MI kind of love button mashing action games and it looked pretty much like it. It was actually what I expected, but the thing is that it's buggy, doesn't have keyboard settings (and default gamepad laout is kinda weird too). Story is boring: generic fantasy world, generic fantasy forest, generic OP girl. Story doesn't even mean much here: it looks more like excuse to drop slimes on your head to beat them from day to day. Gameplay is pretty much button mashing to kill stuff. Yes, it gets harder and harder, there's RPG elements and so on, but the problem is that you don't really need to think or adapt somehow. In the end of the day the best strategy is to just try again and get experience to get more powerful so you will get through. And the problem with that -- it's just more efficient strategy than trying to adapt and think. I've got to day 37 and it pretty much the same shit over and over again. Even bosses are more like regular enemies that you will meet, just bigger. I've tried to beat the game, but it gets just too boring to me.
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