XIII чит-файл №2

While playing, press [F2] to bring up the input box, then type any of the
following cheat codes:

healme # - Add Health (# is a number 1-100)
maxammo - Max Ammo

To activate XIII cheats in the demo use Notepad to edit the "user.ini" file in
the "\ubi soft\xiii\system" folder. Find lines where keyboard buttons are
defined and bind the desired code to a preferred button:
ghost - Fly mode
walk - Disables fly mode
god - God mode
allammo - Get ammo
summon xiii.MiniUziPick - Get Miniuzi
summon xiii.GrenadPick - Get Granate
summon xiii.MagnumPick - Get Magnum
summon xiii.FullMedPick - Get Medi Kit
summon xiii.GiletMk1Pick - Get Light Vest
summon xiii.GiletMk2Pick - Get Heavy Vest
summon xiii.FGrenadPick - Get Grenade
summon xiii.CasquePick - Get Helmet
summon xiii.FusilChassePick - Get Hunting Gun
summon xiii.MicroPick - Get Microphone
summon xiii.m60pick - Get M60n
summon xiii.kalashpick - Get Kalashikov
summon xiii.FusilSnipePick - Get Sniper Rifle
summon xiii.LHarponPick - Get Harpoon Gun
summon xiii.BazookPick - Get Bazooka
summon xiii.ArbaleteX3Pick - Get Crossbow 3x
summon xiii.ArbaletePick - Get Crossbow
summon xiii.SilencerPick - Get Silencer
summon xiii.TKnifePick - Get Knife
summon xiii.Bottle3DecoPick - Get Bottle
summon xiii.Bottle2DecoPick - Get Bottle
summon xiii.MedPick - Get roofridge Aid
summon xiii.FusilPompePick - Get Shotgun
summon xiii.AutoFullMedPick - Get Full Health
summon xiii.HookPick - Get Hook
summon xiii.BerettaPick - Get Beretta
For example, setting the F2-F4 lines in the following way:
F4=summon xiii.MiniUziPick
will enable you to use [F2], [F3] and [F4] keys to activate god mode, get ammo
or get Mini Uzi.