmail.com