Call of Duty: Black Ops чит-файл №5

• Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "players"
directory in the game folder.
• Change the value of the seta monkeytoy "1" line to seta monkeytoy "0".
• Save the file, then change its attributes to read-only.
• Press ~ at main menu to display the console window, then enter one of the
following codes to start at the indcated map

Map Code
Kino Der Toten - /devmap zombie_five
Pentagon - /devmap zombie_pentagon

• After the map loads, press ~ again to display the console window, then
enter one of the following cheats:

Effect Code
God mode - /god
Juggernaut - /demigod
Ammunition - /give ammo
No clipping mode - /noclip
Flight mode - /ufo
Extra weapons - /give all
Set player speed - /g_speed [number]
Unlimited ammunition - /player_sustainammo 1